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Holosas for Weight Loss: Interaction and Properties of Herbal Laxatives

Dietary supplements for burning fat and suppressing appetite are pretty expensive, and often hit the pockets of those who want to lose weight. Then people start looking for a way out: cheap medications. Prescription medications come into focus in such situations: inexpensive, over-the-counter, herbal. Recently, the Holosas rosehip syrup with choleretic properties has been increasingly recommended for weight loss. Is this a far-fetched statement or a real help in the fight against hated pounds?

What is it?

Holosas is a medicinal product made on the basis of rosehip fruits, made in the form of a syrup. It has a pronounced choleretic and hepatoprotective (protecting the liver) effect. It is prescribed in the case of diseases of the gall bladder and liver. Being a plant product, it is considered to be as safe as possible.

It is inexpensive (about $1 per 100 ml). It is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. It is prescribed to children and the elderly, which distinguishes it favorably from similar products.

Not so long ago, recipes appeared in which it is used as a means for weight loss. Since it is a choleretic syrup, together with bile it “removes” harmful substances, thereby cleansing the body and improving the work of the digestive system and liver. As a result, all this should lead to weight loss. There is no scientific evidence of such an effect, although the logic is quite sound and the reviews indicate that results can be achieved.

Before deciding to lose weight in this way, one must realize that this drug is a medication that is intended to solve completely different problems. Weight loss is not part of its functionality. Therefore, for the possible consequences, you will have to assume full responsibility. Before doing this, it is highly recommended to get examined, consult with doctors about the appropriateness of taking the drug, and carefully study the instructions for use so as not to get into unforeseen situations.


Many people are interested in what it is made of. The main raw material is rosehip berries. They contain a large amount of substances that are useful for the body.

The chemical composition of rosehip berries, which is preserved in Holosas almost in full:

Holosas contains only two active ingredients:

  • 25% extract of rosehip berries – 40% of the total composition;
  • sucrose – 60%.

Such a composition should already make those who planned to lose weight in such an unusual way on alert. Despite the high content of the main active substance and the absence of additional chemicals, there is too much sucrose. It is important to consider the calorific value of the syrup – 400 kcal. Yes, the dosages of intake are minimal, but they make their contribution to both the overall daily calorie intake and the increase in blood sugar.

Release forms

The main release form is syrup. Tablets with an identical composition and pharmacological effect are currently produced by only one company: Holosas-Pharm (Ukraine).

Color: dark brown.

Taste: tart, sweet and sour, with a pronounced aftertaste of rosehip berries. For some, it is even too sugary-sweet, to the extent that you have to dilute it with water.

Smell: tart, specific.

Consistency: thick, homogeneous.

Packaging: glass bottle of different volumes: from 120 to 300 ml. Usually packed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological action

Before using Holosas for weight loss, it is worth finding out what it is used for in medicine so as to understand its effect on the body. Its main goal is to eliminate the stagnation of bile in the gall bladder, where it is found after it is made by the liver. When eating, it is partially released into the intestine with the aim of accelerating and facilitating the process of digestion.

According to statistics, 20% of people suffer from stagnation of bile in the gall bladder, but most people don’t even know about it, although this leads to unfavorable consequences for the health:

  • digestion worsens;
  • the metabolism slows down;
  • first heartburn appears, then gastritis develops, and as a result, an ulcer is diagnosed;
  • the function of the liver is disrupted, since it becomes unclear how much bile to synthesize: in the same amounts as before (necessary for well-being) or less (since it accumulates a lot).

Eliminating the stagnation of bile, Holosas prevents all of these unpleasant consequences from developing. Its pharmacological functionality:

  • “drives” the bile out;
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • accelerates the regeneration of tissues;
  • reduces the permeability of blood vessels;
  • activates the carbohydrate and mineral metabolism;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties (manifested weakly).

At the same time, weight loss is not part of its functionality and it does not have fat-burning properties.


The indications for use will surprise those who want to lose weight with its help:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stagnant processes in the gall bladder, hepatitis, cholecystitis (except calculous cholecystitis), cholangitis, and hepatocholecystitis;
  • poisoning (alcohol, narcotic, medication);
  • excessive physical strain (including overtraining in athletes);
  • weakened immunity.

Loss of appetite – one of the indications – clearly does not fit into the scheme of losing weight. For this very purpose, the syrup is often given to children who eat poorly. However, in the case of extra pounds and the problem of overeating, this point becomes dangerous and can upset the plan.


The instructions often do not contain a complete list of contraindications. Experts warn that the list should be expanded:

  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stones in the gall bladder, blockage of bile ducts, calculous cholecystitis;
  • gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer (only during an exacerbation);
  • heart failure, thrombophlebitis, circulatory disorders, endocarditis;
  • kidney disease.

Cardiovascular diseases and kidney pathologies are often not listed as contraindications by the manufacturers. However, cleansing the liver and removing bile do not always have a positive effect on their condition – this should be taken into account when taking the drug.

Side effects

The instructions rarely mention the side effects that can be expected from taking the drug. However, sometimes they appear in the reviews. You definitely need to keep them in mind:

  • allergic reactions: itching, redness, rash;
  • dyspepsia: nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, discomfort in the epigastric region, heartburn;
  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • increased acidity of stomach juice.

Overdose is unlikely.


The detailed instructions for use are contained in the instructions for use. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with it before starting use.

How much to drink?

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