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Bisacodyl: how to take it and what side effects to be aware of

  • Pharmacological properties
  • Indications for use
  • Mechanism of action
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Side effects
  • Contraindications
  • Features of administration

More and more often, Bisacodyl is used for rapid weight loss – a means to eliminate constipation and empty the кишечник before performing surgical procedures. The drug has a pronounced laxative effect and can be of effective help when following various protein diets and fasting. But before using it, you need to weigh the possible consequences.

Pharmacological properties

Bisacodyl – laxative is presented in the form of tablets a product that affects the digestive organs and metabolic processes. It, dragees and rectal suppositories. It is produced by different manufacturers, but the principle of action and dosage of the active substance remain unchanged.

Commercial names of the drug:

Tablets and dragees

The standard package contains 30 dragees and from 20 to 40 tablets (with five milligrams of active substance in each). Adults are prescribed up to three tablets per day. The best option is one at night. If it does not work, the next morning half an hour before breakfast, you can take another pill. The laxative effect will make itself felt after six hours.


The package usually contains 10 rectal suppositories (10 milligrams of active ingredient each). The torpedo-shaped form facilitates insertion. Daily rate – up to two candles per day (at a time). They eliminate any irritation of the stomach by the active components of the drug, which minimizes the appearance of negative symptoms from the digestive tract. The laxative effect occurs an hour after use. Painful sensations in the anus are possible.

Indications for use

Bisacodyl has clear indications for use:

  • acute constipation (after a strict diet – including);
  • poor peristalsis of the intestine;
  • intestinal lavage on the eve of diagnostic, surgical procedures, in preparation for labor;
  • facilitating defecation in the postoperative period;
  • atony of the colon.

Sometimes a laxative is prescribed for severe cardiovascular pathologies.

Important! The drug affects the ability to drive vehicles and service moving devices.

Mechanism of action

Bisacodyl contains synthetic chemicals. Getting into the digestive tract, they enter into characteristic chemical reactions. As a result of metabolic processes, the main component is activated – it interacts with the nerve receptors of the intestine, irritating its mucous membrane. Throughout the intestines, peristalsis significantly increases – feces are quickly and painlessly removed from the body. The production of mucus enveloping feces increases, which makes defecation as easy as possible.

Increased gastrointestinal motility is not the only useful property of the drug. It “attracts” fluid into the intestines, preventing its reabsorption. As a result, the total quantitative composition of feces increases, they become softer and more elastic. The act of defecation is simplified. But with accelerated emptying of the stomach, the organ does not have time to absorb the necessary nutrients.

Avitaminosis and deficiency of vital minerals may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight with the help of the drug after a thorough examination and recommendations from a qualified specialist. In clinical practice, Bisacodyl is prescribed only in acute situations, as a one-time measure. Its regular use is not provided. The absence of serious intoxication of the body usually forces doctors to look for less aggressive ways to empty the intestines.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main purpose of taking Bisacodyl for weight loss is to cleanse the digestive tract. But at the same time, certain factors arise that contribute to additional weight loss:

  • when following an effective diet, a nutrient deficiency is created;
  • with a полноценном nutrition, the absorption of fats and carbohydrates entering with food decreases;
  • elimination of toxins and toxins occurs.

But to use it with a guarantee of one hundred percent safety for the body will not succeed. High efficiency in the fight against excess weight is accompanied by a number of negative aspects:

  • with prolonged use, natural urges to defecate may decrease or disappear altogether (addictive effect);
  • a pathological deficiency of nutrients may occur;
  • after the end of the drug, the “lost” kilograms usually return.

Most physicians have an extremely negative attitude towards the use of Bisacodyl for weight loss. Their position is understandable, because the drug does not burn fat, but only empties the intestines. Frequent use of forced defecation can cause inflammation in the rectum.

Losing weight with Bisacodyl is more justified at the first stage of a comprehensive fight against extra pounds – for effective bowel cleansing.

Important! Taking Bisacodyl can help you lose weight up to 10 kilograms per week. But the process of losing weight and the further diet must be strictly controlled.

Side effects

The instructions for use contain a list of possible concomitant moments. Taking the drug may be accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • pronounced weakness;
  • fainting;
  • hypotension;
  • spasming of muscles and blood vessels;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting reflexes;
  • dry mouth;
  • constipation;
  • various allergies (skin rashes, swelling, itching).

If diarrhea occurs, Loperamide can be taken. If the dosage of the laxative is exceeded, gastric lavage and rehydration (dehydration therapy) are performed. It is recommended to monitor the concentration of potassium in the blood for 24 hours.


Bisacodyl is classified as a potent drug. It is characterized by an extensive list of contraindications, and it cannot be used independently. Among the absolute contraindications are:

  • incarcerated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colon cancer;
  • acute form of proctitis and hemorrhoids;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • spastic constipation;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • bleeding from the intestines or stomach, anorectal and uterine hemorrhages;
  • cystitis;
  • significant dehydration, electrolyte imbalance;
  • low blood potassium;
  • Crohn’s disease.

Relative contraindications have also been identified – in their presence пить the drug should be extremely carefully, under the supervision of the attending physician. Such contraindications include the period of gestation and lactation, hepatic and renal pathologies, possible inflammatory processes in the intestine.

Important! Antacids taken with Bisacodyl will dissolve the coating of the laxative prematurely. The active substance will have an irritating effect on the stomach and duodenum, causing the opposite result – stagnation of feces and abdominal pain.

Features of administration

To justify the use of Bisacodyl, принимать it should be

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