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Strawberry Fasting Day: A Delectable Weight Loss Plan With Ample Health Advantages

  • Weight Loss Process
  • Contraindications
  • Recommendations
  • Sample Menus
  • Options

These tasty berries are a natural treat, which are given to us by nature itself – delicious, juicy, and refreshing. But not only will they delight you with their exquisite taste, but they will also stock up your organism with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. If your goal is to shed a few extra pounds, then strawberries can quite successfully complement your weight loss program.

A comprehensive strawberry diet can last up to a week, but you can also just arrange a fasting day for yourself – this option is no less effective. It is best to carry out a fasting day on strawberries in June – it is then that they reach their taste peak and massively appear on store shelves and in garden plots.

Weight Loss Process

Many people mistakenly believe that berries are too high in calories and contain too much sugar, so they refuse them during weight loss. But this is a misconception. In fact, strawberries are very low-calorie – only 41 kcal per 100 grams. So, feel free to include strawberries in the menu of your fasting day – they will help you lose weight quickly and effectively due to the fact that they:

  • Speed up your metabolism – the body spends more energy on digesting strawberries than it receives from them, which means it burns more calories while consuming them.
  • Burn fat – since the body needs to spend more energy on digesting strawberries, it will use its own energy reserves – fats – for this.
  • Remove excess water – strawberries have diuretic properties, which contributes to weight loss due to the removal of excess fluid.
  • Cleanse the digestive tract.

As a result, a fasting day on strawberries can provide tangible weight loss. On average, the plumb line ranges from half a kilogram to one and a half kilograms, depending on the initial weight and the chosen menu. The stricter you are to yourself, the more impressive the result will be. In addition, you will feel the following health improvements:

  • Improving the skin condition in psoriasis, eczema, and similar problems
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Lowering blood sugar
  • Increased energy
  • Improved heart function
  • Blood pressure stabilization
  • Replenishment of iron deficiency
  • Reduced risk of atherosclerosis

As you can see, a fasting day on strawberries can have a very beneficial effect on the body. So why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Dare to experience all the delights of this delicious and healthy diet!

Do you know that… Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges?


Oddly enough, but strawberry fasting can also bring certain health risks, especially if you eat berries in large quantities. Eating 1.5 kilograms of strawberries in one day can overload your kidneys, liver, and stomach. If these organs cannot cope, then various side effects and complications may occur. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before deciding to arrange a fasting day on strawberries. It is not recommended to adhere to a strawberry diet if you:

  • Have a tendency to allergic reactions
  • Breastfeed (this can cause diathesis in infants)
  • Are pregnant (may provoke premature birth)
  • Take hypertensive medications (can lead to renal failure)
  • Suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis
  • Have gout or other joint diseases

If you have any doubts as to whether a fasting day on strawberries is right for you, it is advisable to consult a doctor in advance to avoid potential health risks.

Keep in mind: Since ancient times, strawberries have been considered a powerful aphrodisiac, so if you have eaten a lot of strawberries during the day, be careful when communicating with members of the opposite sex.


To get the most out of your fasting day on strawberries and achieve good weight loss results, follow these additional guidelines:

  1. To maintain your weight loss after a fasting day, stick to a healthy, balanced diet in between. Incorporate exercise into your routine to prevent muscle loss.
  2. Combine strawberry fasting days with proper nutrition and physical activity – this will create an extremely effective, healthy weight loss system that will guarantee a lasting result.
  3. Limit the number of fasting days to one or two per week, and do not stick to a strawberry diet for more than a month.
  4. The best time for a fasting day on strawberries is mid-June – mid-July, when they are at their seasonal peak.
  5. Limit your daily calorie intake to 1200 calories.
  6. Divide the daily norm of strawberries (1.5 kg) into 6-10 small portions and distribute them throughout the day.
  7. Eat your meals on schedule.
  8. Give preference to fresh strawberries over processed ones.

By following these recommendations, you can lose up to 1.5 kilograms on your fasting day.

Life hack: To keep strawberries fresh longer, wash them only before eating, and not immediately after purchase or picking.

Sample Menus

The menu of a fasting day on strawberries can be conditionally divided into two types: strict and gentle. The strict menu provides the best weight loss results, but it is more difficult to follow. The sparing menu includes additional low-calorie foods that complement strawberries, which makes it easier to tolerate, but slightly reduces the effectiveness in terms of weight loss. Choose the one that suits your needs and taste preferences.

Strict fasting day

Gentle fasting day

From the annals: The ancient Romans used strawberries to treat depression, fever, bad breath, and even fainting.


When choosing the optimal fasting day option for yourself, take into account food compatibility. Otherwise, diarrhea and bloating (at best) can negate all your weight loss efforts.

Strawberries are compatible with the following foods:

  • Dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, yogurt
  • All fruits, except figs and prunes
  • Nuts
  • Other berries
  • Beverages

Do not combine strawberries with the following foods:

  • Dried fruits
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Vegetables
  • Mushrooms
  • Fish
  • Meat
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