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Goji Berries – A Miracle for Weight Loss (When Myth Becomes Reality)

  • General information
  • How do goji berries help you lose weight?
  • Usage guidelines
  • When can the plant become poisonous?

At the beginning of the 21st century, American and European consumers accustomed to marketers’ deception just “went crazy” over a small berry from China. It has become the most popular food item in diets advertised by world-famous show business stars, with renowned scientists and nutritionists devoting research articles to it. The name of this product matches its enigmatic image — goji.

We will try to understand where the speculation ends and the truth begins regarding the berries, and how to use them for weight loss.

General information

Goji — this name became fixed for this plant due to specific translation from Chinese. The name that is more familiar to us is Lycium barbarum. It belongs to the nightshade family (together with potatoes and tomatoes). The berries ripen on a beautiful evergreen shrub and somewhat resemble barberry. Sometimes they are even called “Chinese barberry”, although from a biological point of view this is incorrect. It is common in the mountainous regions of China, but it thrives beautifully in any other mountainous area.

The use of goji berries in ancient Chinese recipes dates back several thousand years. The most famous myth concerns a centenarian who died in 1933 at the age of 256. He ate several grams of the berries every day.

We will not question this beautiful story. The main thing is that the plant is mentioned in many herbal medicine treatises as one of the most useful on our planet.

How do goji berries help you lose weight?

Studies conducted in biochemical laboratories in Europe and America have confirmed the truly unique composition of the fruits of Lycium barbarum. In order to understand why they help you lose weight, let’s characterize the main ingredients.


Composition: iron, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, nickel, chromium, calcium, potassium, cobalt, cadmium, and germanium. Not a single medicinal plant can boast such a variety. Also, it is not necessary to eat kilograms of fruits to replenish the daily norm of minerals; just a few berries will do.

How can these substances correct weight?

  1. Without calcium, many of the enzymes in fat metabolism cannot “function”. It indirectly activates lipolysis — the “burning” of fat that people who want to lose weight want to achieve.
  2. Zinc reduces appetite and affects normal insulin levels in the blood. This is important for people with diabetes, which is closely linked to obesity. Zinc “controls” the beauty of hair, nails, and skin.
  3. Chromium is included in many metabolic chains, and the faster these processes proceed, the slimmer your figure will become. It can change taste preferences (reduces cravings for sweets). It normalizes cholesterol levels.
  4. Manganese activates liver cell enzymes. Accelerates fat metabolism processes, which means it promotes the “burning” of fat from subcutaneous tissue. It is just as necessary for the normal development of bone tissue as calcium.
  5. Magnesium is involved in all types of metabolism and promotes the utilization of carbohydrates. An important feature is the stabilization of the nervous system. It is known that when obese, people suffer from depression and “jam” it down with sweets and buns, thus closing the vicious cycle. Magnesium breaks this cycle, as it relieves depressive moods.

Germanium stands alone on this list – a unique metal that works at the atomic level. The study of its healing properties is currently associated with the latest developments in oncology, the study of aging processes (its ability to prolong life has already been proven in animals), the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and many other “incurable” human problems.

The beneficial properties of germanium are also important for weight loss: it normalizes insulin production and stabilizes blood glucose levels, positively affects all types of metabolism, and enhances the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since germanium is a very rare metal, chemical preparations based on it are not common in the pharmaceutical environment. This makes it even more valuable to obtain it naturally from goji berries.

Amino acids

The plant contains 18 amino acids, most of which are essential for our body (i.e., those that can only be obtained from food). Why are amino acids even needed and how can they affect weight loss?

Amino acids are involved in protein synthesis. After all, all hormones, enzymes, and many cellular structures are protein molecules.

The benefits of amino acids for weight loss are as follows:

  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • promote the utilization of “excess” fats;
  • maintain glucose levels at a constant level;
  • lower cholesterol in the blood.

One cannot fail to mention the participation of amino acids in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. This is not directly related to a decrease in body weight. But those women who have ever lost a significant amount of kilograms quickly know what a problem “saggy”, flabby skin becomes. Goji berries, with their amino acid composition, can correct this situation.


By their chemical nature, these are complex carbohydrates. Many are familiar with polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose, and agar-agar. Unique polysaccharides have been discovered in goji berries, which are not found in any other plant (LBP-1, LBP-2, LBP-3, LBP-4). These are the so-called “slow” carbohydrates, which have recently been actively included by nutritionists in various diets and proper nutrition systems.

Application of polysaccharides for weight loss:

  1. For a long time, they maintain a feeling of “fullness” in a person, normalizing blood glucose levels.
  2. They are a nutrient medium for the normal microflora of the intestine, which has a beneficial effect on digestion, the elimination of toxins and waste products.
  3. They almost never accumulate as fat deposits while maintaining optimal energy balance.
  4. They improve calcium absorption.
  5. They reduce blood cholesterol and lipid levels.
  6. They stimulate intestinal motility, remove toxins and waste products.

It is thanks to polysaccharides that patients noted special vigor and endurance even when consuming a minimal amount of food.


Composition: beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, group B. Vitamins themselves cannot reduce weight, but they have many functions that allow them to be effectively used for weight loss:

  • reduce appetite;
  • accelerate metabolism;
  • utilize glucose with the release of energy;
  • prevent excessive fat deposition in subcutaneous tissue.

Losing weight is a kind of stress for the body. It is not without reason that many people experience depression, poor mood, or a general deterioration in their well-being when using various diets. Such “side effects” often lead to disruption and weight regain. Losing weight with goji berries completely eliminates unpleasant sensations. On the contrary, this plant gives vigor and energy, improves sleep, and increases the efficiency of the nervous system.

This list could go on indefinitely. After all, the plant is used not only for weight correction. Its unique properties are important in any area of human health.

Usage guidelines

We hope that by now, those who have read the article up to this point have the question – how to properly use goji berries? Having analyzed many ancient recipes and recommendations of modern nutritionists, we will give some tips on how to use this miracle plant:

  1. Since the fruits are truly biologically active (unlike many far-fetched medicinal plants), it is important to observe moderation. On average, an adult is allowed 30 grams of dry matter per day. How many berries correspond to this dosage? It depends on the size — 6-7 pieces.
  2. How to take them depends on the imagination. You can brew aromatic tea, add it to cereals like muesli, prepare infusions, add
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