- Slimming mechanism
- Contraindications
- Methods of losing weight
- Helpful tips
- Recommended varieties
- Recipes
- Questions and answers
Green tea is called the ecological product № 1. Dieticians recommend to actively use it for the purpose of weight loss, but doctors warn about the dangerous consequences of its frequent use. This drink is credited with the ability to both soothe and stimulate. It contains a lot of tanning agents (including caffeine tannate), alkaloids, amino acids and vitamins. Unlike black tea, it is not fermented in the process of making, which is its main advantage – it retains maximum amount of nutrients.
The scientific world and public opinion argue a lot about whether it is possible to use green tea for the purpose of losing weight, whether it will help at all and whether it is better to choose some other method. Let’s take a more detailed look into that matter.
Slimming mechanism
We should say it right away: yes, green tea helps to lose weight, that is a fact. However, it is not a panacea or a powerful dietary supplement, which could be used for mono-diets – it is an excellent auxiliary means that helps to accelerate the process of fat burning along with any other diet for the purpose of losing weight.
If you combine this magic drink with any diet (low-carb, protein etc.) or active exercises, you will get a good result. And all of that is because of the chemical composition of this divine drink of life – as it is called in China.
Here is why green tea is good for the purpose of losing weight:
- accelerates metabolism;
- has a diuretic effect, expelling extra liquid from the body;
- polyphenols activate heat exchange in the body, which triggers the utilization of fat stores;
- lowers glucose level in the blood, which suppresses hunger – this property is very useful for the purpose of losing weight: it is recommended to have this drink half an hour before eating so that you would eat less during your lunch or dinner; besides, it helps to control your appetite during dieting;
- improves well-being: as you know, any diet may cause dizziness and general weakness, which will not happen if you have this drink;
- improves mood, which allows you to endure the strictest hunger strike, many of which lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.
Those who don’t believe in the effectiveness of green tea for the purpose of losing weight may get interested in the results of the following study: if you drink up to 6 glasses of this drink per day for a week, the amount of burnt fat will increase by 45%. And this means that you will be able to shape your figure up and finally get rid of unaesthetic bulges on your stomach and other parts of your body. However, all of that is possible only if your body can take in a lot of this miraculous drink.
Interesting fact. The leaves of green tea contain more than 300 different chemical substances, the majority of which are still unexplored by science. They are rather complicated for studying, as they are subject to constant changes and depend on the age of a tea bush, harvesting season of the raw materials, processing method and storage conditions.
Despite the fact that the benefits of green tea for the purpose of losing weight are undeniable (with a competent approach), it may bring harm or even become toxic. There are two cases when it happens.
First, if you ignore contraindications for its active use. Second, if you regularly drink a beverage that was brewed more than 6 hours ago. There appear harmful phenol compounds in it, which may lead to poisoning.
Contraindications for use:
- any heart conditions that, being in the stage of exacerbation, are unlikely to take a big amount of caffeine and tannins;
- tendency to develop kidney stones;
- old age;
- exacerbation of ulcers, gastric erosion, gastritis;
- high body temperature;
- severe arrhythmia;
- insomnia;
- high blood pressure;
- gout;
- glaucoma.
Very often, dieting is accompanied by gastrointestinal upset. And this is when green tea has its additional effect on it. As a result, it can lead to the development of ulcerative lesions and hospitalization. Drinking this beverage in large amounts may cause tachycardia and stabbing pain in the heart.
So, this elixir for losing weight has both advantages and disadvantages, which need to be evaluated objectively before you exhaust yourself such way. It is important to choose the correct drinking regimen so as to avoid fatigue and painful conditions.
Unfortunately. Green tea puts huge strain on the heart, which is unacceptable if the organ is not healthy. Consequently, those who have any problems with cardiovascular system should avoid experimenting with this method of losing weight.
Methods of losing weight
There can be many different ways to lose weight with green tea. And it is important to choose the variant that works best for your body, so as not to harm it.
If you just need a little correction of your figure and want to get rid of a couple of kilos, a one-day fasting will do. If you need more impressive results, you will have to go on a diet for a week. And for those who suffer from obesity, dieticians recommend using dietary supplements with the extract of green tea.
- One-day fasting
If you urgently need to lose weight until tomorrow, you should have a one-day fasting on green tea. To do that, during the day, you need to drink in portions a cup of this fragrant drink. In total, its daily volume should be about 1 liter. In between, you need to drink plenty of pure water.
For breakfast, you can eat a piece of whole-grain bread, for lunch – a small cucumber without salt, for dinner – an apple. As green tea is not recommended for the evening time, you can substitute it with low-fat kefir.
- Diet
There is a specially designed diet for green tea. It is recommended to follow it in time with the fasting. There are several schemes of using the drink for that purpose:
— have a cup half an hour before each meal to satisfy your hunger and not overeat;
— have a drink after your meal (in 15 minutes) to activate digestion and fat breaking processes;
— in between meals.
Various diets imply different dosage: from 3 glasses (which is minimum) to 1,5 liters (which is already too much) per day. It is recommended to start with a small amount to see how your body reacts to the drink. Gradually, day by day, you can increase the portions in the absence of any side effects.
- Pharmacy extract
If you have bought the extract in capsules, it is a dietary supplement. Therefore, it is better to take it during one of the meals. The recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day. The duration of the slimming course is one month. Nevertheless, different manufacturers may have different dosage and duration of the diet.
Look for such products from the companies of Evalar, Source Naturals, Country Life, MyProtein and others.
Pharmacy extract of green tea
In order for the properties of green tea to show to the full extent for the purpose of weight loss, you need to use