- Mechanism of weight loss
- Contraindications
- Instructions for use
- List
- Overview of the most effective
- Recipes
Herbalists have long recommended using fat-burning herbs for weight loss, as they are the most effective. In this area, diuretic plants or appetite suppressants are usually used. But diuretics only remove excess fluid and do not affect the modeling of the figure, leaving the fat unchanged. The effect of the latter is short-lived, they simply reduce appetite. But there are extracts that have a direct effect on lipolysis, providing a reliable result without harming health.
Mechanism of weight loss
In order to get rid of fatty deposits, people often resort to three proven methods: they go on a diet, go in for sports or resort to liposuction. And few people think about the fact that there are methods that are much simpler and safer for health than all of these.
Starvation exhausts the body. Exercise leads either to dehydration of the body or to muscle growth, which does not contribute to weight loss. Surgery is always fraught with consequences and complications.
As an alternative, we propose to consider fat-burning herbs, on the basis of which you can prepare healing teas and infusions, drink them for a certain period (in courses), and achieve lasting results.
This is how ordinary plants can change complex biochemical processes in the body:
- contain substances that can destroy fat cells;
- normalize metabolism, including lipolysis – the breakdown of fats into acids and their elimination from the body, in which somatotropin and glucagon take an active part, the production of which is promoted by herbal extracts;
- slow down the production of inulin, which inhibits the process of lipolysis;
- have a thermogenic effect, that is, they help to increase body temperature, as a result of which fats are burned faster.
As a result, you can achieve excellent results that no diet can provide:
- weight loss up to 10 kg per month;
- the lost kilograms will not return, since the lipolysis process will recover and will not allow the body to start storing fat for the future (although it is advisable to normalize nutrition for this);
- correction of the figure in the most problematic areas (such herbal treatment will remove visceral fat on the abdomen, folds on the sides, waist, hips, buttocks, arms);
- the rejuvenating and regenerating effect of most medicinal plants will guarantee that after losing weight there will be no stretch marks or cellulite on the body.
And most importantly, fat-burning herbs will also have a therapeutic effect if there are any health problems. Due to contraindications, many people are prohibited from dieting and exercising. But if you choose a medicinal plant that is appropriate for your disease, then you can avoid prohibitions.
Interesting. When you exercise or diet, the body begins to look for energy reserves in itself. First of all, it uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is stored in the muscles. As soon as it runs out, carbohydrates are used – glucose is taken from the blood, and glycogen from the liver. And only when these reserves are also depleted (and this will take a very long time), subcutaneous fat cells finally begin to be utilized. Therefore, starvation and exercise are not an option for rapid weight loss. But herbs allow you to achieve the desired result right away.
And yet, despite all their benefits for the body, fat-burning herbs should be used with caution. They contain a huge amount of active substances that, in high concentration and with regular use, can be harmful. To avoid this, it is advisable to refrain from choosing this method of losing weight if there are certain contraindications, including:
- individual intolerance;
- life-threatening conditions that require immediate medical attention;
- oncological diseases;
- mental and venereal diseases;
- septic and infectious diseases;
- diseases in the acute stage: bronchial asthma, hypertensive crisis, asthmatic status, myocardial infarction, etc.;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- pancreatitis, ulcer (in these cases, weight loss is not recommended at all).
If, despite the presence of contraindications, you still start drinking herbs that promote fat burning, this can result in unpleasant side effects:
- allergic reaction (manifested by nasal congestion, constant sneezing, coughing, skin rash);
- intestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, pain and discomfort in the stomach, flatulence, bloating);
- exacerbation of existing diseases;
- lethargy, decreased performance, drowsiness;
- psychotropic effects: irritability, sudden mood swings, tearfulness, depressive states.
To avoid such complications, always take into account your state of