Sorbent Enterosgel, designed for cleansing the body, has recently been increasingly used in weight loss programs. In particular, many have already tried Enterosgel, an effective, natural, and affordable drug with a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Is it possible for one drug to combine so many advantages? Let’s figure it out.
## General information about the drug
[Image of Enterosgel]Trade name: Enterosgel.
Status: medicinal product.
Active substance: polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, hydrogel of methylsilcic acid (70 g per 100 g of drug).
* permanent — purified water (30 ml per 100 g of drug);
* some pastes contain sweeteners E954 (saccharin) and E952 (sodium cyclamate/cyclamic acid);
* capsules additionally contain titanium dioxide (Е171), gelatin.
Pharmacological group: intestinal sorbing agents.
Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification code: A07BC (intestinal adsorbents).
* Ukrainian Creo-Pharm;
* Russian TNC Silma.
Dosage forms:
* gel suspension (Enterosgel by Silma);
* paste (Enterosgel by Creo-Pharm, Enterosgel by Silma);
* capsules (Enterosgel ExtraCaps by Creo-Pharm).
Gel and paste are produced in plastic jars, tubes, or sachets.
Main characteristics:
* consistency — a homogeneous creamy mass/jelly-like gel/hard gelatin capsules with powdery contents;
* color — white;
* smell — no;
* taste — no.
Pharmacokinetics: is not processed in the digestive tract, is not absorbed into the blood, does not participate in biochemical processes, does not undergo metabolic transformations. It performs its sorption functions within 12 hours. After that, it is excreted unchanged. The barrier it creates on the mucous membranes lasts for 24 hours.
Dispensing: over the counter, without a prescription.
>**Historical reference.** Enterosgel was synthesized in the late 1970s at the Pisarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Kyiv. Authors – I.B. Slinyakova and I.M. Samodumova.
## Effects
Getting into the stomach, the gel absorbs and removes from the body:
* endogenous and exogenous toxic substances that can be produced directly in the digestive tract, enter it with food, or come with blood or bile;
* allergens of all groups;
* nitric oxides, harmful fluoride compounds, mercury and lead, arsenic, poisons, and salts of heavy metals;
* xenobiotics;
* rotaviruses;
* protein decay products;
* lipopolysaccharide molecules;
* antigens;
* pathogenic microorganisms;
* residual alcohol and medicines;
* toluene, petroleum products;
* radioactive isotopes.
Enterosgel also regulates the level of some metabolites. If their level is increased, it absorbs the excess. It can maintain a healthy level of bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, and some lipid complexes in the body.
In addition to cleansing, it also performs protective functions. It envelops the mucous membranes, forming a layer that acts as a barrier and prevents their damage. Moreover, this applies to the intestinal mucosa, as well as other internal organs.
The mechanism of Enterosgel restoration of the intestinal barrier is as follows:
1. Decrease in lipopolysaccharide concentration in the blood to normal.
2. Restoration of anti-endotoxin immunity.
3. Restoration of microcirculation in the intestinal mucosa.
4. Restoration of its blood supply.
5. Restoration of the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.
6. Restoration of the barrier function.
As a result: the stomach is completely cleansed of harmful substances, digestion is normalized, intestinal microflora is restored. In addition, the work of the kidneys and liver improves due to a decrease in their load due to the fact that Enterosgel takes over part of their functions. After a full course of administration, blood and urine tests improve.
>**About the manufacturers.** Today, two companies own the patents for the production of Enterosgel. The main one is the Ukrainian Creo-Pharm (produces the drug since 1994). Its subsidiary, the Russian company TNC Silma, was established in 1996. Currently, manufacturers are in legal proceedings over patent rights.
## Slimming mechanism
[Image of Enterosgel for weight loss]Despite the fact that the list of Enterosgel indications does not include problems associated with excess weight, recently it has been increasingly recommended for weight loss. Theoretically, this method of combating extra pounds is quite justified. The drug thoroughly cleanses the intestines, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of other organs, and starts useful biochemical reactions that contribute to weight loss.
Firstly, the metabolism is accelerated, and foreign elements that significantly slow down its speed can no longer interfere with the process.
Secondly, digestion improves, resulting in all the nutrients entering the stomach with food being successfully broken down and utilized by the body. In such conditions, the deposition of fat “in reserve” is excluded.
Thirdly, the appetite decreases, since Enterosgel, like a sponge, absorbs excess gastric juice, which causes a feeling of hunger. In addition, the drug swells and creates a false feeling of satiety.
Another useful property of Enterosgel is manifested when it is used during a diet and physical activity. Reducing the daily calorie content of the diet and playing sports leads to the release of