- Weight Loss Mechanism
- Possible Harm
- Recommendations
- Variations
After a series of holidays, you don’t feel like looking at yourself in the mirror or standing on the scale. In order to quickly return your body to its previous shape, to remove extra pounds, various detox programs are used, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. One of the most gentle and enjoyable options is a curd fasting day, which is suitable for any woman. The main product is available, inexpensive and easy to digest, so losing weight on it will be a pleasure!
Weight Loss Mechanism
A properly organized and regularly observed curd fasting day is able to work wonders with your body. Only during the day, many useful processes for weight loss are launched, including:
- internal organs are enriched with protein and calcium, which take an active part in the body’s metabolism;
- as a result, your metabolic rate is significantly increased, which is the key to losing weight;
- satiety is achieved;
- additional energy is released, so that you are not threatened by fatigue or drowsiness;
- muscle mass is preserved;
- the nervous system is in a state of calm, so a bad mood will not become a problem.
Carbohydrate-free fasting day on cottage cheese (provided that no additional products are consumed) can give impressive results – you can lose up to 1 kg.
Useful tip. If you use homemade cottage cheese for a one-day fasting day, the result will be even more noticeable. After all, it is much healthier than store-bought cottage cheese.
Possible Harm
Contributing to intensive weight loss, fasting days on cottage cheese can create a certain stress for the body. In some cases, this can have negative consequences for your health. Therefore, before resorting to such a way of losing weight, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and possible side effects.
- allergy to protein, dairy products;
- pregnancy;
- hypertension;
- breastfeeding;
- liver or kidney pathologies;
- high stomach acidity;
- problems with the digestive system;
- cardiovascular diseases.
Side effects
- allergic reactions: rash on the skin, shortness of breath, swelling, itching;
- abdominal pain;
- bloating;
- diarrhea;
- constipation;
- flatulence.
If you feel a sharp rise in blood sugar, then you made a mistake: either ate too much of the main product, or chose a product with too high a percentage of fat. If you have diabetes, then it is better to use only a fat-free variety. In this situation, do not continue to test your body for strength. Eat something light, and next time approach the choice of cottage cheese more carefully.
From around the world. Cottage cheese is a versatile product that can be combined with nuts, herbs, fruits, honey and other healthy treats. The 37th US President Richard Nixon ate it with nothing more than … ketchup.
To get the most out of a fasting day, try to follow the available recommendations. They are compiled by experts, taking into account the experience of those who have already tried such a hunger strike on themselves.
- Try to plan such a day on a day off or take a vacation. This will help you to adhere to the chosen diet more clearly.
- During the day, drink about 2 liters of water.
- If possible, make homemade cottage cheese to avoid industrial additives that reduce its beneficial properties.
- Use only fat-free cottage cheese.
- Do not add salt, sugar, or other seasonings to improve the taste of the product.
- Walking in the fresh air will uplift your spirits and have a beneficial effect on brain activity.
- Avoid heavy exercise. To maintain some physical activity, walk more, in the morning you can do light exercises, if desired.
- Classic scheme: the recommended daily norm is 300 grams of cottage cheese, divided into 3 or 6 meals (100 or 50 grams).
- Allowed drinks: kefir (complements protein intake), green tea (has a diuretic effect).
The day before, try to exclude all harmful products from the diet (fried, fatty, salty, smoked, etc.), reduce portions, and drink more water. This will help to some extent prepare your body for the upcoming stress, allowing it to adapt faster and start all the necessary processes for losing weight. The same principles of healthy nutrition should be followed the day after fasting day. A competent exit is the key to maintaining the result.
Interesting fact. Cottage cheese is an ideal protein product for compiling a complete diet for bodybuilders.
If, for some reason, the classic scheme of a fasting day based on cottage cheese alone does not suit you, then there are other options to choose from. Any additional products used should not cause allergies and be low in calories.
- With kefir
You can try a full protein fasting day based on cottage cheese and kefir, which complement each other perfectly. You can combine them in one dish, make protein shakes from them, or consume them separately – it doesn’t really matter. If both products are fat-free, the body will have to spend all its energy on digesting protein, and this is a complex and time-consuming process.
Recommended daily allowance: 300 grams of cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir.
If you make a curd-kefir cocktail, then you can drink it only three times a day, and quench your hunger between meals with small portions of kefir.
Result: minus 0.8 kg.
- With eggs
Another option is cottage cheese and eggs, or rather egg whites. The principle of losing weight is the same as with kefir. However, the scheme of consumption of products is slightly different:
— breakfast, lunch, dinner: 100 grams of non-fat cottage cheese;
— before breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, before going to bed: 1 boiled egg white.
Egg yolks are best excluded from the program, as they are high in calories.
You can lose up to 1 kg.
- With milk
Another option for a protein fasting day is losing weight on cottage cheese with milk (it should also be either fat-free or 1% fat). It is best to make a hearty and healthy protein shake from these products. You can drink it three times a day. And in case of severe hunger between meals, you can afford to drink milk.
Recipe: beat 50 grams of the main product and 200 ml of milk in a blender. For flavor, you can sprinkle with cinnamon or decorate with a sprig of mint.
Thanks to the pleasant taste, nutritional value and results of minus 1 kg, this express weight loss option is the most popular among all those based on cottage cheese.
- With fruit
Losing weight on cottage cheese with fruit is an easy and quick way to lose weight in just 1 day. The main thing is to choose fruits that are low in sugar and calories. Fruit in such a cleansing program acts as a source of fiber. It does not actively enter the bloodstream, but swells in the intestines, absorbing moisture (for this reason, after eating fruit, you should drink a glass of any liquid). It is digested for a long time, and then simply excreted from the body, taking toxins, harmful substances, and excess fluid along with it