- Health benefits
- Instructions
- Alternative recipes
- Precautions
No festive table is complete without kiwis: fruit salads, cocktails, berry cakes. But we are interested in its benefits for weight loss. Dietitians put the “Chinese gooseberry”, as it is also called, on the list of “healthy” foods long ago. Here we will tell you about the fasting day regimen using this fruit.
Health benefits
The berry is originally from China. The wild ancestor of modern plants was brought to New Zealand, where it acquired the taste and appearance now familiar to millions of fans. The fruit is valued for its unusual taste: a mix of gooseberry, banana, melon, strawberry, apple, and pineapple. It is beneficial due to its unique composition and calorie content.
Low caloric value
There are only 50 kcal per 100 g. This calorie content is equivalent to zero. All energy is spent on the digestion process. Therefore, you can eat kiwis in unlimited quantities, without worrying about your weight. 1 kg is usually recommended for a fasting day. This is 500 kcal.
Biologically active substances
The fruit contains a unique enzyme, actinidin, which is similar to digestive enzymes. It breaks down proteins and accelerates metabolism. Fat deposits are spent faster, and kilograms go away. It is very beneficial to consume kiwis with meat and other “heavy” dishes.
Dietary fiber
It is almost indigestible. Passing through the intestines, it “grabs” all the toxins that accumulate there due to improper diet. The amount of these harmful substances increases when you lose weight. After removing them, food is better digested, their toxic effect is eliminated, and the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen disappears.
Biochemical treasure trove
Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamins and minerals. Let’s talk about what makes kiwis stand out from the general row of fruits and berries:
- High content of Vitamin C. 100 g covers the daily requirement for it. It is more than in any citrus fruit and sweet pepper. It is not directly related to weight loss, but this “bonus” is very useful for immunity.
- Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process and prevents the formation of atypical tumor cells. It is found in high-calorie foods — eggs, nuts, fatty fish. People watching their weight usually do not follow this type of diet, which leads to vitamin E deficiency. Kiwis can solve this problem.
- Nicotinic acid (PP) lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It is vital for those suffering from severe obesity (prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes).
- Iodine is especially important for weight loss among microelements. It is necessary for the thyroid gland, without which it is impossible to control weight properly.
The composition is also rich in vitamins A, B (B1, B6, B12, B5), calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Such variety combined with low calorie content guarantees excellent weight loss results with no harm to health. After all, deficiency of essential substances is the main reason why nutritionists disapprove of crash diets.
In order to achieve the best results (you can lose up to 1.5 kg per day), you need to follow the instructions:
- The day before, stop eating fatty and “unhealthy” foods (exclude products with preservatives, dyes, fried, smoked foods).
- Have your last meal no later than 6 pm, and it is better if it is just a glass of kefir.
- Prepare 1 kg of kiwi and 2 liters of still mineral water in advance.
How to choose a quality product?
Surely, every one of us made a mistake and bought an unripe kiwi at least once in our lives. How disappointing it is when instead of a delicious sweet treat, you get something that immediately goes in the trash? To avoid making this mistake in the future, remember the simple rules:
- For consistency, choose the golden mean: ones that are too hard are unripe, but ones that are too soft are most likely overripe or even spoiled.
- For color: look for a uniform greenish-amber color and a little bit of fur. It is better to avoid fruit with dark spots or patchy “hair”.
- For smell: fresh fruit does not have a smell. During long storage, a “wine” smell appears — this is a sign of spoilage.
- Pay special attention to the area where the stalk was. If juice appears after pressing, it means it was stored incorrectly.
- Additional coating: this should not be there! It is a sign of mold.
And finally, it is better to buy fruit by weight rather than in pre-packaged form. It is not for nothing that they cost a little more. Sellers often put rotten fruit in pre-packaged containers.
Alternative recipes
Recipe 1. Basic
The classic kiwi fasting day menu includes the following dishes:
- Kiwis — 1 kg.
- Skinless chicken breast — 1 pc.
- Still water and green tea — 2 liters.
It is better to boil the meat in the morning on the same day. Divide the food into 6 equal portions. You will eat every 2 hours. Drink water and tea without sugar in between. This is the recommended frequency.
Why chicken breast?
- It is practically pure protein, which is guaranteed not to be stored as fat.
- Protein takes longer to digest and causes a prolonged feeling of satiety.
- It is also an excellent material for building muscle tissue. If you organize such days regularly and combine them with exercise, you can lose 4–6 kg per month and slim and tone your figure.
How often can I have a fasting day? Usually nutritionists recommend having one per week. If you do it more often, it will cause stress, which can result in a “breakdown” and weight gain.
Recipe 2. Kiwi and kefir
Kefir is added to the menu as an alternative to meat.
- It contains the same amount of protein.
- It normalizes the intestine, improves the composition of beneficial microflora.
- It has a pronounced diuretic effect, which helps lose weight faster.
It is recommended to drink up to 1 liter of kefir during the day. You can mix some of it with chopped fruit and make a cocktail. Result: minus 1 kg of weight per day.
Recipe 3. Kiwi and apples
This recipe is suitable for those who like to diversify their diet. Apples can be eaten raw and baked (of course, without sugar). They contain more carbohydrates, which is an additional bonus for those with a sweet tooth.
Recipe: combine the products in equal quantities (0.5 kg each, you can slightly more) in any way. The main thing is to eat 5-6 times a day and drink plenty of water or green tea without sugar.
Recipe 4. Kiwi and cucumbers
Cucumber fasting on its own is very effective. After all, these vegetables have no rivals in terms of calorie content (only 14 kcal per 100 g). They are made of water (95%) and fiber, which is important for cleansing the intestines of toxins. You do not have to worry about the quantity. Usually equal portions of each are used (1 kg), but you can eat more if you wish.
How to prepare? For fans of original recipes: finely chop the cucumbers and kiwis (2 pieces each, peeled) and purée in a blender. Add 200 ml of water to the mix and purée again