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Can You Eat Apples at Night for Weight Loss?

  • Why is this so popular?
  • The presence of beneficial substances
  • You need to know this
  • Limitations
  • Recipes

Many people associate any kind of diet with a complete loss of pleasure from eating. Especially if the goal is to turn excess weight into its absence. Are you ready to change this view and learn about a diet that has become increasingly popular in recent years?

Why is this so popular?

Apple trees grow almost everywhere, from the subtropics to regions with a fairly harsh climate. This is a very common fruit, available all year round, with dozens of main varieties.

It is hard to say when exactly nutritionists began recommending apples for weight loss. Their beneficial properties were identified very long ago (remember old fairy tales). Famous Russian and Soviet scientists – S. P. Botkin, A. G. Zakharin, A. L. Myasnikov, G. F. Lang – strongly recommended dishes and drinks with them for general health improvement of the body.

Note. Does exercise cause incredible hunger? Try eating an apple after a gym workout, dancing or other active event. This will help to cope with hunger and at the same time not create a serious burden on a tired body.

The presence of beneficial substances

Apples consist of 97% carbohydrates, 2% proteins, 1% fats. This is a product with a low glycemic index: 30 for the whole fruit and 40 for the juice. It contains eight times more iodine than bananas, and 13 times more than oranges. Plus key vitamins – A, group B, C, E, K and essential minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, fluorine. As well as:

  • fruit acids (malic, tartaric, citric, tartaric);
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols.

The latter organic compounds are known to reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.

Do apples contribute to weight loss? Do not be overly hopeful about these fruits. If your diet literally “contains” large portions of fried, fatty dishes, fast food, colorful sodas and endless cookies-cakes-buns, then do not expect a healthy weight and a graceful figure.

Which apples are best for weight loss? The answer to this and other questions – below.

You need to know this

Carefully review the basic questions and answers to them. This knowledge will help you achieve maximum benefit.

What are the benefits of losing weight with an apple diet?

Fibre in the pulp and peel has a beneficial effect on digestive processes. Fruit acids effectively fight fat deposits. Add to this a low calorie content combined with nutritional value and pleasant taste – we get an excellent product for intermediate and “emergency” meals.

Does the color of the peel matter?

It is believed that green apples for weight loss are preferable, as they contain more acids that burn fat. There is a small limitation, which will be discussed later. And if you especially love red fruits or with yellow skin, then use them.

Can you eat a lot of apples?

Different factors are important here: do you still eat any other products for weight loss (for example, ginger), how much do you plan to lose weight, how quickly do you want to do it. In general, each of us has our own “a lot”. So a full-fledged answer will be formed in practice. If there are obvious signs of indigestion, then the number of apples eaten per day is clearly large.

Are dried apples good for weight loss?

Properly prepared fruits retain all the essential vitamins and minerals. Besides, they are stored for a long time. Just be careful when buying. It is better not to buy too dry fruits, pieces of which have literally turned to stone or crumble in your fingers. The slices should be elastic. It is also important to remember that there are more calories in dried fruits.

Can you eat apples in the evening?

There are many jokes about lovers of evening or nighttime raids on the refrigerator. And all conscientious fighters against extra weight are strongly advised not to eat at all after 6 pm. But what if there is a hard day’s work behind, a tiring journey home, or even a visit to the gym or pool? Hunger can simply go off scale.

In such a situation, you can very well have an apple for dinner. Just check if your body approves. If nighttime visits to the toilet become more frequent, it is better to choose something else for dinner.

Debunking myths. It is believed that an apple before going to bed can replace a toothbrush. And indeed, this fruit, like carrots, is excellent for getting rid of dental plaque. However, fruit acids and sugar are harmful to tooth enamel. Conclusion: ate an apple for the night – brush your teeth!

An “apple” morning: yes or no?

Definitely yes, unless it’s the only thing you cook to eat for breakfast. The morning meal is the most important one, it simply must be complete. And an apple on an empty stomach will help with this: it will start a high-quality digestion process, transfer a portion of vitamins/minerals to the body, and also prevent overeating.

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