- Weight loss mechanism
- Possible risks
- Recommendations
- Options
It is not surprising that after a series of holidays, you do not want to look in the mirror or stand on the scales. To restore your body to its previous shape and get rid of the extra pounds, it’s become fashionable to resort to various detox programs that help cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. One of the most gentle and delicious options is a curd fasting day that is available to every woman. Its main ingredient is affordable and inexpensive, it is easily digested, and therefore losing weight with its help is a pleasure!
Weight Loss Mechanism
A properly organized and consistently observed fasting day on cottage cheese does amazing things with the body. During the 24 hours, many processes that contribute to weight loss are activated in it:
- Organs receive a lot of protein and calcium, which actively participate in metabolism;
- Due to the above, metabolism increases significantly, which is very important for weight loss;
- Hunger is satisfied;
- Additional energy is released, as a result of which fatigue and drowsiness do not occur;
- Muscle mass is preserved;
- The nervous system is brought to a state of rest, so that there is no depressed mood.
A carbohydrate-free fasting day on cottage cheese (if you do not use additional products) allows you to achieve good results – weight loss can be up to 1 kg.
Helpful advice. If, as part of a one-day fasting program, you use homemade cottage cheese, the results will be even more impressive. After all, it is much healthier than its store-bought counterpart.
Possible Risks
By promoting intensive weight loss, fasting days on cottage cheese expose the body to serious stress. In some cases, this can lead to negative health consequences. Therefore, before losing weight in this way, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and possible side effects.
- Allergy to protein, dairy products;
- Pregnancy;
- Hypertension;
- Lactation;
- Diseases of the liver or kidneys;
- Increased acidity of gastric juice;
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- Cardiovascular diseases.
Side effects
- Allergic reactions: skin rashes, swelling, itching, suffocation;
- Abdominal pain;
- Flatulence;
- Constipation;
- Diarrhea;
- Increased gas production.
If your blood sugar has increased, then you have made one of the mistakes: either you have exceeded the norm for eating the main product, or you have chosen its fat content too high. With diabetes, it is better to use only fat-free cottage cheese. In this case, it is better not to experiment with your body. Eat something dietary, and next time take a more responsible approach to the choice of cottage cheese.
Interesting facts from around the world. Cottage cheese is a versatile product that goes well with nuts, herbs, fruits, honey and other delicacies. The 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, preferred to eat it with ketchup.
To get the most out of fasting, try to follow certain rules. They are compiled by experts and taking into account the experience of those who have already experienced such a hunger strike on themselves.
- Try to make this day a day off or a vacation day. So it will be easier for you to adhere to the chosen diet.
- The daily rate of water consumed should be 2 liters.
- If possible, cook the cottage cheese at home to avoid industrial impurities that reduce its usefulness.
- The fat content of the curd should be zero.
- Do not use any spices, salt or sugar to enhance its taste.
- Walking in the fresh air will improve your health, have a beneficial effect on your brain activity.
- Give up intense training. To maintain activity, walk more, light morning exercises are also allowed.
- The classic scheme: the daily volume of cottage cheese is 300 grams, which is evenly distributed (100 or 50 grams) for 3 or 6 meals.
- Acceptable drinks: kefir (enhances the protein component), green tea (has a diuretic effect).
The day before, try to exclude from your diet all harmful products (fried, fatty, salty, smoked, etc.), minimize portions, drink more water. This will allow you to partially prepare the body for the upcoming stress – this way it will adapt faster and launch all the necessary processes for weight loss. It is advisable to adhere to the same principles of healthy nutrition the next day after the unloading program. Proper nutrition is a guarantee of maintaining the achieved result.
Interesting fact. Cottage cheese is an ideal protein product for bodybuilding.
If the classic version of a fasting day exclusively on cottage cheese does not suit you for some reason, you can always find another option. Additional products should not be allergens and have a low calorie content.
- With kefir
You can arrange a complete protein fasting day on cottage cheese and kefir, which perfectly complement each other. You can combine them in one dish, you can make protein shakes from them, you can use them separately – it doesn’t matter. If both products are fat-free, then the body will have to spend all its energy on the digestion of protein, which is long and difficult to digest.
The recommended daily allowance is 300 grams of cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir.
If you cook a cocktail of cottage cheese and kefir, then you can drink it only three times, and all the other time drown out the feeling of hunger with small portions of kefir.
Result – minus 0.8 kg.
- With eggs
Another option is cottage cheese and eggs, or rather egg whites. The mechanism of weight loss is similar to that of kefir. However, the scheme of consumption of products will be different:
– breakfast, lunch, dinner: 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese;
– before breakfast, dinner, afternoon snack, before bedtime: 1 boiled egg white.
It is better not to include the yolk in this program, as it is more caloric.
Weight loss can be up to 1 kg.
- With milk
Another option for a protein unloading program cannot be ignored – losing weight on cottage cheese with milk (it should also be fat-free or 1%). It is better to make a hearty and healthy protein shake from these products. You can drink it three times a day. And if between these meals you feel an unbearable feeling of hunger, then it is allowed to drink milk.
Recipe: beat 50 g of the main product and 200 ml of milk with a blender. For taste, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or put a sprig of mint.
Excellent taste of the drink, its nutritional value and the result of minus 1 kg are the main reasons why this express weight loss program is the most popular among all curd programs.
- With fruit
Losing weight on cottage cheese and fruits in just 1 day can be easy and simple. The main thing is that the latter should be unsweetened and low-calorie