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Beetroot juice may help lower blood pressure, expert says

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Doctor of Science in Nutrition Yelena Solomatina recommends drinking beet juice in order to reduce blood pressure. This is because beet juice contains nitrates.

The doctor explains that nitrates contained in beet juice are converted into nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator. Nitric oxide relaxes the walls of blood vessels (endothelium), while adrenaline causes their contraction, which usually happens during stress.

This helps prevent pressure spikes inside blood vessels, which in turn helps prevent the possibility of a heart attack or a stroke.

However, beet juice should not be considered as a cure for hypertension. It is just an accompanying measure that can only be considered after consulting a doctor.

**Journalistic articles cannot be used instead of medical recommendations. Before taking any decisions, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist**.

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