- Composition and benefits
- Contraindications
- Methods of application
- Useful tips
- Best recipes
- Questions and answers
Honey is rich in carbohydrates and fat-free. Due to the huge number of vitamins, it is used as a medical product for the treatment of many diseases. Due to antioxidants, it is actively used in cosmetology. It is quite calorific, since 100 g contains about 330 kcal, but despite its sweetness and high energy value, it is included in many diets.
It’s time to reveal the secret of whether honey is really useful for weight loss or if it is another trick of the modern world, seeking to make everyone slim and fit.
Composition and benefits
Due to the unique composition of this product of beekeeping, its useful properties can help in losing weight, despite its high calorie content and the presence of glucose and fructose in it. In addition to them, it contains a huge amount of vitamins and other substances that activate metabolism, blood circulation, stimulate the functioning of the excretory system, and most importantly – they promote the burning of subcutaneous fat stores.
If you do not overeat, observe the proportions and know how to combine honey with other diet products, you can achieve excellent results thanks to it.
- Antioxidants
When a person loses weight, fat molecules in his/her body gradually decompose. As a result, free radicals are released, they are known for their negative impact on health. Because of them, all doctors unanimously oppose any diets that deplete the body.
The use of honey during this period enriches the cells with antioxidants (they include catalase, halogen, pinocembrin, chrysin, pinocembrin), which are able to neutralize these same harmful free radicals. From this point of view, nutritionists strongly recommend choosing dark varieties for weight loss. Compared to light varieties, they contain more antioxidants.
- Nutrients
In the process of losing weight, a person loses not only kilograms, but also useful substances along with energy. Because of this, weakness, decreased efficiency, dizziness and other unpleasant side effects often occur. This can be avoided if you eat a small amount of honey every day during your diet. Since it contains many vitamins (pyridoxine, riboflavin, acids – ascorbic, pantothenic, nicotinic) and microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc.).
- Glucose
Another component of honey, glucose, successfully copes with the problem of loss of strength described above. Together with fructose, they become a useful, natural and very necessary source of energy for the body during the difficult period of weight loss. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise all their benefits will turn into fat stores.
- Glycemic index
Any product consumed by a person affects the level of sugar in his/her blood to a greater or lesser extent. If it increases within a few minutes after the food gets into the stomach, nutritionists talk about its high glycemic index (hereinafter GI). It leads to increased appetite and fat deposition. If the GI of the food is low, sugar enters the bloodstream slowly and gradually, without causing hunger and not provoking the formation of treacherous wrinkles.
The glycemic index of honey ranges from about 50 to 70 (the indicator depends on the variety), and is considered one of the lowest. That is why it is recommended to actively use it to reduce the volume of the abdomen, which is the most problematic place on the female body.
So, the benefits of honey as a means for intensive weight loss is not a myth at all, despite all its sweetness and high calorie content. This is a scientifically proven fact that is beyond doubt. But then why can you read comments that because of this product, weight only increases? Most likely, it is simply used incorrectly.
Etymology. According to one version, honey is a word of Greek origin: “μέθυ” is translated as “intoxicating drink”. This is due to the fact that in the past it was considered almost the only product from which it was possible to make strong alcoholic beverages. Some scientists find ancient Hebrew roots in this word and translate it as “magic spells”.
For weight loss with honey to meet the hopes associated with it, it is necessary to comply with contraindications to its active use. From one sandwich a month, there is unlikely to be any serious change in your body. But a dietary course involves its regular use: in dishes, drinks (for example, with ginger water), as an external anti-cellulite agent.
As a result, its effect will increase every day. And those organs and systems that cannot fully function due to health reasons begin to fail – health worsens – and you have to admit defeat in the fight against excess weight.
Therefore, remember the contraindications for this method of losing weight:
- diabetes;
- tendency to allergies;
- any pulmonary diseases: pneumosclerosis, emphysema, pulmonary infarction, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, obstructive bronchitis, bleeding of any origin;
- disorders of the heart and vascular system: cardiac asthma, heart valve disease, myocarditis;
- malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of any part, enterocolitis, gastritis;
- cholelithiasis / urolithiasis;
- rheumatism;
- cholecystitis;
- any types of dermatitis and diathesis.
Each of these diseases is so serious that their exacerbations will not pass without harm to health in the future. Therefore, no figure, even the slimmest one, is worth such sacrifices. First, get tested, make an appointment with a doctor if you have any doubts. If you have any of these contraindications, you must abandon weight loss using honey and choose another method to correct your figure.
Interesting fact. Honey is one of the few foods that does not spoil. For example, an amphora with this amazing product was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (1330 BC) – and for all these centuries it has not lost its taste and useful properties.
Methods of application
To use honey as a means for losing weight, you need to know the methods of its use. There are quite a few of them, and each has its own characteristics.
An independent dietary product
Honey can be used as an independent product for weight loss. In order for it to launch the necessary processes in the body, it can be used according to specially developed schemes:
- drink honey on an empty stomach in the morning: 1 tablespoon, washed down with a glass of water;
- honey water half an hour before breakfast;
- honey tea between meals;
- a tablespoon of honey at night will make the stomach work at full capacity, leaving no fat in reserve.
But you need to understand that if you do not limit yourself in food, none of these schemes will work. And it’s not about strict diets at all. It is enough just to follow the daily routine and adhere to the principles of healthy eating. The absence of harmful products in the diet, supported by regular consumption of honey, will show you excellent results on the scales in a month.
Within the framework of a diet
If in the previous case the number of lost kilograms will not be so large (3-4 per month), then by using honey while following a weight loss diet, you can achieve much more significant results. Moreover, it can be any – protein, carbohydrate, fat, etc.
This product will be an excellent support for the body during this difficult period. At least, he will not feel a deficiency of nutrients and will not provoke a decline in strength. Possible schemes:
- instead of sugar for sweetening tea or coffee;
- drink raw honey water on an empty stomach in the morning or between meals;
- as a sedative – in the evening;
- as an additional ingredient for the water, which must be drunk
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