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Appetite Suppressant Herbs: Top List for Effective Fast and Sustainable Weight Loss Alternatives

  • Effects on the body
  • Catalog
  • Contraindications
  • Instructions for use
  • Recipes

The reasons for gaining extra pounds are very individual: stress, sedentary lifestyle, genetics, postpartum period, age … this list can continue for a long time. Each of these factors requires an individual approach. If you are sure that your problem lies only in overeating, and you cannot cope with this ailment on your own, then there is a way out. Try using herbs that dull the feeling of hunger and give long-lasting fullness. Then you will not torment yourself for an extra bun, and the naturalness of the remedies used will have only a beneficial effect on the body.

Effects on the body

Herbs with such an effect have recently become a worthy alternative to pharmacy diet pills. Some of them achieve the desired result due to the removal of excess fluid (diuretics), others – by actively burning fat cells (fat burners), and still others – by controlling appetite (appetite suppressants). The latter are considered the safest for health, since according to doctors and nutritionists, they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They are usually classified as follows.

  • Mucilaginous (film-forming)

Getting into the stomach, these herbs envelop its walls with a special mucus. For some time, it becomes a kind of barrier that fights off gastric juice. But it is the presence of gastric juice that causes the feeling of hunger. When its access is blocked, the brain does not receive a signal for food intake. Thus, you will not overeat even when it is time for lunch. This means that you will consume fewer calories. As a result, you will lose weight.

  • Bulking

These appetite suppressants are real masters of deception. Once in the liquid, they swell, thereby signaling to the body that the stomach is full. Accordingly, it will not work to eat a lot. If, after taking a course of herbs, you switch to fractional nutrition, then the lost kilograms will not return. You just get used to eating small portions.

  • Neutralizing

The effect of these herbs is also associated with blocking gastric juice. But they differ from the first group in that they do not create a mucous barrier. These plants act directly on hydrochloric acid, reducing its concentration. As it decreases, so does the feeling of hunger. However, with prolonged use, such remedies can seriously disrupt the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Soothing

It is no secret that during nervous experiences and stress, appetite often flares up. To reduce it, you need to calm down. It is not always possible to do this on your own. But herbs with antidepressant properties can come to the rescue. In

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