Back in the 19th century this product was sold in pharmacies as a source of energy and strength. Due to its ability to elevate mood and its addictive properties, it was often compared to alcohol and even drugs. However, unlike these substances, when used correctly, it benefits rather than harms the body. For several centuries now, chocolate has remained one of the most beloved and purchased sweets.
Taking these facts into account, nutritionists recently suggested using it for weight loss, which came as quite a surprise to the public. Is it just another myth or a real opportunity to sweeten the uneasy period of losing weight?
Mechanism of weight loss
There is scientific evidence as to why chocolate can be used for weight loss. However, it all pertains to only one type of chocolate — bitter chocolate. All other types are strictly forbidden during this period, as they contribute to weight gain, not loss.
It has been scientifically proven that chocolate increases the amount of serotonin and endorphins in the body — this is precisely what causes its ability to elevate spirits. When a person is in a state of mild euphoria and is pleased with everything, they eat less. Such an important property is invaluable for adhering to any diet. But that is not the end of the hormonal transformations. Consuming chocolate decreases the production of cortisol.
It is this hormone that makes people eat away their problems. It also slows down the synthesis of protein compounds, which leads to the loss of muscle mass, which then begins to be used up for generating the necessary energy. In addition to this, cortisol provokes the accumulation of visceral fat.
Now let’s assess the caloric content of 1 classic bar of chocolate (per 100 g):
- 540 kcal;
- BZHU — 6.2/35.4/48.2;
- glycemic index = 25.
The glycemic index for weight loss is ideal. According to it, bitter chocolate does not provoke the risk of a sharp spike in blood sugar and provides long-lasting satiety. For a fasting day, when it is recommended to eat just 1 bar — the parameters are suitable: low daily caloric intake, everything is normal with the ratio of the main nutrients. For a diet, there is already a lot of fat and calories, but, if you take into account that only 1-2 segments will have to be eaten in 1 go, then there is nothing wrong with these numbers.
Scientific studies of the dietary properties of chocolate have also confirmed that it:
- speeds up metabolism (we have already talked about its role in weight loss);
- reduces the amount of visceral fat;
- is a natural source of energy, allowing you to burn a much larger number of calories during workouts;
- satisfies hunger for a long time.
Based on these data, nutritionists have suggested using bitter chocolate in weight loss programs, which has delighted many. However, not everyone has managed to achieve results in such an unusual way — not because of its inefficiency, but because of the incorrect use of the product.
Benefits and harms
During chocolate weight loss, you can feel all the beneficial properties of this product yourself.
It is believed that bitter chocolate has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood circulation, due to the phenols it contains, which lower the level of harmful cholesterol and increase the level of beneficial cholesterol, like dry red wine and grapes. However, these data still require scientific confirmation.
Chocolate, consumed regularly, due to a large amount of antioxidants, stops the aging process, strengthens the immune system, and prevents oncology.
It contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, which are necessary for strengthening the body’s bone system, nourishing the brain, and regulating metabolic processes at the cellular level.
Salts of phosphoric acids, phenolic compounds, and fluorine have an antibacterial effect.
Not every chocolate will be useful for weight loss — the best for this purpose is bitter chocolate
That is why losing weight with it is recommended for:
- cardiovascular diseases;
- high cholesterol;
- increased risk of oncology;
- weakened immunity;
- high mental stress;
- diseases of the bones and joints.
And a few more pleasant things. Until recently, this product was considered one of the strongest allergens. In reality, this turned out to be nothing more than a myth. And it has nothing to do with caries: the phenolic compounds in its composition, on the contrary, stop the spread of the inflammatory process.
- allergy;
- diabetes;
- gout;
- stones;
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the stomach, liver, central nervous system;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- obesity of the III and IV degree;
- sleep problems.
Side effects:
- allergic reactions;
- stomach upset;
- migraine, dizziness;
- avitaminosis;
- hyperexcitability, sudden mood swings, irritability;
- insomnia;
- stone formation.
Possible harm (preliminary data from some studies that require additional scientific confirmation):
- the increased content of toxic cadmium damages the kidneys and worsens the condition of hypertensive patients;
- a large amount of oxalates leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys;
- the presence of trans fats, harmful palm oil, can interfere with weight loss;
- the presence of the carcinogen ochratoxin A indicates a neurotoxic effect on the central nervous system (perhaps this is the reason for the improved mood, but in this case, it does not bode well).
Despite the fact that these facts are just scientific hypotheses, everyone who plans to lose weight in this way should know about them.
Which one to choose
One of the most important points that everyone needs to learn is: when losing weight, you can only eat bitter chocolate — and nothing else. It differs due to its high content of cocoa beans and the absence of impurities in the form of cookies, raisins, nuts, caramel, wafer crumbs, etc. Only it can contribute to weight loss without harm to health.
Be careful. There is an opinion that dark chocolate can also be used for weight loss. In some sources, it is even considered to be equal to bitter chocolate. This is a controversial point, but you need to keep in mind: it contains much less cocoa beans, but additives in the form of nuts, raisins, and caramel are not at all uncommon. Even if you decide to use it, first look at the composition: the less high-calorie ingredients, the better. And keep in mind that it is much sweeter.
It is permissible to use diabetic chocolate sold in pharmacies. But keep in mind the presence of sweeteners in it.
Don’t eat when losing weight:
- milk chocolate (contains powdered sugar, dry milk, or cream);
- white (it does not contain cocoa powder at all);
- ruby (it began to be produced recently, its properties have not yet been fully studied, it is difficult to find, and it is expensive);
- vegan (due to the presence of rice or coconut milk, it is quite high in calories);
- porous;
- multicolored;
- with sweet fillings and additional ingredients (most often they are high in calories);
- powdered;
- liquid.
High-quality bitter chocolate is produced in Belgium and France. Individual brands cost about $100: Pierre Marcolini, Michel Richart. A more budgetary option is Switzerland (costing about $9) and Russia ($2). Among domestic manufacturers, I would like to note