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Appetite Suppressant Herbs: A Comprehensive Guide To Weight Loss

  • Health benefits
  • List
  • Contraindications
  • Instructions
  • Recipes

The reasons for excessive weight can be very different, and in each case they are individual: stress, a sedentary lifestyle, heredity, the postpartum period, age, and so on. The list is endless. For each of these reasons, an approach to solving the problem is needed. If you are sure that the problem is solely in overeating, and you cannot cope with yourself in this regard, then there is only one way out – try drinking herbs that suppress appetite and quickly and effectively satisfy hunger for a long time. You will not have to reproach yourself for an extra bun eaten, and the vegetable origin of these products will have only a positive effect on the body.

Health benefits

Recently, herbs that have a similar effect have become a real alternative to pharmacy weight loss products. However, some of them work by removing excess fluid from the body (diuretics), others burn fat cells (fat burners), and still others fight appetite (appetite suppressants). Doctors and nutritionists consider appetite suppressants to be the safest for health, since they have a positive effect on the digestive system. Conventionally, they are divided into the following categories.

  • Mucinous

When consumed, such herbs envelop the walls of the stomach with special mucus. This mucus creates a barrier that resists gastric juice for some time. But it is gastric juice that provokes a feeling of hunger. When it does not, a signal does not enter the brain that you want to eat. Accordingly, even when it’s dinnertime, you will not eat a large portion. As a result, you consume fewer calories, which leads to weight loss.

  • Bulking

These appetite suppressant herbs are real masters of deception. Under the influence of liquid, they tend to swell, thereby deceiving the body into thinking that the stomach is full. Accordingly, you will not be able to eat much. If, after the herb stops working, you stick to a healthy and balanced diet, the weight will not return. You will simply form the habit of eating smaller portions of food.

  • Antacid

These herbs also block gastric juice, but they differ from the first group in that they do not create a barrier in the form of a mucous film. Such plants directly affect hydrochloric acid, reducing its concentration. No acid – no appetite. However, with prolonged use, such agents can seriously disrupt the digestive system.

  • Sedative

It is no secret that stress and anxiety often cause hunger. To reduce your appetite, you need to calm down. This is not always possible to do on your own. But herbs with antidepressant properties can help with this. In medicine, this condition is called “compulsive overeating”, and in everyday life – “binge eating”.

  • Stimulating

Many of us do not consider such plants to be medicinal, although they can be found in almost every home. We are used to the fact that they are more likely to invigorate the drink. In fact, their action is much broader – first of all, they reduce appetite. Most teas contain substances that contribute to this effect: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline. And do not forget about their diuretic effect.

  • Hypoglycemic

Herbs that can lower blood sugar primarily affect the body’s metabolic processes. They contain inulin, which most people know as a sugar substitute. This is a

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