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Cascara for Weight Loss: Peculiarities of Cascara Use Along with Other Laxatives

Fat burning and appetite suppressant diet supplements are very expensive, which for those seeking weight loss can create a significant financial burden. As a result, people start looking for cheaper alternatives. In these instances, over-the-counter medications without a prescription often come to mind, such as inexpensive herbal remedies. Rosehip syrup Holosas, featuring choleretic properties, has recently been growing more popular as an aid in weight loss. Is it just another unreasonable fad or can it indeed help in the fight against extra pounds? What Is It? Holosas is a medicinal product made from the fruit of the wild rose, available in syrup form. It has pronounced choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. It is prescribed to treat gallbladder and liver diseases. Since it is a plant-based remedy, it is considered to be as safe as possible. It is inexpensive (around $1 for 100 ml). It is sold over-the-counter without a prescription. It is even prescribed to both children and the elderly, which sets it apart from similar drugs. Recently, recipes featuring Holosas as a weight-loss aid have begun to emerge. Since it is a choleretic syrup, it “washes out” harmful substances along with bile, which helps cleanse the body, improve digestion, and better liver function. As a result, this should lead to weight loss. No scientific evidence has confirmed such an effect, despite the explanations sounding quite plausible. Plus, reviews suggest a possibility of the desired results. Before embarking on a weight loss journey with its help, it is imperative to understand that this drug is a medication and is intended for entirely different purposes. Slimming is not included in its functions. Therefore, you are solely responsible for any potential consequences. Before using it, it is highly advisable to undergo a medical examination, consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking it, and carefully read the instructions for use in order to exclude any unforeseen situations. Composition Many are curious about what Holosas is made of. Its basis is the fruit of the wild rose. They contain a vast amount of substances beneficial to the body. Chemical composition of rose hips, almost entirely preserved in Holosas: Rose hips flavonoids Vitamin C Carotenoids Pectin, essential oils Organic acids Biologically-active components Only two active ingredients are present in Holosas: 25% wild rose extract – 40% of the total composition; sucrose – 60%. This composition should alert those planning to lose weight in such an unconventional way. Despite a high concentration of the main active ingredient and the absence of any additional “chemicals”, there is too much sucrose. Pay close attention to the calorie content of the syrup: 400 kcal. Yes, the dosage is minimal, but it will undoubtedly contribute to the total daily calorie and blood sugar intake. Release Forms The primary release form is syrup. Currently, only one company manufactures tablets with the same composition and pharmacological action – Holosas-farm (Ukraine). Color – dark brown. Taste – tart, sweet and sour, with a pronounced rose hip aftertaste. For some, it is excessively sugary, to the point that they have to dilute it with water. Smell – tart, specific. Consistency – thick, uniform. Container – glass bottle of various volumes, from 120 to 300 ml. Usually packaged in a cardboard box. Pharmacological Action Before using Holosas for weight loss, you should understand its medical applications to grasp its effects on the body. Its main purpose is to eliminate bile stasis in the gallbladder, where it accumulates after being produced by

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