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Can You Lose Weight with a Hydromassage: Can You Wash Away Those Extra Pounds?

  • Advantages and disadvantages of swimming pools, bathtubs and showers
  • Principles of water massage
  • Important warnings and contraindications

How to lose extra pounds and reach your target weight? Diet and exercise are the main ways, but water massage can be a great addition to them and increase the effectiveness of your efforts.

Advantages and disadvantages of swimming pools, bathtubs and showers

Here are some different ways to use water for massage of problem areas:

Home remedies

An expensive but luxury option is installing a hydromassage shower or bath with built-in jets. Plumbing stores offer a wide range of these devices, so you’ll definitely find something for your needs.

If you are planning to renovate your bathroom anyway, installing hydromassage is definitely worth considering. This is a great way to relax and relieve tension and can also be used for weight loss and improving muscle tone.

Such devices allow you to control not only the water temperature, but also the intensity of the jets, so you can adjust the pressure to suit your needs.

Advice: for abdominal massage, the water pressure should not exceed one atmosphere. For the thighs, two to three atmospheres are allowed. Higher pressure can cause discomfort or even pain.

Even if your bathroom is small, you can still enjoy the benefits of water massage with a special showerhead. Look for one with multiple spray settings so you can customize the intensity of the water stream.

Hydromassage bath for weight loss

Here are some general guidelines for using home hydromassage:

  • Use warm or cool water.
  • Adjust the water temperature gradually, avoiding sudden changes.
  • Change the water pressure, making it weaker or stronger as needed.
  • Limit each session to 20 minutes.

Of course, home water massage is not as effective as professional treatments, but it can still be useful for weight loss.

Swimming pools

If you have access to a swimming pool, swimming is one of the best ways to lose weight. It combines exercise with massage, making it a great workout overall.

Modern swimming pool with hydromassage function

Interesting fact: water is 800 times denser than air, so it is difficult to move through it. This resistance creates a gentle massage effect when you swim.

Many swimming pools also have hydromassage jets, which you can use to alternate between swimming and massage for a more targeted weight loss workout.

Strive for two to three swimming and massage sessions per week for a month, and you will begin to see noticeable results. Swimming is especially effective for losing weight in the hips and buttocks. (For additional weight loss in these areas, try these simple yet effective exercises.)

Charcot shower

This type of shower was invented in the 19th century by Jean-Martin Charcot, the founder of neurology. Originally developed to treat nervous disorders, it is now used for various purposes, including weight loss.

Charcot shower

Charcot showers are only available in medical facilities and involve standing against a wall while a nurse directs one or two sharp streams of water at your body. The procedure usually lasts five to seven minutes, and you should dry off and rest afterward.

Charcot showers are very effective, and just ten sessions every other day can make a significant difference. Powerful jets of water help not only to lose weight, but also effectively reduce cellulite. However, Charcot showers can be uncomfortable for some people, especially those with low pain tolerance.

Underwater shower

This is another type of professional hydromassage. The patient lies in a large bath (usually 2 x 1 x 0.8 meters) equipped with nozzles and showers with various attachments. The water can be fresh, sea or mineral, depending on the institution.

Professional type of hydromassage – underwater shower

A specialist uses showers to massage problem areas. The technique is similar to conventional massage, with alternating intensive and relaxing water jets.

The duration and frequency of underwater shower sessions should be discussed with a massage therapist or doctor.

Not sure which technique is right for you? Consult a doctor for personalized advice.

Principles of water massage

In general, water massage works the same as other massages, for example, for weight loss in the abdomen and sides. It does not wash away subcutaneous fat or wash away excess lipids through the pores, but it activates blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolic processes.

In addition, strong water pressure (such as in a Charcot shower) can cause muscles to reflexively tense up, which further contributes to weight loss.

It is important to note that water massage alone will not help you lose significant amounts of weight. It works best when combined with diet and exercise.

Important warnings and contraindications

When using any type of hydromassage, avoid exposing the mammary glands, armpits, groin, face and genitals. It is also important to avoid overeating before a session, but you should not be hungry either. Allow at least an hour and a half between eating and your massage.

Avoid alcohol throughout the course of treatment, especially if you are having daily or every-other-day sessions.

Contraindications for water massage include:

  • Pregnancy (or breastfeeding, if not approved by a doctor)
  • Any acute diseases or medical conditions, even minor ones like rhinitis
  • Skin diseases and injuries
  • Cancer
  • Biliary and urolithiasis
  • Any diseases associated with impaired heart, circulatory or metabolic processes (consultation with a specialist is required)

Water massage can be a great addition to your weight loss plan. When done properly and regularly, it can help you lose weight, improve your complexion and skin tone, reduce cellulite, and boost your mood.

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