What would be dietary and good for your soul when you are on a diet and count every calorie eaten? What to do when hunger makes your thoughts revolve around food only, the craving for something sweet becomes unbearable, and you do not even want to look at kefir and buckwheat? All these hardships can be overcome if for the entire period of weight loss you stock up on berries — fresh and frozen, garden and forest, red and green. Healthy, juicy, low-calorie — they will save you from falling off the wagon and will become an excellent addition to your diet.
Why do nutritionists strongly recommend losing weight on berries? It has been scientifically proven that their regular consumption contributes to weight loss, due to:
- low calorie content, which will fit into any diet;
- a large amount of vitamins that normalize the functioning of the body;
- the fat-burning effect possessed by flavonoids and antioxidants;
- acceleration of metabolic processes (due to micro and macro elements);
- containing natural glucose;
- supplying the necessary energy.
The fat-burning effect and accelerated metabolism — are the main functions that provide guaranteed weight loss. According to nutritionists, just 500 g of any berries per day — and even without dieting, with proper nutrition, you can lose 1 kg per week. Safe, healthy, and effective!
This is interesting. Endocrinologists advise diabetics to regularly consume blueberries and blackberries. They reduce blood sugar levels. This property simultaneously contributes to weight loss.
Choose a color
The color of berries is due to the bioactive substances contained in them. If you know which processes in the body they participate in, they can be used purposefully for weight loss.
Strawberries, raspberries, viburnum, goji, cranberries, red currants, red mountain ash, cherries.
They are useful for those who decided not to be satisfied with one diet and are actively involved in sports. They give strength and energy, supply energy. Relieve self-doubt. Improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins. Recommended for anemia.
Cloudberry, sea buckthorn, hawthorn.
They will help those who suffer from compulsive overeating lose weight since they relieve depression. Strengthens immunity. Improves blood circulation and digestion. Recommended for increased mental stress since it activates cognitive abilities.
Gooseberry, grapes.
Excess weight is often accompanied by hypertension and heart problems. In this case, during weight loss, it is imperative to include green berries in the diet. They lower blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Relieve headaches – a frequent companion of diets.
Gooseberry, some varieties of raspberries and rose hips.
They are useful for cleansing the liver and intestines. So, they can be actively consumed during fasting days and in detoxification programs.
Blackberries, black grapes, blueberries, acai, chokeberry, black mountain ash, honeysuckle, black currant.
They will help maintain a diet for those who are nervous and do not sleep well. They have a calming effect.
There are not many of them — almost brown, dark red grapes, and well-ripened gooseberries. But their role in losing weight can hardly be overestimated: only they are able to normalize the hormonal background, which often becomes the cause of excess weight. They have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, neutralize allergens, improve the condition of the skin.
Be careful! With gastrointestinal diseases, you can’t eat a lot of berries. This threatens heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis, and ulcers.
Are frozen useful?
Without a doubt, fresh berries contain the maximum amount of nutrients, so their benefits for weight loss are not in question. But is it preserved when frozen? What to do if you need to lose weight in the winter?
It turns out that frozen berries retain:
- a complete set of vitamins and minerals;
- taste when frozen instantly;
- caloric content;
- useful properties.
But they also have disadvantages:
- frozen, like fresh, can cause allergies;
- when re-frozen, they lose useful substances and properties;
- store-bought, due to non-compliance with the rules of procurement, storage, and transportation, can provoke food poisoning.
So, for weight loss, you can equally use fresh and frozen berries.
Forest or garden
Forest berries are smaller than garden berries, and they always have a lot of insects. And city dwellers often don’t have the opportunity to collect them in nature. Therefore, most people prefer to grow berry crops on their own summer cottages or buy them in stores. After fertilizers and good care, they often reach gigantic sizes, there are no pests on them, so they deceptively seem healthier.
In fact, nutritionists and nutritionists unequivocally call forest berries more beneficial for overall health and for weight loss in particular. For example, French scientists compared the properties and composition of garden and wild raspberries. In the latter, there were 3 times more minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants than in the former. This is because in the natural environment, plants actively fight for survival and have stronger immunity. Gardeners do not need this since they will be protected from pests and other adverse factors.
Therefore, if it is possible to consume forest berries, weight loss will proceed much faster. Nutritionists call cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, and strawberries the most useful.
Tips for losing weight
To lose weight, you can:
- organize a diet for 2 weeks, daily including 500 g of different berries in the diet (daily calorie content — no more than 1,500 kcal);
- every 10 days, arrange fasting berry days;
- against the background of proper nutrition, actively consume berries, including them in low-calorie dishes.
At the same time, one must not forget about the basic rules of losing weight: eat less, move more, drink plenty of water, do not get nervous, get enough sleep, breathe fresh air, and follow the daily routine. Without these components, berries may be powerless in the fight against excess weight.
Helpful advice. Many people are allergic to strawberries. But this is the only case when they still cannot give up this yummy, as everyone who has a similar reaction to any other product is forced to do. It turns out that fermented milk drinks neutralize allergens contained in this berry. If you eat it with kefir, yogurt, or plain milk, there will be no side effects.
Caloric content — 160 kcal. GI — 14.
Dark purple fruits of the Brazilian palm. Acai is believed to promote active weight loss because:
- have a pronounced fat-burning effect;
- provide long-term satiety;
- improve digestion;
- normalize metabolism.
However, there is no scientific evidence base for their benefits for weight loss. In addition, it is a tropical berry, and the healthiest