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Green Tea for Weight Loss: How Effective Is It? Best Types and Effective Recipes

  • Weight Loss Mechanism
  • Contraindications
  • Weight Loss Methods
  • Useful Tips
  • Recommended Varieties
  • Recipes
  • Questions and Answers

Green tea is hailed as the number one environmentally friendly product. Nutritionists recommend actively using it for weight loss, but doctors warn of the dangerous consequences of consuming it frequently. Calming as well as stimulating properties are attributed to this tea. It contains plenty of tannins (including caffeine tannin) and alkaloids and amino acids and vitamins. Compared to the black variety, it does not undergo fermentation during production, and this is its main valuable property, which preserves the maximum amount of useful substances in it.

Until this day, there are disputes in scientific circles and among users about whether green tea can be used for weight loss, whether it will have any effect, or whether it is better to choose some other method. Let’s take a more detailed look at this issue.

Weight Loss Mechanism

It should be noted right away that green tea does contribute to weight loss – this is a fact. But it is neither a panacea nor a powerful dietary product that can be used for mono-diets – it is an excellent auxiliary tool that accelerates the fat burning process against the backdrop of other weight loss systems.

If you combine consuming this magical drink with any of the diets (low-carb, protein, etc.) or intensive sports activities, it will yield quite good results. And this is all thanks to the chemical composition of this divine elixir of life, as it is called in China.

Here’s how green tea benefits weight loss:

  • accelerates metabolism;
  • has a diuretic effect, removing all excess fluid from the body;
  • polyphenols enhance heat exchange in the body, processing deposited fats;
  • reduces blood sugar levels, which suppresses hunger – a very useful property for losing weight: that’s why it’s recommended to drink the beverage half an hour before meals, so as to eat less than usual during lunch or dinner, and during a diet it helps curb a raging appetite;
  • improves well-being: as you know, any diet can cause dizziness and nausea, which will not happen if you drink this beverage;
  • improves mood, which allows you to steadfastly endure the strictest hunger strike, many of which lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

Anyone who does not believe in the effectiveness of green tea for weight loss can be acquainted with the following research results: if you drink up to 6 glasses of this beverage per day for a week, the volume of fat that is burned increases by 45%. And this means that you can tidy up your figure, finally getting rid of the ugly layers on your stomach and other parts of your body. But all this becomes possible only if your body can withstand the waterfall of this miraculous drink.

Interesting fact. Green tea leaves contain more than 300 different chemical compounds, most of which are still unknown to science. They are difficult to study, as they are subject to constant changes and depend on the age of the tea bush, the season when the raw materials were gathered, the processing method, and the storage conditions.


Despite the fact that the benefits of green tea for weight loss are obvious (with the right approach), it can be harmful and even poisonous. This happens in two cases.

Firstly, if you ignore the contraindications for its active use. Secondly, if you constantly drink a beverage that has been brewed for more than 6 hours. Harmful phenolic compounds are formed in it, which can lead to poisoning.

Contraindications for use:

  • any problems with the heart, which in a diseased state will not withstand such a large amount of caffeine and tannin;
  • tendency to form kidney stones;
  • old age;
  • aggravation of ulcers, gastric erosion, gastritis;
  • high body temperature;
  • pronounced arrhythmia;
  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • gout;
  • glaucoma.

Very often, diets are accompanied by digestive tract disorders. And then green tea will also have an effect on it. This can ultimately lead to perforation of the ulcer and a hospital bed. Consuming large amounts of the beverage can cause tachycardia and tingling in the heart area.

So there are both benefits and harms to this elixir for weight loss, which you should assess objectively before starving yourself in this way. In order not to bring yourself to exhaustion or a painful state, it is very important to choose the correct regimen for its use.

Unfortunately. Green tea puts a very serious strain on the heart, which is unacceptable if it is diseased. So, no one who has problems with the cardiovascular system should experiment with this weight loss method.

Weight Loss Methods

There are many different ways to lose weight with green tea. And here it is very important to choose the optimal option for your body so as not to harm it.

If you only need to slightly correct your figure and lose a couple of kilograms, a fasting day will be enough. If you need a more impressive result, you cannot do without a diet lasting a week. And for those who are obese, nutritionists recommend using pharmacy dietary supplements with green tea extract.

  • Fasting Day

If you need to lose weight urgently by tomorrow, arrange a fasting day on green tea for yourself. To do this, during the day you will need to drink a serving of this aromatic beverage per cup. In total, its daily volume should be about a liter. Between servings, you will definitely need to drink plenty of plain water.

For breakfast, you are allowed to eat a piece of whole grain bread, for lunch – a small cucumber without salt, for dinner – an apple. Since green tea is not recommended at night, it can be replaced with low-fat kefir.

  • Diet

There is a fully developed diet based on green tea. It is offered as support during a hunger strike. There are different regimens for drinking a beverage for this purpose:

– drink a cup half an hour before each meal to satisfy your hunger and not overeat;
– drink after eating (after 15 minutes) to activate the processes of digestion and fat breakdown;
– between meals.

Different diets offer different dosages: from 3 glasses (this is the minimum) to 1.5 liters (this is already excessive) per day. It is recommended to start with a small volume to see how the body will react to the beverage. Gradually, with each passing day, in the absence of side effects, the portions can be increased.

  • Pharmacy Extract

If you have purchased the extract in capsules, it is a dietary supplement. Therefore, it is better to use it during one of the meals. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets per day. The duration of the weight loss course is a month. Although the dosage and duration of the diet may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Look for similar products from companies such as Evalar, Source Naturals, Country Life, MyProtein and others.

Pharmacy extract of green tea

In order for the slimming properties of green tea to manifest themselves in all their glory, it must be consumed with extreme caution so as not to harm your own body. Any of the above methods can give good results at the output: fasting day -2 kg, diet (depending on food restrictions) -3-5 kg, pills -7 kg.

Moreover, these indicators can be seriously improved if the following useful tips are followed.

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