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ASD fraction 2 for weight loss: should humans take a veterinary drug, and what does conventional medicine keep quiet about?

Injections of adrenaline and urine, taking sleeping pills, nasogastric tubes, a bath in a fur coat, ipecac, tapeworms—this is just a short list of extreme ways to shed extra pounds. For a complete collection, you could also try frogs. For this, you don’t have to go to France or catch poor amphibians in the swamp. It is enough to buy Dorogov’s antiseptic from the veterinary pharmacy, prescribed for animals to treat plague, depriving and other diseases. Forums have long been discussing how effective ASD fraction 2 is for weight loss and whether people can even use it without harming their health.

What is it

ASD fraction 2 is an immunomodulatory and antiseptic drug. Developed in the USSR in 1947 by medical scientist Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov. It was synthesized in laboratory conditions from the bodies of river frogs by heating in a special apparatus. Initially, it was endowed exclusively with wound-healing properties.

The purpose of its creation was to neutralize the negative consequences for human health of radioactive exposure. But tests showed that the drug has a wider spectrum of action and helps in the treatment of many diseases.

Most studies were conducted on animals. Human trials were organized but were never completed due to the mysterious death of the leader, Dorogov. Therefore, to date, in official medicine, ASD fraction 2 is used only in veterinary medicine. Since the benefits of the drug for humans are in the realm of hypotheses and unconfirmed reviews of daredevils who used it for various purposes, doctors have no right to make such appointments to people.

Despite this, the drug is very popular. The reasons for such unbridled popular love:

  • low cost (about $5 per bottle);
  • availability: sold over-the-counter at many veterinary pharmacies;
  • miraculous избавление from severe diseases in the treatment of which official medicine is powerless (the same cancer, for example);
  • universality—wide range of applications.

There are many stories of miraculous recoveries after taking it. In particular, there are recommendations to drink ASD 2 for weight loss. The question is whether there will be an effect and how safe it is for human health, because the drug is still veterinary?

About the name. ASD is an abbreviation for: Antiseptic-Stimulator Dorogov.

Composition and form of release

A lot of time has passed since the creation of 2 ASD fractions. Today, not only frogs are used for its production. The meat and bones of fallen animals are used, the carcasses of which are not suitable for human consumption. The method of dry thermocatalytic sublimation and further condensation of the исходного raw material allows the decomposition of organic substances into low-molecular components, striking in their powerful biological activity.

Before death, the cell secretes adaptogens, substances that help it fight for survival. They are the basis of ASD 2. Entering the human body, using the chemical method of information transfer, they inform the cells of the ability to resist the factors that threaten them. The protective forces are activated, and immunity becomes almost ironclad.

In addition to adaptogens, ASD 2 contains other bioactive components:

  • alkanes;
  • water;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • amides;
  • functional sulfo group;
  • cycloalkanes.

However, the exact composition of the drug is not known today.

ASD fraction 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor. Dissolves quickly in water. In veterinary clinics, it is sold in two pharmacological forms:

  • ASD 2

Volatile liquid. The color can be different—deep red, brown, amber, all shades of yellow. The smell is specific, pungent. It dissolves well in water. The presence of dark sediment at the bottom of the bottle is allowed. Can be used for weight loss.

  • ASD 3

Viscous opaque liquid. The color is almost black. The smell is unbearable. Does not dissolve in water—only in oil, alcohol and ethers. Used for the treatment of animals exclusively.

Therefore, be careful and do not make a mistake when buying the drug at the pharmacy. For weight loss, only 2 ASD fractions can be used, but not 3.

About the smell. ASD is a protein breakdown product. So get ready for more than just a pungent and pungent aroma. Many, having felt it for the first time, immediately refuse to drink the fraction, it is so nauseating and противно. It smells like a mixture of corpse and manure.


General health benefits

Once in the body, ASD 2:

  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, has calming properties;
  • stimulates the production of beneficial hormones;
  • improves digestion by increasing enzymatic activity, stimulating the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the permeability of cell membranes for the penetration of potassium and sodium;
  • activates metabolism, integrating easily into literally all metabolic processes;
  • restores the work of each cell, thereby ensuring optimal functioning of the body’s systems;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • has antimicrobial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory action.

When applied topically (applying compresses to the affected area), ASD fraction 2 manifests itself primarily as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Restores the structure and functionality of tissues, promotes rapid regeneration.

Effect for weight loss

Based on the beneficial properties of ASD 2, it is not surprising that the drug is offered to be used for weight loss. The following mechanisms launched by it in the body work on weight loss:

  • normal functioning of the central nervous system is a reduction in the risk of psychogenic overeating, when you have to заедать every problem;
  • trouble-free digestion is complete assimilation and proper expenditure of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • full assimilation of potassium and sodium is the elimination of edema, which only adds extra pounds, and normalization of the water-salt balance;
  • acceleration of metabolism and lipolysis is the elimination of fat reserves;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the body is a minimum of diseases that interfere with physical activity;
  • hormonal balance is a guarantee that weight loss will be rapid, and the pounds lost after the end of the course will not return.

This is important! Many misinterpret the immunomodulatory properties of the fraction. The drug does not fight microbes and infections. It makes the body destroy them itself.


Theoretically (we recall that the benefits for the human body have not been officially confirmed), the second fraction of ASD has the following indications for use:

  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis;
  • amblyopia, amaurosis, scotoma, hemianopsia, impaired color vision, pathological and dystrophic changes in the fundus, ambiguity of pupillary reactions and other eye diseases;
  • hypothermia, weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs (including tuberculosis), gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genitourinary system, heart and liver;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • prostatitis, impotence, atrophic vaginitis, fungal infections of the genus Candida, various gynecological diseases;
  • incontinence;
  • excess weight, obesity, psychogenic overeating;
  • dermatological problems: skin rashes, spots, flaking, itching, eczema, psoriasis, open wounds that do not heal for more than 6 weeks;
  • rheumatism, gout, radiculitis;
  • any types of pain, including toothache.

Despite such an extensive list of indications, no doctor has the right to prescribe or recommend ASD 2 to

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