- Enriching Your Diet
- Rules of Use
- Contraindications
Losing excess weight and volume is a complex process that requires the simultaneous application of various methods. Products that help to improve metabolic processes can be very effective.
Enriching Your Diet
Pumpkin is famous not only for turning into a carriage in a famous fairy tale. This fruit contains a lot of useful things: fiber, vitamins plus an impressive mineral composition. It is no coincidence that nutritionists express regret from time to time that it is completely absent in the diet of many.
Pumpkin oil is a kind of concentrate of everything this fruit can “boast about”. The product is rich in vitamins of group B, as well as A and E. Also present are fruit and fatty acids, phospholipids, flavonoids and carotene (it is the one that gives many pumpkin varieties a characteristic orange color).
What properties allow the use of pumpkin oil in the diet for weight loss? One may encounter the opinion that this product (when taken orally) breaks down the subcutaneous lipid layer and then removes everything unnecessary from the body. The belief is tempting, but wrong. But here is what actually happens:
- the functioning of the pancreas improves;
- digestive processes are activated;
- the body gets rid of decay products better.
Scientific Fact. Normally, subcutaneous fat is broken down only with active muscle work, i.e., during physical activity. Parallel activation of metabolic processes creates favorable conditions for weight loss.
Another important condition is rational nutrition. If food is rich in refined fats and “fast” carbohydrates, then at best pumpkin oil will slow down the formation of new layers of subcutaneous lipids.
Rules of Use
How to take pumpkin oil for weight loss? Remember how new foods are introduced into the children’s diet. Often they start with very small amounts. Everything is similar here.
It is recommended to start consuming the product with the volume of a teaspoon. Add exactly this amount of oil to a salad, ready-made sauce, a slightly cooled portion of porridge, soup (if only it is one of those that are eaten cold). Any dish whose recipe involves the use of vegetable oil without heating it will do.
Important! Heat treatment of pumpkin oil is unacceptable, as it practically completely deprives it of its beneficial properties. It is also important to maintain storage conditions: in the dark and at a temperature below 25˚С.
The test introduction of a specific product into the diet is recommended to be carried out in a calm atmosphere. Allergic reactions or intolerance should never be ruled out. Even among those people who eat pumpkin with pleasure and without the slightest discomfort to the digestion.
One more delicate point must be taken into account: a possible increase in intestinal motility. If this happens mildly, one can only rejoice at such an effect. However, diarrhea is not excluded, which can be survived by taking sorbents, sufficient drinking and rest.
Did the body take the new product positively? If you want, you can slightly increase the “dosage”. However, you should not completely replace the vegetable oil in the diet with pumpkin oil. The maximum allowed amount is no more than three tablespoons per day. A larger volume can adversely affect the work of the pancreas.
With good tolerance, you can try another method and start drinking pumpkin oil for weight loss in its pure form. The scheme is simple: a teaspoon an hour before meals, up to three times a day. A more precise scheme will be prompted by the reactions of your own body. It is possible that for some people, a single dose will already give the desired effect.
The smell and taste deserve a separate mention. Opinions about these characteristics are directly opposite. Some praise the specific notes of aroma and taste, while others are not delighted at best. Did you happen to be in the second group? The taste that seemed unpleasant can be softened if you wash down the oil with a couple of sips of any natural juice. It is undesirable to use water for this. Another option is to eat a small bread (oat, buckwheat) or a crouton. It should be taken into account that bread by itself stimulates the intestinal tract, and to control the body’s reaction to such combinations of products.
Didn’t this oil work? Do not worry, there are other equally interesting ones: sea buckthorn, castor, black cumin, coconut.
The main ones are diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, especially with the formation of stones. In second place are such gastrointestinal ailments as gastritis and ulcers.
The following diseases/conditions require that pumpkin oil be used only after medical approval:
- pregnancy/lactation;
- diabetes (regardless of type);
- impaired functions of internal organs.
Rational use of pumpkin oil for weight loss allows you to achieve the best results, which are provided by dietary nutrition in combination with feasible and permitted physical activity.