- Best Slimming Veggie
- Cooking Recipe
- Sample Daily Menu
- Benefits and Detriments
- Braised Cabbage as Part of a Healthy Diet
The trend for healthy eating has been gaining more and more followers gradually. Experts write books about a healthy diet, celebrities maintain blogs on the topic, and a huge number of television programs are devoted to it.
Maintaining a slim body while maintaining health is largely due to healthy eating habits. And the basis of proper healthy weight loss is to reduce the total caloric content of the diet. Cabbage can help us with this.
Best Slimming Veggie
This particular white-headed beauty is an indispensable vegetable, with which you can prepare many hearty and low-calorie dishes. Cabbage can be stewed, fermented, made from it delicious salads, and you can also cook healthy soups.
Kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower, and white cabbage are used for weight loss. Why is it so popular for losing weight? The fact is that cabbage has many advantages over its garden counterparts:
- Very low calorie content – not more than 30 Kcal per 100 grams.
- Rich in vitamins, which are not destroyed during heat treatment.
- Low glycemic index, which provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
- It contains a huge amount of insoluble fiber, which gently cleanses the intestines and contributes to rapid weight loss.
The so-called braised cabbage diet is rapidly gaining popularity. Initially, it should be noted that this diet is not balanced, so you should follow this diet for a very short time – nutritionists recommend losing weight with this product for no more than three days.
Cooking Recipe
Many dieters wonder if it is possible to eat stewed cabbage while losing weight? Of course you may! However, it is worth noting that not every recipe for its preparation can be called a dietary dish.
For example, cabbage fried in a large amount of oil and seasoned with various flour sauces can in no case be called a low-calorie and healthy dish. Feel free to add 200 calories to the dish!
Important. To prepare stewed cabbage for weight loss, give up oil, and replace it with plain water.
For cooking, take an ordinary head of white cabbage weighing about 0.5 kilograms, one onion, and one carrot. Finely chop and pour boiling water over the vegetable. Simmer the onions and carrots in a pan until soft, then add the main ingredient to the pan. Season the dish, add a little water, and simmer until tender for about an hour. Add some fresh tomato juice to the pan as a gravy.
Tip. This dish is quite satisfying, and at the same time it contains very few calories. However, if you want to make it even more satisfying, you can add a little meat. It is preferable to use chicken breast or turkey fillet.
Sample Daily Menu
Here is an example of how you can use stewed cabbage when losing weight:
- breakfast – coffee without sugar and without milk;
- lunch – stewed cabbage with chicken;
- dinner – the same as for lunch, and tomato juice.
If you feel hungry during the period between main meals, you can eat a small handful of nuts or unsweetened fruit.
You should not eat stewed cabbage for more than three days when following a diet, so you should supplement the diet with other products.
Benefits and Detriments
Some people believe that heat treatment kills all nutrients in foods. Fortunately, this does not apply to cabbage.
Is stewed cabbage useful for weight loss? Definitely yes. Just one serving of this low-calorie and tasty product contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which can satisfy the daily requirement of a person. B vitamins also remain in it during stewing, which are extremely beneficial for mucous membranes and skin.
Many people with gastrointestinal diseases do not tolerate fresh vegetables. However, they can eat a stewed dish without any restrictions. In addition, such a stew helps to eliminate constipation.
However, despite all the benefits of eating stewed cabbage during a diet, it should be significantly limited in the daily diet for certain categories of people. This applies to those who:
- suffers from increased gas formation;
- has diabetes;
- has high stomach acidity;
- suffers from kidney disease.
Braised Cabbage as Part of a Healthy Diet
It is more correct to use stewed cabbage for weight loss as one of the components of a healthy diet. In this case, it is consumed several times a week, combined with lean meats or cereals. It can also be stewed in a slow cooker with vegetables and served for dinner as a side dish for fish.
Basic rules for including hearty stew in a weight loss diet:
- Do not get carried away with flour or mayonnaise sauces.
- Do not combine stewed cabbage with fried sausages or fatty meat.
- Mushrooms or chicken are the best additions to a healthy meal.
- A mixture of sugar and vinegar will help add sourness and piquancy to the finished side dish. To do this, mix one teaspoon of vinegar with the same amount of granulated sugar and add to the pan a few minutes before the end of cooking.
- Braised sauerkraut can also be used in the diet. This dish is very juicy and satisfying. You can serve homemade turkey sausages with this side dish.
- Prunes or raisins will help to give an unusual taste to the stewed dish, and you can make it more satisfying by adding beans or other legumes. However, this can lead to increased gas production.
Eating stewed cabbage, you can achieve great results in creating a body in a short period of time. However, do not overdo it and eat cabbage all day – this can cause serious harm to the digestive system.
As a rule, all express diets end with dieters eating foods that were previously forbidden after the completion of these diets. Therefore, carefully consider your menu and be not only slim, but also healthy!