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Strawberry Fast Day: The Tasty Way to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

Slimming process

  • Contraindications
  • Recommendations
  • Menu for every meal
  • Options
  • Who can resist these fragrant, juicy and flavorful berries? They are great both fresh and preserved, having an amazing taste and boasting the composition of real vitamin cocktail instead of the list of ingredients. Thus, how can you miss such a chance to use this gift of nature to lose some weight?

    You can not only plan a strawberry week, but also hold a fasting day, which is useful to plan in June, when strawberries appear in abundance both on store shelves and in gardens.

    Slimming process

    Many people are mistaken thinking this berry is too sweet and high-calorie, so when they start to lose weight, they immediately exclude it from their menu. However, they are wrong. In fact, it is a low-calorie product, only 41 kcal per 100 g. So do not be afraid of fasting days with strawberries. It will launch processes in the body that will contribute to fast and effective weight loss:

    • Strawberries have a negative calorie content, i.e. the body spends more energy on digesting them than it receives.
    • As a result, the body is forced to use its own reserves – muscle fibers (you can protect them by adding protein to your menu) or fat reserves all over the body.
    • The berry contains many vitamins that improve metabolism, and slow metabolism is the main cause of excessive weight.
    • Diuretic properties of strawberries contribute to weight loss, so they are even used for kidney diseases.
    • It also cleanses your gastrointestinal tract.

    Thus, it is not surprising that such a delicious fasting day results in weight loss. On average, you can lose from 1 to 1.5 kg, depending on your initial weight and the chosen menu. Thus, the stricter you are with yourself, the more impressive the result will be. As a pleasant bonus, you will feel your overall health improving. Strawberry:

    • Improves the skin condition in case of psoriasis, eczema and similar diseases.
    • Boosts immunity.
    • Decreases blood sugar levels.
    • Gives energy.
    • Normalises heart function.
    • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
    • Restores iron levels in the blood.
    • Lowers blood pressure.
    • Helps to treat atherosclerosis.

    As you can see, the health benefits are obvious. Who can resist such tasty and healthy diet?

    Did you know that… strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges?


    Oddly enough, eating strawberries can also be dangerous, seriously dangerous. Eating one and a half kilograms of these berries at once will make many of your body’s systems work more intensively. This is especially true for kidneys, liver and stomach. And if these organs can’t handle such a load, side effects and complications are inevitable. Therefore, you should first find out if you have any contraindications. These include:

    • Tendency to allergic reactions.
    • Lactation (newborns may develop skin irritations).
    • Pregnancy (it may cause premature birth).
    • Taking medications for hypertension (it may cause renal failure).
    • Gastrointestinal problems: gastritis, gastric and/or duodenal ulcer, gastro-duodenitis.
    • Gout and other joint conditions.

    If you are not sure whether this method of weight loss is suitable for you, you should consult a physician. You should not risk your health for the sake of slim figure.

    Note. Since ancient times, strawberry has been considered a potent aphrodisiac. So, if you are going to eat large quantities of it throughout the day, be careful when communicating with the opposite sex.


    Here are a few more important tips on how to make your fasting day on strawberries not only enjoyable, but also the most effective for weight loss. Advice from a nutrition expert never hurts.

    1. On non-fasting days adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition to maintain the results. Playing sports will prevent muscle tissue breakdown to obtain additional energy.
    2. Together, they will form a truly effective weight loss system, which will also bring significant health benefits. It consists of three components: interval fasting, healthy nutrition and physical activity. When used in combination, they work almost perfectly, guaranteeing a lasting result.
    3. Strawberry fasting days can be held once or twice a week for a month.
    4. The most effective period for such weight loss is from mid-June to mid-July, when strawberries are abundant both in stores and in gardens.
    5. The maximum number of calories for one fasting day should not exceed 1,200.
    6. The recommended amount of strawberries for a fasting day is 1.5 kg (but only if you do not consume any other foods that day; if you do, the portion of strawberries should be reduced accordingly).
    7. Adhere to fractional nutrition: divide the total volume of strawberries into 6-10 small portions.
    8. Follow the regimen and give preference to fresh berries.

    By following these recommendations, you can lose up to 1.5 kg.

    Lifehack. To keep berries fresh longer, wash them only before eating. Do not wash them right after purchase or harvesting.

    Menu for every meal

    In order to make a menu, you need to decide on the diet first. There is a classic version that will help you achieve the best possible result. It suggests eating only strawberries in any form (smoothies, salads, puree, juices, fresh, baked). This is a strict diet, and despite the delicious taste of the product, by the afternoon you will probably want to diversify your plate contents. It is very difficult to withstand such a test. However, if you prefer this option, here is the menu for you.

    Strict fasting day

    There are also more gentle options. For example, you can add other low-calorie foods to your menu for the day, combining them with strawberries. Such a diet is much easier to tolerate, but the result will be more modest. You choose which option suits you best. Here is an approximate menu.

    Gentle fasting day

    From the history pages. The ancient Romans used strawberries to treat depression, fever, bad breath and even as a resuscitation agent.


    When choosing a fasting day, pay attention to the food compatibility. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you can get diarrhea and flatulence (and that’s in the best-case scenario).

    Strawberries go best with:

    • Any dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, yogurt.
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