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Can Pumpkin Seed Oil Aid Weight Loss? How Effective Is It?

  • Dietary Enrichments
  • Application Guidance
  • Contraindications

Getting rid of excessive weight and volume is a complex process that requires the combination of various methods. The application of products that improve metabolic processes can lead to potentially successful results.

Dietary Enrichments

Pumpkins are famous not only due to the fact that, once upon a time in a famous fairy tale, one of them turned into a carriage. This fruit contains a large number of useful things – fiber, vitamins, impressive mineral composition. It is no coincidence that nutritionists, every now and then, express their regret on account of the fact that it is completely absent from the diet of numerous people.

Pumpkin seed oil is a unique concentrate of all that this fruit boasts of. It is rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and E. It also contains unsaturated fatty and organic acids, phospholipids, flavonoids, and carotene (it is the substance that gives a characteristic orange color to many pumpkin varieties).

What makes pumpkin oil suitable for weight loss when included in the diet? You may have, perhaps, heard the opinion that this product, once it enters the body, starts breaking down the subcutaneous fatty layer, subsequently removing all unnecessary things from the body. This belief is tempting, yet incorrect. However, in reality, this is what happens:

  • the work of the pancreas is improved;
  • digestion is stimulated;
  • waste products are better eliminated from the body.

Scientific Fact. Normally, the subcutaneous fat is broken down only during active muscular work, namely during physical exercises. The activation of metabolic processes simultaneously creates favorable conditions for weight loss.

A balanced diet is one more important condition. If the diet is rich in refined fats and “fast” carbohydrates, pumpkin seed oil will, at best, slow down the formation of new subcutaneous fat layers.

Application Guidance

How to take pumpkin seed oil for weight loss? Remember how new products are introduced into a child’s diet. They often start with extremely small amounts. The same is true here.

It is recommended that you start using it from one teaspoon. Add exactly this amount of oil to salad, ready-made sauce, slightly cooled porridge, or soup (but only to the kind that is eaten cold). Any dish, the recipe of which involves the use of unheated vegetable oil, will do.

Important! Heating of pumpkin seed oil is unacceptable because it nearly completely deprives it of its beneficial properties. It is also important to adhere to storage conditions: in a dark place at a temperature below 25 ˚C.

It is recommended that the trial introduction of a new product into your diet be carried out in a calm environment. Allergic reactions or intolerances can never be ruled out. And this applies even to those who eat pumpkin with pleasure and without the slightest discomfort in their digestion.

Another important point to take into account is a possible increase in bowel motility. If this occurs smoothly, then this effect can only be welcomed. However, diarrhea, which can be stopped through the intake of sorbents, plentiful drinking, and some rest, is not excluded.

Has the body accepted the new product normally? If desired, you can increase the “dosage” slightly. However, it is not recommended that you completely replace vegetable oil with pumpkin seed oil in your diet. The maximum permissible amount is no more than three tablespoons per day. A larger volume can negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

If it is well-tolerated, you can try another method and start drinking pumpkin seed oil for weight loss in its pure form. The scheme is simple: one teaspoon one hour before meals, up to three times a day. The exact scheme will be suggested by the reactions of your body. Perhaps, for someone a single dose will already produce the desired effect.

The smell and taste of pumpkin seed oil deserve special mention. Opinions regarding these characteristics are diametrically opposed. Some extol the specific aroma and flavor, while others are not enthusiastic about them, to put it mildly. Are you among the latter? The unpleasant taste can be softened by washing the oil down with a couple of sips of any natural juice. It is not advisable to use water for this. Another option is to consume a small piece of bread (oat, buckwheat) or a crouton. It should be borne in mind that bread itself stimulates the intestines, and you will need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body to such combinations of products.

Did not this oil suit you? Do not be discouraged, there are other equally interesting oils: sea buckthorn, castor, black cumin, coconut.


The main ones are pancreatic and gall bladder diseases, especially with stone formation. Gastrointestinal ailments, such as gastritis and stomach ulcers, occupy the second place.

The following illnesses/conditions require the use of pumpkin oil only after medical consent:

  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • diabetes (irrespective of the type);
  • dysfunctions of internal organs.

Rational use of pumpkin seed oil for weight loss allows achieving better results, which are provided by a diet in combination with feasible and permissible physical activity.


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