Losing weight is always difficult. The month-long diet can be reduced to nothing by an increase in weight exceeding the decline. An exercise in the gym to exhaustion followed by a cold or sprain of the leg muscle, which forces a break, inevitably leads to the return of the lost pounds. Overweight people, having lost hope, often turn to alternative medicine. Homeopathy, in particular, is a popular method of losing weight.
Pros and Cons
Homeopathy is a method of alternative medicine, the basic principle of which can be defined as “fighting similar with similar”. It uses highly diluted (i.e. low in concentration) preparations based on minerals or plants (i.e. natural). For obvious reasons, many people choose it for weight loss:
- All products are 100% natural;
- Aimed at eliminating the cause of excess weight;
- There are no age or health restrictions: with the help of homeopathy, elderly people, children, pregnant and lactating women can lose weight;
- The concentration of the active ingredient is minimal, which means that there is no harm from taking it;
- The risk of side effects is minimized;
- Has a gentle effect on the body;
- Can be combined with other medicines;
- Individual approach to each patient.
Despite the numerous advantages, one must understand that this medal has a downside.
Deciding to lose weight with the help of homeopathy, a person takes full responsibility for the consequences of such a step. The World Health Organization openly opposes such types of alternative medicine, calling them pseudoscience. The main argument is the lack of evidence base (scientific research confirming the effectiveness and effectiveness of drugs). Thus, in the event of any negative consequences or lack of result, there will be no one to blame.
Classical vs. Non-classical
Few people know that both classical and non-classical homeopathy are used to lose weight. The problem is that a person who first encounters this trend in medicine finds it difficult to distinguish one from the other. And all the advantages described above apply only to the classics. All other schools and offshoots are dangerous and can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, it is initially worth studying this issue. And if you firmly decided to lose weight with the help of homeopathy, then only with the help of classical doctors. The main difference: they prescribe only one drug, do not use analyzes or hardware techniques for diagnostics, and are guided solely by the symptoms and external examination of the patient.
Homeopath visit
Self-medication can lead to error: buy the drug, undergo a course of treatment, but do not see the result. Only a homeopath can determine the specific drug that will help you lose weight quickly and easily. The downside is that homeopathic services are quite expensive.
Homeopathic weight loss has other disadvantages. For example, incompatibility with other methods: manual (anti-cellulite or lymphatic drainage massage), physiotherapy (microcurrents), acupuncture. It is also important to remember that if excess weight is caused by a serious pathology, then you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired result. And, of course, without additional recommendations (proper nutrition and exercise) the fight against excess weight will be lost.
Constitutional types
Using homeopathy in the process of losing weight, you need to be prepared for various surprises. This is an unconventional medicine. Therefore, her methods are quite unusual. In particular, in order to choose an effective drug, a specialist will first determine your constitutional type.
Oxygen type
People who have no problem with being overweight. Despite a good appetite and no food restrictions, they always have a slim figure. Sometimes they suffer from excessive thinness and cannot gain the necessary kilograms in order to look good. The reason is the accelerated metabolism due to the high oxygen content in the blood. Homeopathy helps slow it down.
Hepatic type
People who are prone to fullness. Despite a moderate appetite, they have one weakness that leads to the problem of excess weight – a craving for sweets. The reason is congenital hepatic insufficiency and a somewhat slowed down metabolism. Therefore, when prescribing drugs for weight loss, homeopaths strongly recommend adhering to a strict diet (excluding fatty, spicy, smoked), regular detoxification procedures and exercise.
Carbon type
People who suffer from obesity due to two main factors. The first is a slowed metabolism. The second is overeating due to excessive appetite. According to homeopathy, diets and fasting are contraindicated for them, since the breakdown of fats leads to intoxication of the body, which is already contaminated with them. Therefore, first they take a course of necessary drugs in order to speed up the metabolism. And only then resort to exercise and proper nutrition for weight loss.
Features of drug use
Despite the minimal concentration of active substance and natural composition, homeopathic pills can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of any drug should be strictly monitored and the recommended dosage should be followed.
Duration of the course
The dosage of the homeopathic drug for weight loss and the duration of the course are determined by a specialist, taking into account numerous individual factors. This includes: age, sex, heredity, the number of extra pounds, lifestyle, habits, constitutional type of the patient. You need to be prepared for the fact that there will be no quick result. On average, it takes about 1.5 years.
Where to buy?
Another question that often arises is where to buy these drugs. In an ordinary pharmacy, they are difficult to find. This is not surprising, given the opinion of WHO on homeopathy as a pseudoscience. In 2017, the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience issued a memorandum aimed at excluding this type of medicine from the Russian health care system. It contains insistent recommendations to pharmaceutical companies not to produce or sell homeopathic remedies. After the publication of this document, their number in ordinary pharmacies has significantly decreased.
A homeopath consultation will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. The drugs themselves are from budget to expensive:
As the most budget options for losing weight, Fucus Plus and Kurdlipid are most often used. However, reviews about them are ambiguous.
List of drugs for weight loss
The following homeopathic remedies are most often prescribed for weight loss:
- Antimonium crudum (antimony trisulfide) helps the body adapt to a new diet.
- Fucus Plus (fucus is brown seaweed) helps to lose weight with diabetes or hypothyroidism, helps to reduce body weight even with obesity.
- Cimicifuga (black cohosh) is used to combat excess weight caused by hormonal imbalance.
- Ignatia (Ignatia, Philippine shrub) fights compulsive overeating.
- Kurdlipid (fat tail lamb fat) normalizes lipid metabolism, improves liver function, and is often prescribed in the postpartum period.
- Lycopodium (club-shaped lycopodium) eliminates problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Calcarea Carbonica (calcium carbonate) reduces appetite.
- Graphites (carbon) eliminates hormonal imbalance and helps to lose weight in the sides and waist.
- Ammonium Carbonicum (ammonium carbonate) helps fight cravings for sweets.
- Nux vomica (tree of life) is prescribed to people who are overweight, and also very touchy and irritable.