- What is better: a pool, a bath, or a shower?
- Home options
- In the pool
- Charcot shower
- Hydromassage
- How does water massage work?
- Nuances and contraindications
How do lose the uncomfortable fullness and get a desired slimness? It is mainly due to diets and sports. Massage, aimed at losing weight becomes perfect addition to this duo. Those, who love water, can choose the water procedures of appropriate profile.
What is better: a pool, a bath, or a shower?
How to massage the problem areas with the help of water? Let us consider different ways.
Home options
The most luxurious, though not cheap, can be recognized as the presence of the shower cabin or a bath with hydromassage in your own bathroom. Plumbing stores sometimes offer such equipment of a huge number of options.
Maybe, right now it is the time when you have to make repair in your own bathroom? Then think about it, maybe it is worth to allocate additional means to provide yourself with an opportunity to do water massage at home for losing weight (rise of tone, getting rid of fatigue).
Such plumbing is good because it allows not only to set the temperature of water, but also the power of water jets. This allows you to adjust the strength of the water impact (pressure) on the body.
Recommendations. The water pressure during the abdomen massage should not be higher than one atmosphere. The impact on hips is allowed at the level of two to three atmospheres. Higher pressure usually causes discomfort/pain.
Is there the minimalism in your home bathroom? Even in this case it is possible to arrange the sessions of water self-massage. Especially if you buy the special shower head. It is perfect if it has an ability to switch regimes with the help of special lever.
The following rules are related to any home hydromassage:
- the water should be warm or cool;
- it is necessary to change the water temperature in small steps in one and then in another direction, not making too sharp drops;
- it is also recommended to change the water pressure, making it a little bit weaker, then a little bit stronger;
- the procedure duration is not more than 20 minutes.
Of course, at home, especially in the absence of the special bath or shower, the hydromassage for losing weight will be less efficient than in medical and recreational centers (clinics, salons).
In the pool
If there is an opportunity to attend the good pool, then you have one of the best ways to lose weight – swimming. This occupation connects both physical activities and massage at the same time.
A modern pool with the hydromassage equipment
Fact. The water is 800 times denser than air (that is why it is possible to stay on its surface, and it is so hard to move in its thickness). During swimming the water resistance gives the light, but noticeable massaging effect.
Quite often the pools in well-being centers are equipped with the hydromassage jets. Thanks to this, it is possible to alternate swimming in the pool and water massage for losing weight.
If to arrange the swimming and massage sessions two-three times a week during the month, the positive result will show up quite fast and very noticeably. This option suits best of all for the losing weight in the hips and buttocks (for additional struggle with extra weight in these places you can do the simple, but efficient exercises, which we have already written about earlier).
Charcot shower
Such shower was invented in the nineteenth century by the psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot, who is the father of neuropathology. Like many more medical inventions, it was created for one purpose (treatment of the nervous diseases), but nowadays it solves different problems.
The Charcot shower is successfully applied for losing weight, but it should be done only in the medical institutions. The procedure takes place in the special room:
- the patient stands near the wall (often there is a handrail there, which is very comfortable to hold on);
- a nurse directs one or two jets to the body and carries out certain manipulations with them;
- after the procedure (on average it lasts from five to seven minutes), it is necessary to wipe dry and have a rest.
The Charcot shower is a very effective measure. Ten sessions at the interval of every other day are enough to agree with this statement. Powerful water jets not only promote losing weight, but also help to cope with the cellulite. However, the procedure is not always and not to everybody’s liking. Even a relatively low pressure can cause discomfort, though usually there should not be any pain.
One more professional type of hydromassage. For the procedure implementation the patient is laid in the bathtub of enough big sizes (as a rule it is 2 x 1 x 0,8 m), which is equipped with the nozzles and showers with different tips. The water can be fresh, sea or mineral (it is determined by the institution’s possibilities).
The massage is done by the professional, who exercises the problem areas with the help of showers. Everything happens almost the same way as in the usual massage: intensive water pressures alternate with the relaxing ones.
The duration of every procedure and the total quantity of sessions are discussed in advance with the specialist of the massage center and/or with the attending physician.
What to follow while choosing the technique? The best option is the doctor’s consultation.
How does water massage work?
In general – like any other (for example, for losing weight in the abdomen and on the sides). Do not believe that the water can “knock out” the subcutaneous fat from the body or wash out the extra lipids through the pores. But there is no doubt that it will activate the blood circulation, lymph flow, and the metabolic processes. Furthermore, in case of sufficiently strong water pressure (in the Charcot shower), the muscles strain reflexively, which further promotes losing weight.
It is important not to forget, that hydromassage alone will not help to get rid of the significant overweight. It will be efficient only in combination with the diet and practicable physical activities.
Nuances and contraindications
In any hydromassage it is necessary not to influence the mammary glands and armpits, crotch area, face, and genitals. It is strictly forbidden to have meal before the procedure, but it is useless to have the feeling of hunger as well. The time between having meals and visiting the health center should be one and a half hour. Until the whole course is over, especially if the sessions repeat every day or every other day, it is necessary to give up alcohol completely.
The contraindications for the procedure are standard:
- pregnancy (in the period of baby nursing – after the doctor’s approval);
- any acute diseases and conditions, even in case of the slight cold;
- skin diseases and damage;
- oncology;
- cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
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