Almost a hundred years ago, in 1927, an American chemist, Carl Rehnborg, created the first dietary supplement. It contained a small amount of vitamins and minerals, parsley extract, and alfalfa. It was intended for a general strengthening of the body. In the early 1990s, the market of pharmacological nutrition exploded with the release of a fundamentally new formula – Herbalife, which promised to help lose extra pounds quickly and without harm to health. Since that time, dietary supplements for weight loss have become incredibly popular; their sales market grows year after year, despite all the negative comments about them from official medicine and scandals related to prohibited and toxic substances in their formulas. So what are they really – a miracle of the 21st century that allows you to lose weight without diets and sports or a “pig in a poke” with hidden information about the real product? Let’s try to figure it out! Properties By their external appearance dietary supplements for weight loss are almost indistinguishable from medical drugs. That’s why many people mistakenly assume that they are one and the same. In reality, there is a huge gap between them. The differences are clearly demonstrated in the table below. Legislative level: Dietary supplements may be referred to as modern health-improving technologies, but there are strict requirements for their quality and safety. Unfortunately, many manufacturers, driven by greed, add harmful and even toxic substances to their formulas. This automatically removes them outside of the scope of the table above: there are increased risks of complications, a number of contraindications, and overdose becomes possible. Effects Depending on their formula, dietary supplements help to lose weight in different ways. Therefore, you need to decide in advance which type of drug suits you best. The most popular are fat burners. They contain bioactive substances that destroy fat cells. However, they cause the most negative excitement as it is believed that dietary supplements cannot have such a strong effect. Without diets and physical exercises, their effectiveness is questionable. The second group is appetite suppressants. Their effect is already more noticeable: after taking them, there is a dulling of the feeling of hunger. Accordingly, the size of the portions decreases automatically, and with it decreases daily calorie intake. This leads to weight loss. The mechanism of weight loss is obvious and clear to everyone. However, there are some pitfalls here: such products affect satiety centers, which are in the brain. That is, they are psychotropic. Doctors recommend treating such food additives with caution. Read about appetite suppressants here. The third group is diuretics and laxatives. No dietary supplements for weight loss are designated as having such an effect since it belongs to pharmacology and should be inherent only in medical drugs. However, in practice, 90% of dietary supplements for weight loss contain plant extracts with a similar effect, they just do not advertise it. It’s because removing excess fluid from the body and cleansing of intestines is the easiest way for manufacturers to provide weight loss as it is not so easy to burn fat cells, and psychotropic drugs require special licenses. In addition, weight loss with the help of dietary supplements is achieved due to one “small” trick of manufacturers, which is the main driving force of the whole process. The instructions for such drugs often contain the following recommendations: Eat at the same time. Do not eat after 6 p.m. Do sports. Give up alcohol and unhealthy food. Drink plenty of clean water. Thus, a losing person develops healthy eating habits. They are convinced that without following these recommendations, the dietary supplement may not work and there is no choice but to follow the rules of healthy nutrition, which is the key to weight loss. Against the background of a balanced diet and physical exercises, dietary supplements are really effective. Well, and almost all dietary supplements promise to launch some processes in the body that should lead to weight loss: improve digestion so that all nutrients that come with food are used for useful energy, and are not deposited as fat; normalize metabolism, because without sufficient speed there will be no weight loss; restore water balance; provide the body with all necessary nutrients; tidy up hormonal background; cleanse the body of toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals and remove excess fluid. Classification In pharmacological nutrition all dietary supplements are divided into two groups. Group 1. Nutraceuticals The main components of nutraceutical dietary supplements are vitamins, minerals, peptides, amino acids, and alimentary fiber. Their main task is to normalize the functions of the organs responsible for the processes of losing and gaining weight. With well-coordinated work, the problem of excess weight is solved. Examples: Diet Alphabet, TurboSlim Express Super Slim, MegaSlim, Doctor’s Best, etc. In most cases, these are pharmacy dietary supplements. Group 2. Parapharmaceuticals Such dietary supplements are the most numerous in the modern market. They contain components of plant and animal origin. These include herbal extracts, seafood (kelp), essential oils, etc. They have a quick, but not always stable and safe impact on weight loss. Examples: Bilait, Guarcibao, Modelform, TurboFit, Mangustin. Such dietary supplements can be rarely found in pharmacies, they are mostly sold online. Truth and myths There are many myths around dietary supplements for weight loss. They can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group is created by manufacturers themselves and is aimed at increasing sales. They attribute almost magical properties to drugs that will help you lose 22 pounds (10 kg) in 2 days on a 100% natural formula (an exaggeration, but it conveys the essence). The second group arises from scandals that occasionally erupt about ingredients in dietary supplements that are hidden from customers, which causes irreparable damage to health. What to believe and what is just a figment of a violent fantasy? Myth 1. They have no contraindications. Truth. Dietary supplements should be taken only considering the individual characteristics and health of the body. They may contain components that can harm health in case of overdose or certain diseases and conditions. They are strictly prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 18 years of age. Myth 2. They are completely useless. Truth. If a dietary supplement is considered as an integral part of a weight loss strategy that includes a balanced diet, physical exercises, and other healthy habits, then it is quite capable of providing the desired effect. The miraculous properties attributed to them by unscrupulous manufacturers are, of course, greatly exaggerated. Myth 3. Dietary supplements contain only natural ingredients. Truth. Many supplements contain synthetic substances of chemical origin, information about which may be hidden from the consumer. Some of them have a toxic effect on the body, especially in case of overdose, but manufacturers do not see it necessary to inform customers about this. Myth 4. Dietary supplements help to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Truth. Dietary supplements for weight loss, despite the assurances of manufacturers, will be effective only if there is an integrated approach, which includes a balanced diet and physical exercises. Otherwise, their use is a waste of money and time. Myth 5. Dietary supplements are absolutely safe, they do not have any side effects.
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