- The Truth About Coffee
- Sample Unloading Meal Options
- How to Stay Healthy
Often times when making ourselves a cup of coffee we think of ourselves as solely treating ourselves. Many even liken their coffee addiction to that of a bad habit. Below we will tell you how to use all of its positive qualities to your advantage and get a slim figure, bright eyes, and a wonderful mood.
The Truth About Coffee
When something causes opposing opinions (fast negatives yet followed by excitement and admiration) it means we need to find the golden mean. To understand who exactly is recommended to do coffee unloading day and who on the other hand is contraindicated it is important to have a clear understanding of the positive and negative side of the drink.
If we discard the emotions of addicts the positive sides are not that many:
- Gives a powerful surge of energy to the body, increases mental and physical working capacity (caffeine is responsible for this).
- Lowers cholesterol levels, improves microcirculation, and strengthens vascular walls (vitamins PP, P, and B3, which are formed during coffee bean roasting).
- Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract (chlorogenic acid and tannic compounds).
- Antiseptic effect which is important for the prevention of putrefactive processes and improves activity of normal intestinal microflora (essential oils).
- Boosts mood (the unique taste and aroma is able to cure depression).
The negative effect is first and foremost caused by caffeine. Moreover the quantity matters here. The usual 1-2 cups of coffee do not lead to any consequences but 6-7 cups can give their blow to our health:
- With regular use it forms a psychological dependence.
- Increases heart rate and raises blood pressure (a short-term effect).
- Promotes the excretion of minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium).
- A strong diuretic effect (the risk of dehydration).
If you think about it, many of the negative effects can be successfully used for the purpose of losing weight. The main thing is to know when to stop. A properly organized coffee unloading day can help you lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. In a month this will amount to 3-4 kg, and this without torturing yourself with a long fast. Once a week you can побаловать себя изысканным вкусом и ароматом в сочетании с отдельными диетическими продуктами. indulge in an exquisite taste and aroma in combination with certain dietary products.
Sample Unloading Meal Options
Weight loss occurs simultaneously in several directions:
- accelerated metabolism including lipolysis (fat breakdown);
- reduced absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines (effect of chlorogenic acid);
- decreased appetite;
- diuretic effect (getting rid of latent edema);
- normalization of digestion and intestinal microflora.
It is hard to imagine a more complex weight loss mechanism. This is why recipes for coffee unloading are so popular.
On green coffee
It is produced from unroasted coffee beans. What are the advantages of this particular coffee?
- less caffeine, which appears during roasting and therefore you can drink larger amounts of this drink;
- more chlorogenic acid, the main fat burning substance;
- reduces insulin levels in the blood, which is important for accelerating metabolic processes (the extra kilos begin to disappear faster).
The taste is specific. It has a greenish-tart flavor, somewhat resembling unripe persimmons. On an unloading day you should not drink more than three cups and preferably before meals in order to additionally reduce your appetite.
Sample menu:
- Breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- Lunch: tomato salad with greens;
- Dinner: an apple.
Drink no less than 1.5 liters of water. The brewing method is also slightly different. You will need not one but three teaspoons per cup.
On regular coffee
You can use from three to five cups for the unloading. Drink without sugar but certainly with some dietary product. Here is a list of what will not spoil the slimming effect:
- low-fat cottage cheese, 100-150 g (additionally replenishes the lost calcium);
- vegetables: bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens (you can make a salad with the addition of olive oil);
- apples.
Do not forget that sugar is best avoided but fluids are a must.
On instant coffee
For many, grinding coffee beans becomes an insurmountable obstacle to such an unloading day. Can they be replaced with instant coffee? Yes, especially if we are talking about green coffee. All of the beneficial properties for weight loss are fully preserved.
Choose a high-quality product. The main thing is the caffeine content. It is preserved to the greatest extent in freeze-dried coffee. It is slightly less in granulated coffee. Some of the cheap brands (often coffee drinks) contain only flavor substitutes and fragrances and are completely useless.
On coffee and chocolate
This recipe will probably be the most popular. Chocolate is not just a tasty delicacy but also a recognized antidepressant (which has been scientifically proven).
For the unloading day only dark, bitter varieties are suitable. No more than 100 g per day, divided into 5 meals. Of course we supplement such a ‘feast’ with a cup of aromatic coffee but without sugar.
Important! You can drink water only three hours after your next meal.
On coffee and milk
What are the advantages of such a combination? There are many:
- softening the bitter taste;
- enriching the menu with calcium (with regular use of such fasting days this is important for prevention of osteoporosis);
- milk protein is used as a construction material by all the cells of the body, it takes a long time to digest, which means prolonged satiety.
Menu: 5 cups at equal intervals. You can add some vegetables and fruit.
On coffee and kefir
This combination is not as popular as the one with milk. But in terms of effectiveness it is more sound. After all, kefir additionally strengthens the diuretic effect, normalizes digestion, promotes the growth of microflora. It is also an excellent source of calcium and other microelements.
Menu: the drink can be drunk separately (1 liter of kefir). There is also an original recipe for a cocktail: per 1 cup of kefir (250 ml) add 1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans and 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa. This is a version of a protein shake which is good to wake up to in the morning.
On coffee and water
The effectiveness of this recipe is based on its diuretic effect. It is suitable for people with obesity which is always accompanied by edema. No more than 5 cups of coffee and 1.5 liters of water can be drunk per day. You can eat some cottage cheese (100 g), vegetables, and fruits.
On coffee and tea
The menu consists of three cups of natural coffee and three cups of green or herbal tea. No sugar. The drinks alternate every 2-3 hours. You can add some vegetables and fruits (except potatoes, bananas, and grapes). Additionally drink water. Such a diet will immediately give up to 2 kg.
On coffee and apples
This is more of an apple unloading day supplemented with pleasant taste and aroma. Apples are classics of dietary nutrition. The