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Citrosept – Losing Weight Is a Fairy Tale! Does It Work?

Naringin is a plant flavonoid found in citrus fruits. It is especially concentrated in grapefruit peel. Since it was discovered that it can provide the body with useful energy and suppress appetite, it has been actively used as a component of sports supplements and weight-loss dietary supplements.

Despite numerous side effects and criticism from official medicine, preparations based on it have remained at the peak of popularity for the past few years. For example, recently, Citrosept, which contains grapefruit extract (and therefore naringin) has been increasingly recommended for weight loss. However, there are far more negative reviews about it than positive ones. Why?

Brief description

Trade name: Citrosept. In Latin: Citrosept.

ATC code: none assigned since it is not a drug and is a dietary supplement.

Main active ingredients: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), bioflavonoids.

Release forms:

  • transparent, slightly brown drops of a liquid consistency, bitter in taste, with a slight citrus scent;
  • milky-yellow, smooth capsules with a gelatin shell, without taste or smell.


  • 3 blister packs of 10 capsules each in a cardboard box (30 in total);
  • 100 capsules in a plastic jar;
  • 10, 20, 50 ml drops in a glass, dark-colored vial with a dropper in a cardboard box.

Useful information. 10 ml ≈ 260 drops (this will help you calculate the volume you need based on the daily dosage and duration of use).


  • Cintamani Poland Majewscy (Poland);
  • Cintamani Bulgaria (Bulgaria);
  • Chintamani International (Czech Republic);
  • DI Kurt Assam (Italy).

Prior to 2009, it was produced in Norway.

Main purpose: an antibiotic of plant origin.

Method of administration: capsules – orally, drops – orally and externally.

It has high bioavailability, is quickly absorbed and assimilated by cells. Does not cause addiction or dependence.

Storage conditions: protect from moisture and sunlight. The optimum storage temperature is between 10 and 25 °C. The shelf life is 3 years.

Cost: quite high – $11 for 10 ml, $25 for 50 ml, $15 for 30 capsules.

More about the composition and release forms

Main active ingredients:

  • ascorbic acid – 5 g (per 100 ml of drops);
  • bioflavonoids (quercetin, hesperidin, etc.) – 19.37 g (per 100 ml of drops).

The drops also contain grapefruit seed extract, but in a small amount. Purified water and palm glycerin are present as excipients.

The composition of the capsules (trade name – Citrosept Acerola Forte 600 mg N30) is more varied:

  • dried acerola (Barbados cherry fruit);
  • grapefruit seed extract.

Additional components (for encapsulation):

  • dicalcium phosphate;
  • maltodextrin;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • acid-alpha-D tocopheryl succinate (one of the forms of vitamin E);
  • silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate.

The liquid is considered a more effective pharmacological form of Citrosept, since it has a higher concentration of active components and practically no excipients. However, many do not like it because of its overly bitter taste. Constant dissolving and counting the drops is also not always convenient. Another disadvantage is that if undiluted concentrate gets on the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, it can cause burns.

Citrosept is available in capsule and drop form

Capsules are easy to use. They are easy to swallow as they have no taste or smell. They also contain vitamin E, but there is also quite a bit of auxiliary “chemistry”.


Benefits for the body

Initially, Citrosept was known only as a powerful antibiotic of plant origin that has an immunostimulating effect on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral.

Due to its plant-based composition, Citrosept has a mild effect, but it copes well with its antibiotic functions, judging by the reviews. In the cold season, during colds and epidemics, it strengthens the body’s defenses and suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Bioflavonoids provide the immunostimulating effect. By interacting with the membrane of a bacterial (fungal, viral) cell, they disrupt its integrity, which leads to the death of the microorganism. This process is accelerated by inhibition of amino acid synthesis. The advantage is that they do not have such a detrimental effect on healthy cells.

Other useful properties of Citrosept:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • eliminates foci of inflammation;
  • helps with rheumatism;
  • improves microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • lowers sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • improves liver function;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Bioflavonoids have an antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process and destroying free radicals. At one time, it was suggested that Citrosept could fight cancer cells and stop tumor growth. However, this was not confirmed.

Weight loss effect

With the discovery of naringin, manufacturers began to promote Citrosept as a weight loss aid that:

  • boosts metabolism;
  • reduces appetite;
  • triggers the process of fat burning.

It was announced that you could lose 15 kg in 2 weeks of active use of the drops. Naturally, those who wanted to lose weight wanted to try the old dietary supplement in a new role. Citrosept was a sales leader for a while. Many counterfeits appeared on the market. In addition to the drops, capsules also began to be produced. Each company tried to pull the blanket over itself, claiming that their preparation was the original.

However, Citrosept’s triumph as a weight loss supplement was short-lived. There were more and more negative and indignant reviews that neither after 2, nor 3 weeks, nor even after a month of use, their weight had not decreased. Demand began to fall. Despite scathing criticism and widespread disappointment, the drug is still actively sold today, albeit not on the same scale as before. Some people still try to lose weight by taking it, and there are even some positive reviews. But why, overall, the dietary supplement turned out to be a failure as a weight loss aid?

You don’t need to go far to find the answer – just look at the composition of Citrosept. Grapefruit extract is not one of the main active ingredients. There is an insignificant amount of it – at least not enough to trigger an intensive fat burning process and promote weight loss. Likewise, the naringin contained in it is lost among other bioflavonoids.


Indications for the use of Citrosept:

  • weakened immunity: viral, infectious, fungal diseases, adaptation or rehabilitation period;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infection, pharyngitis, flu,
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