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‘Magic Bean’ Cyclone Banana Diet: How to Use & Side Effects

  • Product Description
  • Composition
  • Operating Principle
  • How to take
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Customer reviews

Relatively recently, the Magic Beans drug has appeared on the vast expanses of the Internet. Chinese drugs have long occupied a leading position in the field of slimming pills. Previously, they supplied the market with “Chinese beans”, then “coffee beans” appeared. Now they have been replaced by Magic Beans.

The use of the drug promises to improve the condition of the skin, remove toxins from the body, accelerate fat metabolism and reduce the amount of food consumed.

The name speaks for itself, which means that they must act “magically” effectively. Is it so? The instructions for use and customer reviews will help to understand this.

Product Description

The country of origin of Magic Beans is China.

Capsules are produced in bright packaging containing 36 pieces. Inside the package, there are smaller boxes, inside which there are 2 blisters with 9 capsules each.

The capsule has an oval, oblong shape that visually resembles a bean. This is probably where the second part of the name comes from.

Inside, there is a blue powder with a porous, uniform structure.

Each capsule contains 500 mg of active ingredients.

You can find this dietary supplement on the Internet. The price for one package varies from 1200 to 2500 rubles.


The manufacturer guarantees that rapid weight loss with the help of magic beans is carried out exclusively due to natural raw materials.

The components of the drug are indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer does not distinguish the main active ingredient, but promises that each ingredient has a positive effect on metabolism and body detoxification.

The composition includes:

  • L-carnitine;
  • fiber;
  • lily of the valley extract;
  • chitin;
  • marine collagen;
  • garcinia gummi fruits;
  • a complex of vitamins and other substances.

Operating Principle

The exact mechanism of the drug’s action is not described, so we will consider the principle of action of each substance separately.

Levocarnitine or L-carnitine is an amino acid that is produced in the liver cells of a person. Levocarnitine that enters the body from the outside has a similar principle of action.

This component can provide the advertised effect of the capsules, but not with the promised speed and quantity. Athletes take a tablet with a dosage of 1.5 grams of active ingredient before each workout, which is clearly not contained in this drug.

It has antihypoxic, anabolic effect, and activates fat metabolism. A positive moment is the slowdown in the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates due to the accelerated breakdown of fats. But for all these processes, the main condition is cardio training (fitness, running, swimming, aerobics, etc.).

Without subsequent cardio, carnitine helps people with cardiovascular pathology reduce pre-load on the heart and increase exercise tolerance.

Cellulose itself is a laxative. This is the main component of plant materials. In other words, fiber is contained in cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Most often, flax seeds are chosen for a diet.

The principle of action is based on the swelling of fibers inside the stomach, which gives a feeling of fullness and eliminates hunger for a long time.

Fiber also ensures the detoxification of the body (small and large intestines) from toxins and normalizes stool. The substance is the main component of the nutrition of lactobacteria. Their normal composition and activity are prophylactic for the development of many diseases.

However, the therapeutic effect can be observed only with the intake of at least 25 grams of cellulose, washed down with plenty of water. Two capsules a day definitely do not contain such a volume.

Chitin is an animal protein that is extracted from the shells of arthropods. Its mechanism of action is similar to the properties of vegetable fiber.

Marine collagen. The presence of marine collagen in the composition should improve the condition of the skin. It is considered to be the most structurally similar to human. Therefore, the substance is maximally absorbed by the body and stimulates the production of its own collagen. The first nation to practice the use of this substance was Japan. Since the age of 25, the Japanese have been taking this component as a dietary supplement. Judging by their average life expectancy and the “eternal” youth of Japanese models, the substance really helps.

Garcinia gummi-gutta is commonly known as garcinia cambogia. It gained its fame in dietetics at the end of the twentieth century. The fruits of the plant have a strong laxative effect. This leads to dehydration of the body and non-absorption of nutrients and fatty acids. Due to the lack of energy, the body begins its own “fat burning” due to glycolysis and anaerobic nutrition of cells.

Lily of the valley. However, manufacturers focus on the extract of lily of the valley. It is this component that supposedly produces all the miraculous effects on the body for weight loss. Either the translation from Chinese into Russian was incorrect, or such a plant does not exist in nature.

It can be assumed that the correct translation was lily of the valley officinalis (May lily). However, its action is aimed at normalizing the cardiovascular system and has a general strengthening effect. The extract normalizes sleep and has a calming effect. And it does not affect fat metabolism and the suppression of the growth of fatty deposits.

The item “complex of vitamins and other substances” deserves special attention. One can only guess what else is included in the composition and how many mg of it there is in a capsule. Perhaps it is this component that provides the effect of -5 kg per week.

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