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Apples for Weight Loss: What Happens If You Eat Them at Night and Will They Actually Help?

  • Why is it so popular?
  • Nutritional value
  • Important information
  • Limitations
  • Recipes

Diet, for many of us, is associated with the appearance of almost total disappointment with food. Especially if there is a plan to turn the extra kilograms into a shortage. Are you ready to change your mind and read about a certain diet that has become increasingly popular in recent years?

Why is it so popular?

Apple trees grow everywhere from the subtropics to fairly severe climatic conditions. This is a very common and year-round available fruit, which has dozens of basic varieties.

It is difficult to say exactly when nutritionists began to recommend apples for weight loss. Their beneficial properties were studied long ago (remember the good old tales). Famous Russian and Soviet scientists – S.P. Botkin, A.G. Zakharyin, A.L. Myasnikov, G.F. Lang – highly recommended eating and drinking them for overall wellness.

Here’s a clue. Are you terribly hungry after training? Try eating an apple after working out at the gym, dancing or other active exercises. This will help to cope with the feeling of hunger and at the same time will not create a serious burden for the tired body.

Nutritional value

Apples are 97% carbohydrates, 2% proteins, and 1% fats. This is a food with a low glycemic index: 30 for whole fruit and 40 for juice. They contain eight times more iodine than bananas and 13 times more than oranges. Plus key vitamins – A, B vitamins, C, E, K and the most important minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, fluoride. And also:

  • organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, tartaric);
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols.

The last of these organic compounds are known for their ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the blood.

Do apples promote weight loss? Don’t pin too much hope on these fruits. If your diet literally “lives” with large portions of fried, fatty foods, fast food, colored sodas and endless cookies, cakes and buns, then don’t expect to get a normal weight and a slim figure.

Which apples are best for weight loss? The answer to this and other questions is below.

Important information

Read carefully the basic questions and answers. This knowledge will help you make the most of it.

What are the benefits of losing weight on apples?

The fiber that is found in their pulp and peel has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Organic acids effectively fight against fat deposits. Add to this the low calorie content in combination with the nutritional value and pleasant taste – we get an excellent product for snacks and “emergency” meals.

Does the color of the peel matter?

Green apples are considered preferable for weight loss, because they contain more acids that burn body fat. There is a small limitation, which will be discussed later. But if you especially like red or yellow-skinned fruits, then eat them.

Can you eat a lot of apples?

Several factors are important here: whether you are using any other foods in addition for weight loss (such as ginger), how much you plan to lose weight, how quickly you want to do it. In general, each of us has our own “a lot”. So a complete answer will be formed in practice. If there are obvious signs of indigestion, then the number of apples eaten per day is clearly excessive.

Are dried apples good for weight loss?

Properly harvested fruits retain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Plus, they can be stored for a long time. Just be careful when buying. It is better not to buy over-dried fruits, pieces of which are literally petrified or crumble in your fingers. The slices should be elastic. It is also important to remember that dried fruits are more caloric.

Can I eat apples in the evening?

There are many jokes about those who like to visit the fridge in the evening and/or at night. And all conscientious fighters against excess weight are strongly advised not to eat after six p.m. in principle. But what if there was a hard day at work, a tiring journey home, and even a visit to the gym or pool? Hunger can simply go through the roof.

In this case, you can have an apple for dinner. Just check to see how your body responds. If nighttime visits to the toilet become more frequent, then it is better to choose something else for dinner.

Let’s debunk some myths. There is a belief that an apple before bed is an excellent replacement for a toothbrush. Indeed, this fruit, like carrots, is excellent for getting rid of plaque. However, organic acids and sugar harm the tooth enamel. Conclusion: if you ate an apple at night, then brush your teeth!

“Apple” morning: yes or no?

Definitely yes, unless it’s the only thing you’re planning to eat for breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal, it simply has to be complete. And an apple on an empty stomach will help with this: it will start the qualitative process of digestion, give the body a portion of vitamins/microelements, and also prevent overeating.


Contraindications for the apple diet are practically nonexistent. It is only in two cases that caution should be exercised.

Have you been diagnosed with gastric diseases with increased acidity of gastric juice? Perhaps any sour fruits are not for you, try to buy sweet ones. If you still strayed into sour ones, then think about how significant the benefits of baked apples for weight loss can be. Just be sure to cut out the core.

But for people with low acidity of gastric secretion, the double benefits of green apples for weight loss are undoubted. In such cases, sour varieties are recommended to maximize digestion.

Be careful. With any digestive problems, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance about the apple diet.


Dietary apple dishes are a vast culinary field. Here are some basic recipes.

  • Apple, beet and carrot salad

This is a real master of body cleansing. Take one large apple, and vegetables (it is better not to boil them, there will be more benefits) – of medium size. If you categorically do not want to eat raw beets, then boil them. Fruits and vegetables need to be grated coarsely, season with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Read about these wonderful vegetables that help to lose those extra pounds in our articles: “Lose Weight with Beets” and “Carrots for Weight Loss”.

  • Soaked apples

Today, this has become an almost forgotten product. Completely undeservedly: the taste is great, and they can be stored for a long time. If you have capacious glass jars with a wide neck and suitable polyethylene lids on your farm, then try the following recipe:

  1. Put clean, undamaged apples in jars washed with soda and scalded with boiling water, alternating them in layers with sprigs of mint, raspberries, black currants, lemon balm, and cherry leaves.
  2. The top layer is made up of leaves, they should lie tightly.
  3. Add dry mustard (no more than a tablespoon).
  4. You will need a fill. For one liter of water, take 15 g of salt, 30 g of honey and 20 g of rye flour.
  5. The flour should be diluted in a small amount of warm water. Boil the remaining water and mix all the ingredients in it.
  6. Pour the filling into the jar to the top, close the lid tightly, keep it warm for five to seven days, and then for four to six weeks in the cold. You’re done!

Soaked apples retain all their beneficial properties

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