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Coffee Fasting Day: Energy and Activity Instead of the Blues

  • Coffee controversies: the truth
  • Fasting day options
  • How not to harm your health

How often, pouring a cup of fragrant coffee, do we think that we are simply indulging ourselves? Many people generally associate addiction to it with a bad habit. We will tell you how to use all its positive qualities to your advantage: to make your figure slimmer, your eyes brighter, and your mood wonderful.

Coffee controversies: the truth

When something causes controversial opinions (sharp negative is replaced by delight and admiration), it means that you need to look for a golden mean. To understand for whom a fasting day on coffee is ideal, and for whom it is contraindicated, it is important to clearly present the positive and negative aspects of the drink.


If we put aside the emotions of fans, there will be many positive moments:

  1. Gives the body a powerful energy boost, increases physical performance (caffeine is responsible).
  2. Lowers cholesterol, improves microcirculation, strengthens the vascular wall (vitamins PP, P and B3, which are formed during the roasting of beans).
  3. It normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract (chlorogenic acid and tannins).
  4. Antiseptic action, which is important for preventing fermentation processes and improving the activity of normal intestinal microflora (essential oils).
  5. Improves mood (unique taste and aroma that can relieve depression).


The negative impact is primarily due to caffeine. And, the amount here is important. If 1-2 cups usually have no consequences, 6-7 immediately affect your health:

  1. Regular use creates psychological dependence.
  2. Increases heart rate and blood pressure (short-term effect).
  3. Increases the excretion of minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium).
  4. Strong diuretic effect (risk of dehydration).

If you think about it, many negative effects can be successfully used for weight loss. The main thing is to observe the measure. A properly organized coffee fasting day will help you lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. In a month, this is already 3-4 kg, and you do not need to exhaust yourself with prolonged fasting. It is enough to enjoy the exquisite taste and aroma in combination with some dietary products once a week.

Fasting day options

Weight loss occurs immediately in several areas:

  • accelerates metabolism, including lipolysis (fat breakdown);
  • decreases the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine (work of chlorogenic acid);
  • reduces appetite;
  • diuretic effect (getting rid of hidden edema);
  • normalizes digestion and intestinal microflora.

A more complex mechanism for weight loss is hard to imagine. Therefore, coffee unloading recipes are so popular.

On green coffee

It is made from unprocessed green fruits. What are its benefits for weight loss?

  • less caffeine, which appears during roasting, means that the amount of the drink you drink can be increased;
  • more chlorogenic acid – the main fat-burning substance;
  • reduces the level of insulin in the blood, which is important for accelerating metabolic processes (kilograms disappear faster).

Taste qualities are peculiar. It has a greenish-tart taste, similar to green persimmon. On a fasting day, you can drink no more than three of these cups, preferably before meals to further reduce appetite.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch: salad of tomatoes with herbs;
  • dinner: an apple.

The amount of water should not be less than 1.5 liters. It is also brewed a little differently. A mug requires not one teaspoon, but three.

On black coffee

From three to five cups can be used for unloading. They drink without sugar, but necessarily with some dietary product. Here is a list of what will not spoil the effect of losing weight:

  • low-fat cottage cheese 100-150 g (additionally replenishes calcium loss);
  • vegetables: bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs (you can make a salad with the addition of olive oil);
  • apples.

Do not forget – it is better to do without sugar, but additional fluid is simply necessary.

On instant coffee

For many, the process of making ground grains becomes an insurmountable obstacle for such a fasting day. Can they be replaced with a soluble option? Yes, especially if it’s green coffee. Then all the useful properties for weight loss are fully preserved.

We choose a high-quality product. The main thing is the caffeine content. It is maximally preserved in the sublimated form. There is slightly less of it in granulated form. Some cheap brands (mostly powdered drinks) have only surrogate substitutes for taste and smell and are completely useless.

On coffee with chocolate

This recipe will probably be the most popular of all. Chocolate is not only a delicious treat, but also a recognized antidepressant (which has been confirmed by scientific research).

For fasting day, only black, bitter varieties are suitable. During the day, you can eat 100 g, dividing into 5 meals. We supplement such a «feast» with a cup of aromatic coffee, of course, without sugar.

Important! You can drink water only three hours after the next portion of food.

On coffee with milk

What are the advantages of such a combination? There are many of them:

  • softening the bitter taste;
  • enrichment of the menu with calcium (with regular use of such fasting days, this is important for the prevention of osteoporosis);
  • milk protein is used as a building material by all body cells, it is digested for a long time and leads to a longer satiety.

Menu: 5 mugs at regular intervals. You can add some vegetables and fruits.

On coffee and kefir

The combination is less popular than with milk. But in terms of effectiveness, it is more justified. After all, kefir additionally enhances the diuretic effect, normalizes digestion, and helps the growth of microflora. In addition, it is an excellent source of calcium and other trace elements.

Menu: Drinks can be drunk separately (the amount of kefir is 1 liter). There is also an original cocktail recipe: 1 teaspoon of ground grains and 1/2 spoon of cocoa are added to a glass of kefir (250 ml). This is a protein shake option that is good for the morning awakening.

On coffee and water

The effectiveness of such a recipe is based on the diuretic effect. Suitable for people with obesity, which is always accompanied by swelling. During the day, they drink up to 5 cups of coffee and 1.5 liters of water. You can afford some cottage cheese (100 g), vegetables and fruits.

On coffee and tea

The menu includes three cups of natural coffee and three green or herbal tea. We do not add sugar. We alternate drinks every 2-3 hours. You can use some vegetables and fruits (except potatoes, bananas and grapes). Additionally, we drink water. Such a diet eliminates 2kg.

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