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Egg-based fasting day for weight loss: compliance rules, several options

  • Weight Loss Mechanism
  • Pluses and Minuses
  • Contraindications
  • Recommendations
  • Variations

Anyone who regularly exercises, yet accumulates a couple or three extra pounds during the holidays, should be very careful when choosing detox programs. If they are carbohydrate-based (based on fruits, vegetables, grains), there is a risk of losing beautiful muscle mass that was obtained with such difficulty in the gym. In this case, protein systems may be more suitable. For example, a fasting day on eggs is an ideal option for those who need to maintain body relief and launch fat-burning processes.

Weight Loss Mechanism

An egg is a controversial product. On the one hand, it is very high-calorie: 1 pc. (boiled) contains about 80 kcal, and the yolk contains almost 70 kcal, while the rest is in the protein. On the other hand, it is on eggs that a huge number of weight loss programs in dietetics are based.

What happens to the human body during a fasting egg day? Is it really possible to lose at least half a kilogram? From a scientific point of view, everything is simple:

  • throughout the day, the body will be deprived of carbohydrates and fats, so not a single fat molecule will go into storage;
  • protein takes a long time to digest, which means that hunger attacks, if any, will be minor;
  • in addition, the body will need to spend a lot of calories to digest it, which it will have to take from its own reserves without involving muscle fibers;
  • vitamins, amino acids and other useful substances will maintain the normal functioning of all body systems, which will keep brain activity active and working capacity high;
  • this is one of the few products that makes the liver produce ketones, substances that can quickly and for a long time suppress hunger;
  • unsaturated acids prevent incoming food from turning into fat deposits.

So, fasting egg days, if properly organized, will help to get rid of excess weight, despite the calorie content of the diet. It plays into the hands of those who are losing weight: there will be a lot of energy, but it will all go in the right direction. True, the results will not be prohibitive: you can lose only 400-800 grams.

Enjoy. Actively consuming eggs, feel a surge of strength and vigor, improved mood and increased performance. All this is the merit of this unusual product.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Fasting on eggs is attractive for its mass of advantages combined with a minimum of disadvantages. Nevertheless, do not fall for positive characteristics only. Try to carefully analyze the negative aspects. This will allow you to somehow prepare for them and avoid trouble. Or it will make you look at other weight loss systems.


  • Budget-friendly;
  • hunger is practically not felt;
  • simple and delicious dishes;
  • varied menu;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • stable results.


  • Sometimes there are problems with the stomach: pain, discomfort;
  • numerous side effects – constipation, flatulence, flatulence;
  • rejection of physical activity;
  • risk of disruption;
  • strict dietary regimens.

Will you be able to cope with the shortcomings? Try to objectively assess your own strengths.


To minimize the risk of side effects after such a one-day hunger strike, you should abandon such a fasting day if you have the following contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney, liver, heart, and vascular diseases;
  • lactation;
  • pancreas problems;
  • chronic diseases;
  • ulcer.

In the presence of such health problems, such a hunger strike can result in exacerbation of diseases and deterioration of the condition. So in such cases it is strongly recommended to choose another option.


In order not to be disappointed in fasting days based on egg dishes, it is recommended to adhere to the advice of experts. This will minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences and improve the final result.

  1. A week before the hunger strike, start gradually introducing the main product into the diet in small quantities, and exclude everything harmful.
  2. It is advisable to arrange unloading on hard-boiled proteins.
  3. If you do take the egg whole, it is better to cook soft-boiled to speed up the assimilation process.
  4. Recommended amount: 4, maximum – 6 pieces. Eat them throughout the day without salt or bread.
  5. It is allowed not only to cook, but also to bake.
  6. Do not eat directly before bed. The last meal should not be late. 7:00 pm is the optimal time. If a hunger attack rolls in after that, it is better to quench it with an apple or a glass of kefir. Otherwise, you will wake up in the morning with a terrible smell from your mouth and a feeling of nausea.
  7. Throughout the day, you will need to drink at least 2 liters of water, but do not drink it with the main product. Wait about half an hour, when the digestion process is already in full swing.
  8. Unsweetened juices, green tea with the addition of milk, lemon, ginger, cinnamon and other fat-burning products, low-fat kefir and milk are allowed for drinks.
  9. An egg fasting day can be an excellent springboard for a longer protein diet.
  10. From physical activity on this day, it is allowed to leave morning exercises and an evening walk.

Sample menu

And do not forget that in order to consolidate the achieved results, you will need to get out of it very smoothly, without harm to your stomach. To do this, remove 1 egg from the diet each day and add a few healthy foods.

Useful advice. If the eggs are more than 8 days old, they lose amino acids, which take a direct part in the weight loss process. Don’t expect good results from them anymore.


There are different egg fasting days, depending on what other products diversify their meager diet. Indeed, not everyone can withstand the menu given above. Then look for easier and more enjoyable options.

With Citrus

This is a perfect match. Organic acids and protein trigger the fat burning process. Of course, within the framework of a one-day diet, it will not be able to lead to noticeable results, but it will affect overall weight loss.

  • Grapefruits

The most common option is eggs and grapefruits. Scheme: alternating every 2 hours 1 fruit and 1 boiled protein. It is recommended to eat 5 pieces of both. Grapefruit bitterness will block hunger pangs, so you won’t feel a particular desire to eat.

  • Oranges

More enjoyable is fasting on eggs and oranges, as these citrus fruits are quite sweet in taste. The consumption scheme is the same. True, you will already feel hunger, since there is nothing to block it. And the results will be slightly more modest than after a day on grapefruits.


To make the fasting day even more protein-rich, include dairy products in the diet. Only

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