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Best Appetite Suppressant Herbs For Quick and Long-Term Weight Loss

  • Impact on the body
  • List
  • Contraindications
  • Rules of use
  • Recipes

Causes of gaining excess weight can vary widely and depend on an individual person: stress, low physical activity, heredity, postpartum period, age… This list can go on and on. And each of these factors requires an absolutely individual approach to elimination. If you are sure that your only problem is overeating and you cannot control your nutritional norms, then it is quite possible to try to solve this problem. You can try to resort to herbs that help suppress appetite and quickly and permanently get rid of hunger. You will no longer need to reproach yourself for eating an extra bun, but herbal remedies will have nothing but a beneficial effect on your body.

Impact on the body

Herbs have recently become a good alternative to special weight loss programs by way of having a similar effect. Some get rid of excess fluid (diuretics), others actively burn fat cells (fat burners), and still others help control appetite (suppress hunger). Doctors and nutritionists consider the latter to be the safest for their health, since they have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. As a rule, they are classified as follows.

  • Mucous (envelope)

Once in the stomach, these herbs cover its walls with a special mucus. For a certain time, it becomes a barrier that repels gastric juice. And it is gastric juice that provokes the feeling of hunger. If it is blocked, the brain does not receive a signal for food intake. And therefore, even if it is lunchtime, you will not eat an extra portion. And as a result, you consume fewer calories. The effect is weight loss.

  • Volume

These appetite suppressant herbs are real cunning. Once in the liquid, they swell, giving the body the feeling that the stomach is full. As a result, you will not be able to eat a lot. And if, after a course of herbal treatment, you adhere to the principles of a healthy balanced diet, the weight will not return. You will just get used to eating less.

  • Decreasing acidity

Their action is also aimed at blocking gastric juice. But they differ from the first group in that they do not create a mucous membrane. These plants act directly on hydrochloric acid, reducing its concentration. No hydrochloric acid – no appetite. However, with prolonged use, such substances can seriously harm the digestive tract.

  • Calming (sedative)

It’s no secret that hunger often wakes up during and after stressful situations. To reduce it, you need to calm down. It is not always possible to do this on your own. But there are antidepressant herbs that will help to cope with such situations. In medicine this is called “compulsive overeating,” but in life it is called “psychological hunger.”

  • Tonic (invigorating)

Many of us do not perceive these plants as medicinal, although they can be found in almost every home. We are used to them as ordinary invigorating drinks. But in fact, they not only give you energy, but first of all, they reduce your appetite. Most varieties of tea contain substances that are responsible for this: caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. And don’t forget about their diuretic effect.

  • Sugar-reducing

Herbs that reduce blood sugar primarily affect metabolic processes in the body. They contain inulin, which is better known to many as a sugar substitute, a plant polysaccharide. It slows down the absorption of fats and simple carbohydrates in the intestines and reduces the glycemic index of foods. All this naturally suppresses cravings for sweets and reduces appetite.

You can choose herbs for weight loss from any group, depending on their effect on the body. All of them are designed to reduce appetite and pacify even the most brutal hunger.

Life hack. If you often get hungry between meals, always keep prepared flax seeds soaked in cold water on hand (they have an enveloping effect on the stomach). As soon as you feel hunger, take a small handful of them and start chewing slowly. You will see how your appetite will decrease by half.


In order to buy herbs for appetite suppression in a pharmacy, you need to know which ones are the most effective, since more than 70 plants have such an effect on the body. Our list includes some of them.


  • Aloe
  • Althaea (root)
  • Fireweed (grass)
  • Flax (seeds)
  • Linden (flowers)
  • Coltsfoot (root)


  • Nettle
  • Kelp
  • Oats
  • Wheat
  • Cystoseira
  • Sage

Decreasing acidity:

  • Stachys
  • Heather
  • St. John’s wort
  • Linden (flowers)
  • Peppermint (leaves)
  • Fennel (fruits)

Calming (sedative):

  • Valerian
  • Oregano
  • Fireweed (grass)
  • Linden (flowers)
  • Peppermint
  • Leonurus
  • Chamomile

Tonic (invigorating):

  • Ginger (root)
  • Mate
  • Pu-erh
  • Chicory
  • Green tea


  • Birch (buds)
  • Immortelle
  • Hawthorn
  • Blackberry
  • St. John’s wort
  • Strawberry (leaves)
  • Clover
  • Nettle
  • Corn stigmas
  • Burdock (root)
  • Plantain
  • Wormwood
  • Lilac (buds)
  • Black currants
  • Chicory
  • Bilberry (leaves)

You can use either one plant or a whole collection of herbs. The main thing is to observe the proportions when mixing them. Sometimes they can be found ready-made in pharmacies. If you have the opportunity to collect raw materials yourself, then nothing can stop you. The only thing is that you need to clearly understand where the field horsetail, as well as the marsh horsetail and forest horsetail, are located, since each of them has different characteristics.

Note. Can’t control your appetite while eating and overeat? Try to start your meal with kelp salad. Despite the fact that it is seaweed, it is also, in a sense, a herb. Due to its ability to swell, it practically leaves no room in your stomach for other dishes.


If you decide to use herbs for appetite reduction and weight loss, it is imperative to obtain permission from your doctor. Despite the fact that many sources claim that herbs are absolutely safe for their health, it is no secret that each plant has a complex effect on the body. There are no herbs that would, for example, stop only bleeding. It will also either be anti-inflammatory, or expectorant, or diuretic, etc.

There are several absolute

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