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Pumpkin Seed Oil: Benefits and Uses for Weight Loss

  • Dietary Supplementation
  • Application Rules
  • Contraindications

Losing extra pounds and sizes is a multifaceted process that requires a comprehensive approach, often including various techniques. One example – potential efficiency of including foods that enhance metabolic processes.

Dietary Supplementation

Pumpkins are famous not only for reincarnating into a carriage in a popular fairy tale. This vegetable boasts a treasure trove of nutrients: fiber, vitamins and impressive mineral composition. It is not a coincidence that nutritionists regret its visible absence in the diet of many people.

Pumpkin seed oil is a concentrated version of everything that this vegetable can offer. The product is rich in vitamins of B group, as well as vitamins A and E. It also includes vegetable and fatty acids, phospholipids, flavonoids and carotene (which gave such a characteristic orange color to many pumpkin varieties).

What properties of pumpkin seed oil make it suitable for weight loss as a dietary supplement? You may face an opinion that this product (upon being taken internally) breaks down the subcutaneous fat layer and then removes these excess substances from the body. As tempting as it is, this belief is false. Here is what really happens:

  • Improved pancreas function;
  • Stimulation of digestive processes;
  • Enhancement of waste removal.

Scientific fact. Subcutaneous fat is normally broken down only during active muscle activity, that is during workout. The parallel stimulation of metabolic processes creates favorable background for weight loss.

Another important condition is a balanced diet. In case if the diet abounds in refined fats and “fast” carbohydrates – the pumpkin seed oil will at best slow down the formation of new subcutaneous fat layers.

Application Rules

How to use pumpkin seed oil for weight loss? Remember how new foods are introduced to children’s diet. Often, it starts with a very small amount. The same principle also applies here.

It is recommended to start with a teaspoon of the product. Just add this oil amount to a salad, ready sauce, slightly cooled porridge or soup (if they belong to cold soups). Any dish that does not require heating of vegetable oil is suitable.

Important! Do not heat pumpkin seed oil, since it almost completely deprives it of its beneficial properties. It is important to follow storage requirements: in a dark place at a temperature up to 25˚С.

It is recommended to introduce the new product into the diet in a relaxed atmosphere. Allergic reactions or intolerance are never completely ruled out even for those, who eat pumpkin with pleasure and do not notice any discomfort while digesting it.

Another important point – possible increase in intestinal motility. In case of moderate manifestation, this could only be welcomed. However, diarrhea may also occur, which should be addressed with sorbents, adequate water intake and rest.

Has your body accepted the new product well? If so, you can slightly increase the “dosage” if desired. However, do not completely replace vegetable oil with pumpkin oil in your diet. The maximum recommended amount is no more than three tablespoons a day. A larger volume may adversely affect the pancreas.

If the tolerability confirmed, you can try another technique and start drinking pumpkin seed oil for weight loss in its pure form. The scheme is simple: one teaspoon an hour before meals, up to three times a day. To be more precise, the body’s reaction will tell the right regimen. It is possible that even a single intake will give some a desired effect.

The smell and taste deserve a separate mention. Opinions regarding these characteristics are directly opposite. Some highly appreciate specific tart-spicy notes and aromas, while others, to put it mildly, are not enthusiastic about them. Are you among the latter? You can smooth unpleasant taste if you drink the oil with a few sips of any natural juice. It is not recommended to use water for this purpose. Another option – eat a small piece of bread (oat, buckwheat) or a crouton. Keep in mind, that bread itself stimulates the intestines, so follow the body reaction to such combinations.

Didn’t this oil suit you? Do not despair, there are other equally interesting options: sea buckthorn oil, castor oil, black cumin seed oil, coconut oil.


The main contraindications include diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, especially those which are accompanied by the formation of stones. These are followed by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – gastritis and ulcers.

Pumpkin seed oil can be used only after consulting a doctor in such cases as:

  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus (regardless of the type);
  • dysfunction of internal organs.

Rational use of pumpkin seed oil for weight loss allows you to achieve great results provided by a balanced diet combined with feasible and acceptable physical activity.


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