- Unique Features of Spirulina
- Using It for Weight Loss
- Improving Your Health
- Choosing the Right Form of Supplement
Spirulina has been used as a dietary supplement worldwide since ancient times, as it strengthens the immune system, gently cleanses the body of toxins, and significantly increases capacity for work. The main reason for the popularity of this plant is its ability to help reduce body fat, as well as get rid of acne and make the skin more elastic and supple.
Unique Features of Spirulina
Spirulina is one of the most ancient life forms, which has hardly changed in the course of evolution. It is at the beginning of a huge number of food chains, makes up the lion’s share of oceanic plankton and is the reason for the presence of oil in the depths of the earth, and oxygen on the surface.
In addition, the algae are in demand by people who, for various reasons, do not include animal products in their diet. The reason for this lies in the unique composition of the green powder:
- antioxidants and a complete set of amino acids;
- all vitamins required by the body for normal life (except vitamin D);
- up to 70% of easily digestible vegetable protein;
- useful substances (potassium, calcium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, silver, manganese).
Of particular interest is the ability of the plant to hibernate when the reservoir in which it lives dries up, and then to ‘resurrect’ when water reappears. An even greater mystery is the algae’s ability to retain trace elements and iodine, which are deficient in many regions, for a long period of time in a dry state. Its volatility does not allow, for example, iodized salt to be a full-fledged source of it, it is unstable in other algae and fish; however, dried and crushed spirulina can store it for at least 3 years.
Using It for Weight Loss
The algae’s properties for promoting rapid weight loss were discovered relatively recently. The powder works in several ways: it speeds up metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels, cleanses the body and saturates it with nutrients and protein.
Important! Maximum efficiency is achieved on a balanced and healthy diet, and there is no need to follow a strict diet or starve. Even giving up fast food, quick snacks and late meals can provide significant results.
The ideal option for body shaping is fresh algae, but due to its short shelf life, buying it is problematic and it is advisable to use powder.
It is very convenient to use, as it can be added to sauces, cereals, soups, and salads during cooking, giving them a slightly salty taste. In addition, the supplement is available for storage in tablets or capsules, which is especially relevant for people who often eat outside their home.
All components of algae support metabolism, but the main role in burning extra pounds is played by protein, a large amount of which helps to slow the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This stabilizes blood glucose levels, which helps to keep hunger at bay for a long time.
Also, the protein contained in the supplement is ideal for counting calories – 1 g contains only 4 kcal, and the dry plant itself swells under the influence of water, which helps to control appetite and avoid overeating.
Please note! Taking the plant requires drinking plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink a lot of water every day – at least 6-8 glasses of plain water, and also temporarily limit coffee and black tea.
For effective weight loss, algae should be taken either at the same time as food, or 10-15 minutes before eating, so that it has time to absorb moisture and swell, taking up stomach space and, accordingly, reducing appetite.
Improving Your Health
The instructions stipulate a course of taking spirulina lasting 20 days, which is recommended by many medical specialists. During this period, the risk of developing diseases such as heart failure, anemia, bowel cancer, vascular atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. Other abilities of the powder are:
- rejuvenation of the body;
- increasing hemoglobin levels;
- excretion of radionuclides, heavy metals;
- neutralizing the harmful effects of antibiotics;
- increasing efficiency under conditions of high mental, physical and psychological stress;
- correct and rapid development of the child’s body;
- improving the functioning of the endocrine system;
- lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;
- faster healing of wounds and reduction of tumors.
Laboratory studies have not shown the process of the algae’s effect on extra pounds, but at the same time, they have recorded that it is an immunomodulator that helps to get rid of chronic fatigue and fight allergies. In addition, it has been noted that spirulina helps smooth wrinkles, improve well-being and increase skin elasticity.
There are no restrictions on the use of the supplement in food; however, it is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for people suffering from serious kidney disorders or having low blood pressure. To avoid negative consequences, before starting the course, it is necessary to visit a doctor and conduct a body diagnostics.
Choosing the Right Form of Supplement
All remedies used for weight loss are available in various forms, which makes their use as comfortable as possible. Spirulina is no exception, which is available in the form of:
- Capsules
This is a rather dubious option, especially if the manufacturer is a mysterious Asian company. Often, the capsule contains anything you like, but not algae, and if they do contain it, then it is possible that a poor-quality substance or other plants that are dangerous to health will get into them. For this reason, taking the supplement in this form is often accompanied by digestive disorders, headaches, and other troubles caused by the manufacturer’s dishonesty. Chinese products, sold in packs of 36 capsules, which are quite popular, will not present such problems.
- Tablets
Of course, tablets may also contain unnecessary ingredients, so it is necessary to purchase products that you are sure of, for example, ‘Spirulina VEL’. They are made from pressed spirulina powder and a stabilizing agent that helps the tablets keep their shape. A good choice for those who hate the unpleasant taste of the plant, but do not want to give up all its positive properties. When taken, the tablet is quickly swallowed and washed down with a significant amount of water.
- Powder
According to experts, spirulina is able to reveal its full potential only in a dried and crushed form, without the addition of any impurities. In addition, its use in powder form allows you to partially avoid the unpleasant swampy taste if you add it to dishes.
Thus, the action of the algae consists in normalizing many processes occurring in the human body, the result of which is weight loss. It will not be superfluous to add light physical activity, for example, running, cycling, swimming, as well as giving up heavy and fatty foods or going on a light diet. Strictly following the recommendations for taking the supplement, coupled with the desire to lose weight, will help you find a slim figure and improve your health.