- Weight loss mechanism
- Possible harm
- Recommendations
- Options
After the holidays, few people want to look in the mirror, much less stand on the scale. To understand how to get in shape and lose excess weight, all sorts of recommendations for cleansing the body of toxins and excess fluid, the so-called detox programs, are popular. One of their most gentle and tasty options is a curd-based fasting day, which any woman can afford. The main product is regular, low-cost cottage cheese, which is easy to digest, making weight loss with it as pleasant as possible!
Weight loss mechanism
A well-organized and strictly observed curd fasting day works wonders with the body. In just 24 hours, it triggers several processes that aid weight loss:
- The body is enriched with proteins and calcium, which play an active role in metabolism.
- Metabolism is significantly improved, which is important for weight loss.
- Hunger is effectively suppressed.
- Additional energy is generated, so there is no fatigue or drowsiness.
- Lean body mass is preserved.
- The nervous system is relaxed, helping to improve mood.
A no-carb curd fasting day (if you do not use any additional products) can yield good results—weight reduction by up to 1 kg.
Useful tip. If you use homemade cottage cheese as part of your one-day fasting program, the results will be even more impressive. It is much healthier than store-bought cottage cheese.
Possible harm
While curd fasting days do promote active weight loss, they can also be a significant source of stress for the body. In some cases, they can lead to negative health consequences. So before losing weight in this way, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and possible side effects.
- Allergy to protein, dairy products.
- Pregnancy.
- Hypertension.
- Lactation.
- Liver or kidney disease.
- Increased stomach acidity.
- Digestive problems.
- Cardiovascular diseases.
Side effects
- Allergic reactions: skin rash, shortness of breath, swelling, itching.
- Abdominal pain.
- Bloating.
- Diarrhea.
- Constipation.
- Flatulence.
If your sugar levels have increased, it means you have made one of the following mistakes: you have eaten too much of the main product, or you have chosen a cottage cheese with too high fat content. If you have diabetes, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese. Moreover, it is better to not experiment further. Eat something from your regular diet, and next time, choose your cottage cheese more carefully.
From around the world. Cottage cheese is a versatile product that pairs well with nuts, greens, berries, honey, and other treats. Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, ate it only with ketchup.
To achieve maximum benefit from a fasting day, it is important to follow certain rules. They have been developed by nutritionists and are based on the experience of those who have already tried fasting.
- Try to schedule your fasting day on a day off or a holiday. This will help you stick to your diet more strictly.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
- If possible, make your own cottage cheese to avoid industrial impurities that can reduce its benefits.
- The cottage cheese should be fat-free.
- Do not add salt, sugar, and other spices to improve the taste.
- Walking in the fresh air can improve your mood and have a beneficial effect on your brain activity.
- Avoid intense workouts. To keep your body active, walk more or do light morning exercises.
- Classic scheme: daily cottage cheese intake of 300 g, evenly distributed (100 g or 50 g) over 3 or 6 meals.
- Allowed drinks: kefir (it enhances protein absorption), green tea (it has a diuretic effect).
The day before your fasting day, try to exclude all junk food (fried, fatty, salty, smoked, etc.) from your diet, reduce your portion sizes, and drink more water. This will help your body prepare for the upcoming stress—it will adapt faster and begin the necessary weight loss processes. It is recommended to follow the same healthy eating principles the day after the fasting program. Properly ending your diet is the key to maintaining your results.
Interesting fact. Cottage cheese is an ideal protein product for a bodybuilder’s complete nutrition.
If for some reason the classic fasting day scheme on cottage cheese alone is not suitable for you, there are other options that you can try. Any additional products you choose should be non-allergenic and low-calorie.
- With kefir
You can have a complete protein fasting day on cottage cheese and kefir, which complement each other perfectly. You can combine them in one dish, make a protein shake, or eat them separately—it doesn’t really matter. If both products are low-fat, the body will have to spend all of its energy on digesting protein, which is a long and difficult process.
The recommended daily allowance is 300 grams of cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir.
If you are making a cottage cheese and kefir cocktail, you can drink it only three times, and satisfy your hunger with small portions of kefir in between.
The result is a weight loss of 0.8 kg.
- With eggs
Another option is cottage cheese and eggs, or more precisely, egg whites. The weight loss principle is the same as with kefir. However, the food intake scheme will be slightly different:
— Breakfast, lunch, dinner: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
— Before breakfast, during lunch, afternoon snack, before bedtime: 1 hard-boiled egg white.
It is better not to add the yolk to this program, as it is high in calories.
Weight loss of up to 1 kg is possible.
- With milk
Another option for a protein fasting program is to lose weight using cottage cheese and milk (it should also be fat-free or 1%). The best choice is to make a thick and healthy protein shake from these products. You can drink it three times a day. And if you feel very hungry between meals, you can drink milk.
Recipe: Mix 50 grams of the main product and 200 ml of milk in a blender. To improve the taste, you can add some cinnamon or put a mint leaf on top.
The delicious taste of the drink, its nutritional value, and the result of minus 1 kg are the main reasons why this express weight loss program is the most popular among curd programs.
- With fruit
Losing weight on cottage cheese with fruit for just 1 day is easy and simple. The main condition is that the fruit should not be sweet or high in calories. In this body cleansing program, they serve as a source of dietary fiber. Instead of