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Тыква для похудения: особенности употребления, 8 рецептов диетических блюд

  • Benefits
  • Harm
  • Slimming schemes
  • Sample menu
  • Recommendations
  • Recipes

Currently, the passion for this vegetable is gradually fading away, although it has been feeding entire families all year round since ancient times. The fruits are well preserved, which allowed peasants to prepare delicious dishes from them both in winter and summer. And you can cook anything: cereals, smoothies, soups, salads, pastries.

Modern nutritionists are trying to revive interest in a unique product. Considering the low calorie content (only 28 kcal) and beneficial properties for human health, it becomes clear why pumpkin is used in many diets.

Benefits for weight loss

Pumpkin contains many organic acids, vitamins (retinol, carnitine, tocopherol, calciferol, niacin, from group B), mineral elements (zinc, potassium, calcium), pectin, fiber. Thanks to them, it is used in dietetics as a means for losing weight, which allows both to lose weight and improve health.

It is useful in traditional medicine in that it relieves the condition in case of atherosclerosis, hypertension, impotence, anemia, liver cirrhosis, depression. Therefore, when going on a diet, be aware that all its medicinal properties will be a pleasant bonus for the body.

But here is how the weight loss itself occurs:

  • digestion improves;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • lipolysis is accelerated;
  • mood rises, which means that a person will not seize their problems with extra calories;
  • rapid satiety occurs, thanks to vegetable fiber, which reduces the size of portions;
  • work capacity and endurance increase (pumpkin is a natural energetic), due to which motor activity improves and more calories are burned.

But the benefits of pumpkin are not limited to this. For weight loss and body detoxification, it is used primarily due to the high content of vegetable fiber, which acts like a sponge, cleansing the blood, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. Raw fruits are especially good in this regard, having a mild laxative effect. But you need to be careful with them, since in large quantities they can lead to unpleasant intestinal disorders.


When planning to use pumpkin for weight loss, you need to take into account the contraindications to its active use. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, the condition will deteriorate and existing diseases will worsen.


  • diabetes mellitus in any form;
  • bloating;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypertension;
  • professional, active sports (a large amount of pumpkin in the diet with excessive physical exertion can slow down metabolic processes and provoke loss of muscle mass, not fat).

Side effects:

  • dehydration;
  • digestive disorders;
  • allergic rash;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • intensive loss of muscle mass.

Plant fiber has a powerful effect on the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system. While removing toxins, slags, and excess fluid, it also removes useful substances. Therefore, for serious diseases in this area, this method of losing weight and body shaping is far from the best.

Slimming schemes

You can lose weight with pumpkin in many different ways. For example, arrange fasting days every 7-10 days, removing 1-1.5 kg each time. And you can starve longer and minus 5-7 kg per week or 10 days, if you go on an effective pumpkin diet, which is gaining popularity. Choose the scheme yourself – there are many options.

Fasting days

  • Classic option

Eat up to 2 kg of pumpkin (raw, boiled, stewed, baked, etc.) during the day, dividing it into 6 meals, which are arranged at equal intervals.

  • On raw pumpkin

500 g of fresh pulp (usually during snacks) and 1 kg of heat-treated pulp are eaten per day.

  • On baked

2 kg of peeled pulp are cut into small cubes, baked without sugar until soft, eaten in small portions throughout the day (pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven retains the maximum amount of nutrients).

  • Pumpkin-curd

600 g of puree is prepared from these products, which must be eaten in 4 meals (150 g each), and during hunger attacks between them you can drink green tea or rosehip broth.

  • Pumpkin-apple

1 kg of pumpkin and 500 g of apples are eaten – it is better not to combine these products, but to alternate them.

  • On pumpkin juice

Every 3 hours during the day you need to drink a glass of pumpkin juice – this is the most rigid fasting day scheme, but with it you can lose up to 2 kg of weight, and in case of unbearable hunger you can always turn juice into a smoothie by adding berry or fruit pulp, or a cocktail by mixing a vegetable with dairy fat-free products.

Diet options

Other auxiliary products are also included in the diets based on the daily consumption of 1.5 kg of the base product (pumpkin):

  • with chicken (daily consumption – 600 g of boiled chicken breast) – a diet for 7-10 days, you can lose up to 5 kg, suitable for athletes, as it does not allow you to expend muscle mass instead of fats;
  • with kefir (up to 1 l) – for 3-4 days, minus 4 kg;
  • with carrots (up to 500 g) – long-term diets for any period;
  • with rice (a glass of brown rice cooked al dente) – for 3-4 days, minus 2-3 kg;
  • with apples (up to 500 g) – a weekly diet, minus 4-5 kg;
  • on raw pumpkin (no more than 500 g per day) – for 3-4 days, minus 4 kg;
  • on pumpkin porridge – any duration;
  • on pumpkin seeds (a glass per day) – no more than 3 days, minus 1-2 kg.

Sample menu

The most popular pumpkin diet is for 4 days. It involves limited consumption of other products (rice, apples and vegetables) and contributes to weight loss due to minimal portions.

The menu below is an example of a strict pattern. If it is too harsh for you, it can be slightly softened (!): Add an egg for breakfast, a small unsweetened fruit for lunch, a glass of fermented milk drink for an afternoon snack. Adjust the proposed option at your own discretion:


In order to get the most out of pumpkin, you need to know how to use it correctly within any fasting days and diets. This will avoid unpleasant side effects and achieve the desired result faster.

  1. Choose a vegetable with a pale yellow, not
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