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Weight Loss Vitamins: Do They Help in Weight Loss?

  • Impact of Vitamins on Weight
  • Listings
  • General Recommendations
  • Selection Criteria
  • Complex Review

When a person has metabolic problems, they begin collecting excess weight. Sports and diets can be ineffective, since in case of metabolic disorders, they will not give the desired results. One of the attendant factors provoking this condition may be a deficiency of vitamins. Without vitamins, the processes of anabolism (destruction) and catabolism (synthesis) promote accumulation of body fat, not its elimination. Therefore, monitoring the amount of vitamins in the body is critical.

How Do Vitamins Affect Weight?

Vitamins play an important role in metabolism and weight loss. The majority of them are actively involved in metabolism. As soon as the body feels a deficiency of even one (or several) of them, the processes of splitting and synthesis of organic substances slow down. The instinctive mechanism of self-preservation is triggered: if fewer nutrients enter the body, it needs to begin accumulating them. As a result, weight increases, the amount of fat grows, and the waist expands.

In this situation, most people make an unforgivable mistake: they begin to diet. All of them presuppose restrictions not only on calories, but also on the amount of vitamins entering the body. As a result, instead of losing weight, the opposite process — weight gain — occurs.

In addition to accelerating metabolism, vitamins promote weight loss by other methods.

  • Are coenzymes

These are substances that regulate the normal functioning of digestion. When there aren’t enough of them, the stomach produces less gastric juices than necessary. As a result, food is poorly processed, remains in the intestines, and ferments. All of this leads to the undesirable accumulation of not only fat, but toxins as well (which also contributes to weight gain).

  • Eliminate hunger

A deficiency of vitamins causes severe hunger, which, once again, is a protective reaction of the body. Forcing a person to eat more, the body hopes to get from food what it lacks. Overeating and exceeding the daily calorie content of the diet invariably lead to the accumulation of fat.

  • Affect hormone production

A hormonal imbalance is a frequent cause of excess weight. Often vitamins are the culprit. For example, tocopherol is necessary for the production of a sufficient amount of estrogen, which has an effect on the menstrual cycle, body type, excess weight, and thickness of the fat layer.

Thus, vitamins, being participants in such important processes as metabolism, digestion, and hormone production, very strongly influence the presence or absence of excess weight. If other reasons have already been analyzed and no obvious factors provoking weight gain have been identified, this should be paid attention to.


And now to very important information: not all vitamins are equally useful for weight loss. Some of them do indeed actively participate in hormonal, metabolic, and digestive processes. Others perform completely different functions and have no relation to these aspects. Therefore, we recommend carefully studying the list below, which contains the most effective vitamins for weight loss.


Chemical Name: retinol (axeroftol, antixerophthalmic vitamin).

Role in Weight Loss: part of hormones, enzymes, helps the body absorb minerals: zinc (regulates production of insulin, reducing appetite); chromium (decreases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood); manganese (removes toxins from the body).

Sources: apricots, zucchini, carrots, sea buckthorn, peaches, tomatoes, plums, and persimmons.

Daily Value: 900 mcg.


Chemical Name: riboflavin.

Role in Weight Loss: regulates normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which in turn sets the optimal rate of metabolic processes.

Sources: hard cheese, milk, almonds, eggs, liver, kidneys, green vegetables, and fruits.

Daily Value: 1.8 mg.

B3, PP

Chemical Name: nicotinamide (nicotinic acid, niacinamide, antipellagra vitamin).

Role in Weight Loss: coordinates production of hormones by the thyroid gland, controls blood sugar level, which helps reduce appetite.

Sources: fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel), chicken, turkey, liver, eggs, cottage cheese, brown rice, prunes, dried apricots, wheat bran, and oatmeal.

Daily Value: 20 mg.


Chemical Name: choline.

Role in Weight Loss: regulates lipolysis; its quantity in the body is proportional to the concentration of the hormone responsible for the breakdown of fat. Normalizes liver function, which participates in cleansing the body.

Sources: egg yolks, liver, peanuts, cucumbers, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, vegetable oil, and yeast.

Daily Value: 425-550 mg.


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