Dietary supplements for weight loss and appetite suppression are quite expensive, often affecting the financial capabilities of those who want to lose weight. That is why there is a need to look for more affordable options. In such cases, the choice often falls on over-the-counter drugs: they are inexpensive, they are sold without a prescription, and they contain plant-based components. Recently, Holosas, a rosehip syrup with choleretic properties, has been increasingly recommended for weight loss.
What is it?
Holosas is a rosehip-based preparation in the form of a syrup. It has a pronounced choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. It is prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Being a herbal preparation, it is considered as safe as possible.
It is inexpensive (about $1 per 100 ml). It is sold over-the-counter without a prescription. It is prescribed for children and the elderly, which distinguishes it from similar drugs.
Recipes for its use for weight loss have appeared relatively recently. Since this is a choleretic syrup, it “flushes out” harmful substances along with bile, thereby purifying the body and improving the work of the digestive tract and liver. As a result, this should lead to weight loss. There is no scientific confirmation of such an effect, although the logic is quite sound, and the reviews indicate that the result can be achieved.
Before deciding to lose weight in this way, it is important to understand that this drug is a pharmaceutical preparation and is intended to solve completely different problems. Weight loss is not included in its tasks. Therefore, for any possible consequences, you will have to take responsibility for yourself. Before doing this, it is highly advisable to undergo an examination, consult with doctors about the possibility of taking the drug, carefully study the instructions for its use to exclude any unforeseen situations.
What does it consist of?
Many are interested in the question of what the drug consists of. The main raw material is rose hips. They contain a huge amount of nutrients for the body.
The chemical composition of rose hips, which is almost completely preserved in Holosas: