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Intravenous and subcutaneous ozone therapy for weight loss: effective method or a waste of money?

  • The Essence of the Procedure
  • Types
  • Effect on the Body
  • Indications and Contradictions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Procedure Protocols
  • Rehabilitation Period

Ozone therapy was formerly a separate medical direction – young, promising, and quite actively used during the First World War as anesthesia and for wound healing. It is now treated with caution and considered as an unconventional approach in medical practice. It is only used to a limited extent in cosmetology, urology, and surgery. However, it has gained a firm foothold in cosmetology.

In particular, ozone therapy for weight loss is one of the alternative methods that can help you to get rid of excess weight and correct your figure in problem areas.

The Essence of the Procedure

Ozone is oxygen with one additional active molecule, which enhances all the oxidative processes in the body. It does not have a mutagenic effect on cells.

If you decide to use this method of losing weight, you need to be aware that it is a physiotherapeutic procedure that falls under the category of alternative medicine and involves the use of ozone generated by special devices (ozone generators).

This substance can be used topically, subcutaneously, or intravenously. For weight loss purposes, it is either administered subcutaneously in pure form or intravenously as part of saline or the patient’s own blood. It is toxic to the lungs if inhaled and dangerous when administered intravenously in pure form.

Etymology. The word “ozone” comes from the ancient Greek “ὄζω”, which means “to smell.” This is because the substance has a characteristic fresh smell that cannot be confused with anything else.


The following types of therapy are offered for weight loss.

  • Injection Subcutaneous

Injection subcutaneous ozone therapy is the most popular due to its painlessness and effectiveness. The problem area of the body with fat deposits is injected with the ozone-oxygen mixture using a syringe and an ultrathin needle. It takes a minimum of time, and the result lasts up to six months.

Since the waist is the most problematic area for women, injections are usually given into the abdomen and flanks. However, other areas can be easily treated as well: you can order weight loss sessions for the arms, legs, or even the back.

  • Intravenous

Intravenous (drip) ozone therapy is a more serious procedure, in which the mixture of ozone and saline is administered intravenously. It is considered to be more effective because it affects the entire body as a whole, rather than a specific area. It speeds up metabolism and breaks down fat cells throughout the body. The result, although not instantaneous, is long-lasting. However, many remain unhappy, noting a general improvement in health and better well-being, but at the same time very little weight loss.

The intravenous method is much more dangerous than the injection method. It can cause serious side effects with subsequent complications. In addition, it has a long list of contraindications.

  • Wraps

This method is intended for those who are afraid of injections. Here, ozone is a component of anti-cellulite mixtures, which are used in wraps for weight loss. Such local ozone therapy allows you to perfectly refine and correct problem areas on your body.

  • Massage

Corrective massage may involve the use of oils enriched with ozone. You will not see any particular weight loss effect, but cellulite dimples will disappear after a course of the corresponding procedures.

Despite such a variety of methods, the first two (subcutaneous and intravenous) remain the most effective and in-demand.

New Trend. Special baths and saunas are among the most innovative approaches to weight loss using ozone therapy.

Effect on the Body

Different concentrations of ozone are used for different procedures.

Depending on its oxygen saturation, it has the following effects on tissues:

  • stimulating – accelerates metabolism in cells;
  • intensifying blood flow – improves the supply of all the necessary nutrients to the tissues;
  • corrective – destroys fat cells and their contents, which become liquid and are easily removed from the body with the lymphatic flow.

An ozone-oxygen mixture

The results of injection ozone therapy include not only a reduction in the volume of fat deposits in the treated area. The condition of the skin in this area also improves significantly: its tone and turgor increase, and cellulite disappears. Cosmetologists consider these injections to be a great alternative to surgical liposuction.

Through the Pages of History. Ozone was discovered in 1785 by Dutch physicist M. van Marum, but received its name and practical use only in 1840 thanks to German chemist C.F. Schönbein.

Indications and Contraindications

Despite the debate, criticism, and skepticism, ozone therapy is a medical field, so the procedures should be performed strictly in accordance with the indications and contraindications.


  • cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • wrinkled, saggy, and loose skin;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • stretch marks;
  • scars and cicatrices;
  • vascular network;
  • acne.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypotension;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • menstruation and any other bleeding;
  • tumors of any origin;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • increased sensitivity to ozone-containing preparations (allergy to them);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • chronic diseases;
  • epilepsy.

Relative contraindications include poisoning, hypoglycemia, and recent myocardial infarction.

Did you know that… ozone is one of the most toxic and hazardous substances to human health?

Advantages and Disadvantages

Before deciding on ozone therapy as a method of weight loss, you need to undergo a medical examination to find out if you have any contraindications to it. The second step is to consider all the advantages and disadvantages – it makes sense to read the forums and reviews of those who have already undergone a weight loss course in this way.

Advantages for weight loss:

  • minimal pain during injections, comfortable conditions;
  • speed (an injection into even the largest area takes no more than 10 minutes);
  • low cost compared to other weight loss methods (for example, abdomen, back, shoulders, knees, arms – $20 each, waist – $25, buttocks and hips – $35);
  • ability to correct large areas of the body;
  • maximum result.

Advantages for overall health improvement:

  • increased immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antiviral effects;
  • prevention of fungal infections;
  • absence of fatigue and stress;
  • rapid healing and pain relief;
  • ozone is an antioxidant that can fight cancer cells;
  • stimulation of metabolism and rapid cell regeneration.


  • danger, pain;
  • large list of contraindications and side effects;
  • not recognized by official medicine;
  • results not always evident (cosmetologists believe that it depends on the individual
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