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How to Properly Spend a Kefir Unloading Day to Achieve Maximum Weight Loss Results?

  • Weight Loss Mechanism
  • Possible Harm
  • Pros and Cons
  • Varieties
  • Recommendations
  • Schemes

After the holidays and abundant feasts, no one is immune to gaining extra pounds. It would seem that there is nothing terrible about an extra 2-3 kg, but because of them, even a skirt doesn’t close, and a belly in a tight-fitting dress protrudes unattractively.

There are different ways to get rid of such unwanted surprises. But no one wants to sweat for such a 3 hours in the gym, diets are too strict. But you can arrange an easy and healthy fasting day on kefir – it will contribute to weight loss, and cleanse the body of all unnecessary things.

Weight Loss Mechanism

As part of a fasting day, the components of kefir – bifidobacteria, calcium and protein – are actively involved in the process of cleansing the body. Thanks to them:

  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, ensuring high-quality digestion of food without its accumulation in reserve;
  • cleaning from toxins, toxins, free radicals, nitrates, excess fluid is carried out;
  • there is a long saturation and rapid satiety;
  • the production of hormones that start the process of fat burning is stimulated;
  • the daily calorie intake is reduced to a minimum;
  • additional dietary products accelerate the process of losing weight, improving blood circulation and activating metabolism.

This is a great option for cleansing and losing weight. If you wish and with a competent approach, you can lose up to 1.5 kg.

Note. During a fasting day, you need to consume a drink from the same manufacturer, with the same percentage of fat content. When choosing kefir for weight loss, do not be lazy to look at the composition. It should contain milk, bifidobacteria and sourdough fungus. Nothing else should be!

Possible Harm

Before purchasing such a useful product, keep in mind that fasting days are also stress for the body, and no less than with a full-fledged diet. The load on many organs increases several times. And if initially everything is not all right with your health, they may not be able to cope with it. The result is side effects that can lead to serious complications. So find out the contraindications for this method of losing weight in advance.


  • allergy to milk protein;
  • anorexia;
  • pregnancy;
  • regular bloating;
  • gastritis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • constant flatulence;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • diabetes;
  • ulcer.

Add to this list contraindications to those products that you additionally plan to include in the diet of the fasting day, in addition to the main drink.

Side effects:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • frequent urination.

If the side effects are mild, try to drown them out with a pleasant pastime: take a walk, watch a TV series, listen to music, clean up. But if the symptoms interfere with your usual way of life, it is recommended to interrupt weight loss in this way.

Question-answer. Why is kefir recommended to drink mainly at night? The fact is that it has a relaxing effect. Calming the nervous system – it reduces performance, promotes sound and healthy sleep.

Pros and Cons

Kefir fasting days have both scientifically and practically proven benefits for the body, as well as some harm (in the form of the same side effects). Therefore, first study the reviews about them and weigh the pros and cons.


  • efficiency;
  • budgetary;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • easily tolerated (by most losing weight);
  • side effects are rare;
  • an ideal start for any diet;
  • high-quality cleaning of the intestines and the whole body.


  • monotonous diet;
  • weight loss is temporary;
  • depressed mood;
  • laxative and diuretic effect;
  • fat reserves do not go away, but excess fluid and other harmful substances, since the process of fat burning is too long in time, not fit within the framework of one day.

Kefir is believed to be very filling and nutritious. But don’t be fooled: set yourself up for the fact that you can’t hide from hunger – you have to endure it.

You need to know this! When arranging a fasting day, remember that this fermented milk product contains alcohol in small amounts (about 0.6%). And although this is a tiny dose, the breathalyzer can catch it.


To diversify the meager diet of a fasting day, supplement the main drink with other low-calorie and dietary products. There can be a huge number of options.

  • With apples

The most popular are fasting days on kefir and apples (47 kcal – in green varieties), since both products do not require special preparation, are cheap, always available, useful for the body, low-calorie, tasty and go well with each other.

Option 1. Five meals a day. At each meal, drink 1 glass of the main drink and eat 1 apple.

Option 2. There is no food intake schedule by the hour. Just during the day you need to drink 1 liter of kefir, and eat apples every time hunger starts to torment.

Option 3. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, prepare a nutritious cocktail: mix a glass of the main drink and half an apple in a blender. And drink green tea for lunch and afternoon tea.

Option 4. In the morning, cut 1.5 kg of apples into small slices, fill them with a liter of kefir. This volume must be eaten during the day, as you feel like eating.

Any kefir-apple fasting day also allows you to include a little cinnamon in your diet, which has fat-burning properties. It can be sprinkled on sliced apples or added to cocktails. Judging by the reviews, the weight loss results can be 1 kg.

  • With buckwheat

Fasting days on kefir and buckwheat (330 kcal in raw and 110 kcal in boiled) are no less popular. This cereal is very satisfying and cleanses

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