- Weight Loss Mechanism
- Contraindications
- Rules of Use
- List
- Overview of the Most Effective
- Recipes
herbalists recommend resorting to fat burning herbs when striving for long term weight loss since they are the most effective. Diuretic herbs or appetite suppressants work in this niche. The former removes excess fluid but doesn’t change your shapes since body fat stays intact. Appetite suppressants give a short term effect and only decrease appetite. However, there are extracts that influence directly lipolysis, providing reliable results without any harm to your health.
Weight Loss Mechanism
Most often people try three well proven ways to remove fat folds: go on a diet, engage in intensive training or resort to liposuction. Few people consider the existence of methods that are much simpler and safer for their health than all of the above.
Fasting exhausts your body. Workouts either dry up your body or grow your muscles that doesn’t help to lose weight. Surgical intervention is always fraught with consequences and complications.
We suggest considering herbs for weight loss as an alternative. You can prepare healthy herbal decoctions and infusions with them, take them for a certain time (in courses) and achieve long lasting results.
Here is how simple plants can change such complicated biochemical processes in your body:
- contain substances capable of destroying fat cells;
- normalize metabolism, especially lipolysis — fat cleavage to acids and their removal from the body. This process actively involves hormones like glucagon and growth hormone. Herbal extracts help to produce them;
- inhibit inulin production that impedes the process of lipolysis;
- have thermogenic effect, meaning they help to increase your body temperature, causing faster burning of fats.
As a result, you can achieve excellent results that no diet can give:
- lose up to 10 kg (22 lb) of weight per month;
- lost weight doesn’t come back since the lipolysis process is well adjusted and prevents your body from accumulating fat reserves again (though for this purpose it’s desirable to correct your nutrition);
- correct your shape in the most problematic areas (herbal therapy will get rid of visceral fat on your belly, bulges on the sides, waist, buttocks, thighs, and arms);
- medicinal plants’ rejuvenating and restorative effects guarantee that there will be no stretch marks or cellulite on your body after weight loss.
What is most important: herbs that burn fat will always have a therapeutic effect if you have any health problems. Diets and intensive workouts are contraindicated by many health conditions. If you choose the right medicinal plant that helps from your illness you can avoid these prohibitions.
Interesting: When exercising or being on a diet your body starts to seek energy reserves within. First, it uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stored in muscles. Once it finishes, carbohydrates are used — glucose from your blood and glycogen from your liver. Only when these reserves are exhausted (and this takes a very long time), subcutaneous fat cells start to be ultimately consumed. Therefore, fasting and training are not an option for quick weight loss. However, herbal medicine allows to achieve the desired result promptly.
In spite of all the benefits herbs that burn fat have, consider using them cautiously. They contain a lot of active ingredients that can be harmful at high concentrations, and with regular use. To avoid this, it’s desirable to refuse from this method of weight loss if you have certain contraindications, including:
- individual intolerance;
- life threatening conditions that require immediate medical intervention;
- oncology;
- mental and venereal diseases;
- septic and infectious diseases;
- diseases at an acute stage: bronchial asthma, hypertensive crisis, asthmatic status, myocardial infarction etc.
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- pancreatitis, peptic ulcer (weight loss is generally not recommended in these conditions).
If despite these contraindications you still start drinking herbs that promote fat burning you can experience unpleasant side effects:
- allergic reaction (demonstrates in nasal congestion, permanent sneezing, cough, skin rash);
- disorders of the digestive system (diarrhea, nausea, stomach ache and discomfort, flatulence, bloating);
- exacerbation of existing diseases;
- lethargy, decreased efficiency, drowsiness;
- psychotropic effects: irritability, sharp mood swings, tearfulness, depression.
To avoid these complications, always consider your health status and don’t take unnecessary risks. If you are not sure whether you can take herbs that burn fat and promote weight loss in such an intensive mode (you will need to drink the infusions very abundantly and frequently), better consult a specialist on your condition or address a herbalist.
Keep in mind: Medicinal plants usually have their own contraindications that are specific to them. Therefore, when choosing a certain herbal preparation, be sure to find out the cases when it shouldn’t be used for health reasons. For example, nettle shouldn’t be used in case of poor blood clotting, plantain — in case of gastritis etc.
Rules of Use
If you set a goal to lose weight with herbs that will efficiently and quickly burn subcutaneous fat, at first you should study how to use them correctly to achieve the desired result. Dosages, schedule, additional efforts — all of these are significant.
Here are some tips from experienced herbalists that will help to get the maximum out of phytotherapy.
- In order to determine whether you can use a certain herb, visit a doctor and take medical tests. Consult specialists.
- If you plan to collect medicinal plants yourself choose places far from industrial zones and cities since these plants have a tendency to absorb harmful substances from the atmosphere.
- Learn how to dry the raw materials appropriately: not under the scorching sun, but in a well aired and warm room. Store the raw materials in paper bags and sort them out regularly.
- It’s a misconception that home-made herbs are much healthier than purchased ones. The latter doesn’t contain any medicinal impurities, but the mixtures are composed very competently taking into consideration the proportions of all the ingredients. Therefore, they may be preferable.
- You can choose multipurpose mixtures that combine herbs that decrease appetite and burn fat which will increase your efficiency.
- To achieve weight loss, you’ll need to drink at least 3 glasses of the drink per day.
- The treatment course lasts for 3–4 months.
- Drink the drink either half an hour before the main meal or half an hour after it. Never drink with meals.
- Herbs that burn fat need to be supported by proper nutrition and exercises that will enhance the result. This can be a light low carb diet or simple exclusion from the diet of harmful products. Light cardio workouts, morning runs, walks, swimming — any physical activity will be very useful.
- It’s not recommended to take any medications simultaneously.
If you plan to use herbs from the drugstore (ready made herbal preparations) the dosage and infusion recipes should be indicated on the package or in the instruction inside the box. Try to follow them strictly. This will help to avoid side effects and achieve maximum result.
Tip for women: Many herbs shouldn’t be used during menstruation, since they affect blood flow. Therefore, find out whether the herb you chose belongs to them. If yes, don’t be discouraged. Just give your body a rest during your period and then continue taking it.