- Weight loss mechanism
- Possible harm
- Recommendations
- Variations
After a series of holidays, one does not want to look at oneself in the mirror and to step on scales. To bring back the body in the proper form to get rid of the taken kilos, various detox-programs are used that clean the body from toxins and excess liquid. One of its most gentle and tasty versions is a fasting day on cottage cheese that any woman can afford. The main product is available, inexpensive, easily absorbed, so to lose weight with it will be a pleasure!
Weight loss mechanism
The fasting day on cottage cheese, properly organized and correctly sustained, works real wonders with the body. Just in days many processes promoting weight reduction are activated:
- a body gets saturated with protein and calcium which are active participants of a metabolism;
- because of this the metabolism is noticeably accelerated that it is very important at weight reduction;
- feeling of hunger is satisfied;
- additional energy is released therefore there is no syndrome of fatigue and drowsiness;
- muscle weight remains;
- a nervous system comes to a state of rest therefore there will be no depression.
Carbohydrate-free fasting day on cottage cheese, (in case of non-consumption of additional products) allows to achieve a good result — the loss can reach up to 1 kg of weight.
Useful advice. If within the framework of a one-day unloading program to use home-made cottage cheese, the results will be even more impressive. As it is much more useful than the store.
Possible harm
By promoting intensive weight reduction, fasting days on cottage cheese force the body to experience the strongest stress. In certain situations it can turn in negative health effects. Therefore, before losing weight in this way, familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and possible side effects.
- Allergy to dairy, protein products;
- pregnancy;
- hypertension;
- lactation;
- pathologies of a liver or kidneys;
- the increased acidity of a stomach;
- problems with digestion;
- cardio-vascular diseases.
Side effects
- Allergic reactions: skin rashes, shortness of breath, puffiness, an itch;
- abdominal pains;
- bloating;
- diarrhea;
- constipation;
- flatulence.
If your sugar has risen, therefore you have made one of mistakes: either you have eaten too much of the main product, or you have chosen too large a percentage of its fat content. At diabetes it is better to use exclusively skimmed weight. In such situation it is not necessary to test the body any more. Eat something from dietary and for the future choose cottage cheese more carefully.
A thread from the world. Cottage cheese is universal product that perfectly combines with nuts, greens, fruit, honey and other delicacies. The 37th president of the USA Richard Nixon used nothing but ketchup.
To make a fasting day most effective, try to adhere to certain rules. They are created by specialists and taking into account experience of those who already tested such hunger strike.
- Try to do such day on a weekend or on vacation. So it is possible to adhere to the chosen diet more clearly.
- Daily norm of water should be 2 liters.
- If it is possible, prepare the cottage cheese at home that to exclude industrial impurities which reduce its favor.
- The cottage cheese should be necessarily skim.
- Do not use for the improvement of taste salt, sugar and other spices.
- The walk in the open air will lift mood, will positively affect brain activity.
- Give up intense trainings. For maintenance of motor activity walk more, also easy morning exercises are allowed.
- Classical scheme: daily volume of cottage cheese — 300 grams that are evenly distributed (on 100 or 50 grams each) into 3 or 6 receptions.
- Allowed drinks: kefir (strengthens the protein emphasis), green tea (has diuretic action).
On the eve try to exclude from the diet all harmful products (fried, zhirnenkoe, salty, smoked, and so on), to the maximum reduce volume of portions, to drink more water. It will allow you to prepare the body for the forthcoming stress though a little — so it will adapt faster and will start all necessary processes of weight reduction. The same principles of a healthy diet it is desirable to adhere to also after day of unloading. The correct way out — pledge of preservation of the achieved result.
It is interesting. Cottage cheese is an ideal protein product for full nutrition of an organism with the minimum calorie
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