For most ladies, being overweight is not a very encouraging reflection in the mirror. And discontent is caused not only by figure curves, but also by the face. Who likes to look at swollen, saggy skin, bags under the eyes, chubby cheeks, sagging cheeks, and a double chin? It is almost impossible to fix the situation at home, but there is still a way out. There are simple masks that can be easily made at home. Of course, they will not help reduce overall body weight, but they will effectively fight swelling and wrinkles.
Many people underestimate face and cheek masks for weight loss, considering them ineffective. But in fact, their all-natural composition has a complex effect on subcutaneous fat:
- Accelerates cell metabolism.
- Provide a lifting effect.
- Saturate the skin with useful substances.
- Improve microcirculation.
- Eliminate flabbiness, wrinkles, ptosis, sagging.
- Regulate the activity of the subcutaneous glands, which also affects the amount of fat on the face.
- Smooth the skin.
- Tighten the cheeks and double chin.
- Tighten facial contours.
- Provide lymphatic drainage, which reduces swelling and removes bags under the eyes.
Depending on the desired effect, the masks can be lifting, anti-edema, anti-bags under the eyes, anti-cheeks, anti-double chin, lymphatic drainage. But they all have one goal: to help lose weight on the face. And this is possible due to their unique natural composition, which you can adjust to your liking.
Important: You can use not only home remedies to reduce the amount of fat on the face. Cosmetology clinics offer laser liposuction to remove problem areas, but these procedures are quite expensive and require a long recovery period.
To make face and cheek masks for weight loss as effective as possible, you need to carefully select the ingredients. Nothing should be superfluous; all components of the recipe must work together to eliminate puffiness and subcutaneous fat. Here is a list of products that can be used for such masks:
- Thyme, aloe, chamomile, St. John’s wort, lavender, parsley, plantain, horsetail;
- Eggs;
- Alginate, glycerin, lanolin;
- Oils: castor, sea buckthorn, palm, wheat germ, almond, coconut, grape seed, linseed, jojoba;
- Berries (fresh, not frozen or canned);
- Honey;
- High-fat dairy products;
- Yeast;
- Pears, apples, cherries, plums, all citrus fruits, avocado, kiwi;
- Any fresh vegetables;
- Fish oil.
The most effective masks that address most of the problems are made from this wide range of ingredients. Learn how to combine them in the right proportions, and you will see the results very soon.
Keep in mind: There is a commercially available Face Slim mask-corset from Facelift. This is a compression bandage for everyday wear.
To achieve maximum effectiveness, the masks must be used correctly.
Rule №1
Even the coolest mask will not work if nothing else in your lifestyle changes. It is necessary to fight excess weight in a comprehensive manner: reduce the daily calorie intake (our article will tell you how to calculate it) and increase physical activity (the link contains simple and effective exercises and weight loss programs). Only then can you expect to see the results in a week.
How to choose a recipe
Before you start looking for effective face slimming products, try to figure out what exactly your fullness is caused by: puffiness, chubby cheeks, or a double chin (these are often age-related changes, and not signs of being overweight) or a really excessive fat layer. In the first case, lymphatic drainage masks are needed; in the second — lifting masks; in the third — thermal fat-burning masks.
Then study the recipes below, paying attention to the composition of the masks. Compare it with the list above. Are they really suitable for losing weight on the face? Remember, all components should be readily available. For example, you choose avocado, but it suddenly disappears from store shelves because the season is over. And the course you have started will be interrupted if regular application of the product is required.
How to avoid side effects
The main side effect that you may encounter with any homemade mask is an allergic reaction to one of the components. Moreover, you may not even know about it. You may have eaten cherries all your life and enjoyed them. But when you apply cherry pulp to your face, you may develop a rash. After all, eating a product and applying it externally in cosmetology are two different things.
To prevent such a nuisance, it is better to test any mask you make on a sensitive area of your body (for example, the wrist). If there is no itching or redness within 24 hours, you can safely apply the mixture to your face.
How to prepare the products
It is advisable to use homemade (organic) dairy products and eggs. Everything should be fresh, juicy, free of rot or spoilage. Cosmetic oils and honey should be preheated in a water bath. There should be no lumps, so it is better to use a blender to whisk the entire mass.
How to prepare the skin
With obesity or overweight, one of the features of the skin is that the pores are clogged with sebum, which makes cellular respiration difficult. Therefore, the active components of the mask find it difficult to penetrate deep into the skin. For this reason, the applied product may not have any effect at all. Therefore, be sure to steam your face before the procedure. You can use a steamer or take a regular steam bath. It is better not to injure the epidermis with scrubs; use a gommage instead.
How to apply the mask
Apply the mask in a thin layer along the massage lines with your fingertips. Then you need to relax your facial muscles, so it is better to lie down, listen to pleasant music or think about something good. If the first layer of the mask has dried up, you can apply a second one. Keep track of the time — the average duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. However, cottage cheese or sour cream can be left on the face for half an hour, while berries, citrus fruits or alginate should not be overexposed.
How to remove the mask correctly
Slimming face masks have one feature when removing them: they like contrast. First, you need to wash your face with hot water and then with cold water. And repeat several times. This sequence perfectly fixes the anti-edema and fat-burning effect of the product.
You can finish the procedure with a lymphatic drainage massage and apply a lifting cream. Repeat at least twice a week.
Be careful: Alginate masks have excellent lifting properties, but you need to be careful with them: they often contain calcium chloride, which deeply cleanses the pores. It can often cause allergies, as can seaweed extracts themselves. The ingredients for these masks can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Best recipes
Remember: the more carefully you approach the choice of the recipe, the faster you will see the results in the mirror. Do not start with the first recipe that comes across — this way you will not achieve anything. Focus on the urgent problem (edema, double chin, chubby cheeks or puffy cheeks) and composition. By adhering to these two criteria, you can feel slimmer and younger even after the first procedure.
- Fat burners
Grind the bottom leaves of aloe, previously kept in the refrigerator. Mix