- Product properties
- How to take it
- Contraindications, limitations, and side effects
- Conclusion
The fight against excess weight makes us look for more and more new ways. Sticking to exhausting diets is easy for some, others visit gyms in the evenings, but the problem is relevant for everyone: we want to eat a lot. Only a select few have remarkable willpower, so after some time of abstinence, the desire to eat something tasty and high-calorie prevails. As a result, there is no weight loss. How to cope with the feeling of hunger? The medical product Porciola was created specifically for this purpose.
Product properties
Porciola is not a drug, so it has no therapeutic effect on the human body. The product contains only one active ingredient: polyacrylic acid carbomer. It is a powerful absorbent that can hold a lot of moisture on its surface. The manufacturer achieved high purity of carbomer, which significantly increased its absorbent properties.
The product is available in packs of 60 capsules, each of which contains 500 mg of the active ingredient. The box with the product includes a detailed instruction manual. Porciola is produced in Russia under the license of an American corporation.
Polyacrylic acid carbomer is an absolutely inert substance that does not interact with any compounds in the human body. Its main task is to absorb moisture, increase in volume, and mechanically fill the space in the stomach. Porciola is excreted naturally, without changing.
Basic properties:
- works only in the lumen of the stomach;
- liquid is necessary for increasing the volume of carbomer;
- does not interfere with the absorption and assimilation of food;
- triggers the satiety center in the brain by mechanically irritating the walls of the stomach, which reduces hunger and appetite;
- reduces the need for food, since the upper sections of the digestive system are tightly filled;
- absolutely safe, does not conflict with diets or taking other drugs;
- after discontinuing use altogether, weight does not increase, since a habit of eating less food is developed over a long period of time.
The effect lasts only 4 hours. After that, Porciola moves through the digestive system until it is excreted, without providing any useful effect. In order to observe a good result, the following conditions must be met:
- the frequency of Porciola use must correspond to body mass index;
- a decrease in the overall calorie content of the diet is necessary;
- physical activities are desirable: fitness, aerobics, running, or swimming;
- the duration of use must be at least 2 months;
- water is required – at least 12oz for each capsule.
An important condition is the quality of the liquid used. The water must be strictly low-mineralized, since the ions it contains crystallize in the gel, which sharply reduces its retention time in the stomach. The optimal mineralization is no more than 400 mg/l. This number is always indicated on the label of any bottled still water. Mineral and table water are absolutely not suitable. The positive effect develops gradually, but increases if all the above conditions are met.
How to take it
A special scheme of Porciola use is necessary for weight loss. The higher the body mass index and the higher the degree of obesity, the longer the active ingredient must be in the lumen of the stomach. It is not possible to prolong the effect of one capsule for more than 4 hours, so it is necessary to increase the frequency of use.
General recommendations:
- take strictly before meals;
- at least 6oz of water (half a glass) for each capsule;
- the effective dosage is 1000 mg of carbomer;
- the feeling of fullness occurs within 10 minutes, during this time you cannot eat, no matter how much you want to;
- with a single use, the optimal time to take it is before lunch.
The task of the medical product is to reduce the overall calorie content of the diet by changing the volume of food that enters the stomach. Since its walls are filled with a gel-like substance, the remaining voids are quickly occupied by small portions of food. But the lower the total daily calorie content, the faster weight loss will occur.
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Training and exercise burn the body’s energy reserves, so increasing physical activity, even through ordinary walking, has a positive effect on weight loss.
Depending on the degree of obesity, the following recommendations for taking Porciola exist:
- BMI less than 24 kg/m3 – one capsule before lunch is sufficient for preventing weight gain;
- BMI from 24 to 29 – at least 2 capsules before lunch for at least 2 months;
- BMI over 30 – 1000 mg carbomer before lunch and dinner.
The maximum daily dose is 6000 mg of the active ingredient. The frequency of use is up to 3 times per day. The more often you take the capsules, the faster the effect will be. But the daily dosage of the drug must not be exceeded.
Contraindications, limitations, and side effects
Despite the fact that this weight loss product is quite safe, there are a number of contraindications to taking it:
- peptic ulcer disease in any stage, since stretching its walls can lead to relapse or rupture of the mucosal defect;
- stomach cancer;
- stenosis of the pylorus of any origin;
- gastroesophageal reflux disease – a condition during which the contents of the stomach are regurgitated into the esophagus due to motor disorders;
- intolerance to polyacrylic acid carbomer;
- childhood.
It is completely safe during lactation, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not enter breast milk. During pregnancy, it will not provide any teratogenic effect on the fetus, but due to the increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to the stretching of the stomach walls, it can have an indirect stimulating effect on the uterus. Therefore, it is better to postpone use of Porciola during this period.
The product does not cause serious side effects. Any tablets necessary for treating concomitant diseases can be taken 30 minutes after taking Porciola. It inevitably affects the consistency of the stool, making it thinner. Additionally, polyfecalia is observed, especially with high doses of the carbomer. Sometimes, slight discomfort is felt in the epigastric region after the active ingredient swells.
Severe obesity in a patient over the age of 40 inevitably affects the cardiovascular system. Therefore, before attempting to lose weight, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since weight loss and increased physical activity must be performed gradually.
Patients with diabetes require careful monitoring of glycemia, since a decrease in calorie intake inevitably affects the level of sugar and insulin in the blood.
There are no direct analogs of Porciola registered in Russia, and the existing drugs do not work in the lumen of the stomach. Conventional absorbents have a similar effect, since they make it difficult to absorb fats and carbohydrates. But they work in the intestines, are official drugs, and have much more side effects.
Thus, Porciola is currently the only product in Russia that affects satiety by filling the space in the stomach. The product is quite safe, but in order to achieve the effect, it must be used for a long time, preferably in combination with a gentle diet and physical activity. Despite the complete inertness of the active ingredient, there are contraindications and limitations to use. Therefore, before use, it is desirable to consult with a specialist.