- Usage of dietary supplements
- Dosage instructions
- Contraindications
Losing weight and maintaining a good figure is a difficult task that requires an integrated approach. Good results can be achieved by consuming foods that help speed up metabolism.
Usage of dietary supplements
Pumpkin is known not only as a vegetable that turned into a carriage in a famous fairy tale. Its fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, and are distinguished by a serious mineral composition. It is not by chance that nutritionists are constantly fighting for its appearance in the diet of the average person.
Pumpkin seed oil is a kind of concentrate of all the benefits that are found in this fruit. The product is rich in B vitamins, vitamins A and E. It also contains fatty and organic acids, phospholipids, flavonoids and carotene (a substance that gives the pulp of many varieties of pumpkin a characteristic bright orange color).
Due to what properties of pumpkin seed oil is it used for weight loss? There is a widespread belief that when consumed, the product contributes to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, and the body then removes the resulting unnecessary substances. This is a tempting but erroneous opinion. In reality, this is what happens:
- the pancreas improves;
- digestion is stimulated;
- the body is more actively cleansed from waste products.
Scientific fact. As a rule, subcutaneous fat begins to break down only during muscle work, that is, during physical exertion. The simultaneous activation of metabolic processes creates favorable conditions for losing weight.
Another important condition is a balanced diet. If there are a lot of refined fats and “fast” carbohydrates in the diet, then pumpkin seed oil will, at best, slow down the formation of new subcutaneous fat deposits.
Dosage instructions
How to take pumpkin seed oil for weight loss? Remember how new foods are introduced into the children’s diet. They usually start with the smallest doses. The same principle works here.
It is optimal to start your acquaintance with the product with one teaspoon. Add this amount of oil to salad, ready-made sauce, porridge or soup that has already cooled down a little (if it belongs to cold dishes). It is suitable for dressing any dish that involves vegetable oil, but does not imply heat treatment.
Important! Pumpkin seed oil must not be heated, as this deprives it of almost all of its beneficial properties. It is also important to store it correctly: in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25˚С.
It is advisable to introduce this specific product into your diet gradually, observing your own feelings. Allergic reactions or individual intolerance cannot be ruled out even among those who happily eat pumpkin and have never experienced digestive problems.
There is one more important point: it is possible to increase bowel movements. If this process is moderate, then there is no cause for concern. However, diarrhea cannot be ruled out, in which case you can recover by drinking sorbents, drinking plenty of fluids, and resting.
Has the body responded well to the new product? If desired, you can slightly increase the “dosage”. However, you should not completely replace vegetable oil in your diet with pumpkin seed oil. The maximum allowable volume is three tablespoons per day. A larger amount can negatively affect the pancreas.
If it is well tolerated, you can try another method and start drinking pumpkin seed oil for weight loss on its own. The scheme is simple: one teaspoon one hour before meals, up to three times a day. The specific scheme is adjusted depending on how the body reacts. For some, even a single dose is enough for the desired effect.
The smell and taste deserve a separate mention. There are polar opinions on these qualities. Some praise the specific shades of aroma and aftertaste, while others, to put it mildly, are not delighted with them. Are you one of the latter? You can try to smooth out the unpleasant flavor by drinking a few sips of natural juice immediately after taking it. It is not recommended to use water for these purposes. Another option is to eat a small slice of bread (oat or buckwheat) or a crouton. It should be borne in mind that bread also enhances bowel movements, so you should monitor the body’s response to such combinations of products.
This oil did not suit you? It doesn’t matter, there are others, no less interesting: sea buckthorn, castor, black cumin, coconut.
First of all, these are diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, especially those associated with the formation of stones. Secondary – gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers.
The use of pumpkin seed oil should be agreed with the doctor in the following cases/diseases:
- pregnancy/lactation;
- diabetes (regardless of type);
- functional disorders of internal organs.
The balanced use of pumpkin seed oil for weight loss helps to achieve good results when combined with a diet and feasible physical activity, approved by a doctor.