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Slimming Face Masks: Say Goodbye to Chubby Cheeks and Double Chin

Owners of puffy faces are rarely satisfied with what they see in the mirror and it concerns not only the body but the face as well. Who likes to see loose saggy skin, bags under the eyes, chubby cheeks, sagging cheeks, and a double chin? At home, this situation hardly ever improves on its own, but there is a way out. To do this, there are simple masks that are easy to make at home. Of course, they won’t help with losing kilos, but they are quite effective when it comes to puffiness and wrinkles.


Many people underestimate homemade face and cheeks slimming masks, believing them to be ineffective. But their 100% natural composition provides a comprehensive effect on subcutaneous fat cells:

  • accelerating cell metabolism;
  • providing a lifting effect;
  • nourishing the skin with nutrients;
  • improving microcirculation;
  • eliminating sagginess, wrinkles, ptosis, and sagging skin;
  • normalizing the sebaceous glands, which also affects the amount of fat in the face;
  • smoothing out the complexion;
  • tightening cheeks and double chin;
  • improving facial contours;
  • providing lymphatic drainage, which eliminates bags and puffiness under the eyes.

Depending on the functions they perform, masks can be lifting, anti-edema, anti-bruise, anti flews, anti double chin, and lymphatic drainage. But apart from that, they all have one goal: to promote weight loss in the face. And all this is thanks to their unique natural composition, which can be modified as needed.

Note. To lose weight in the face, you can use not only home cosmetics. Plastic surgery offers to remove excess fat in problem areas using laser liposuction. However, each procedure costs a lot of money and requires a long recovery period.


When it comes to face masks and effective cheek reduction, you need to approach their composition wisely. They shouldn’t contain anything unnecessary; all of the components in the recipe must be active, directing their action towards eliminating edema and subcutaneous fat. So, first check out the list of products that can be used to prepare such products:

  • thyme, aloe, chamomile, St. John’s wort, lavender, parsley, plantain, horsetail;
  • eggs;
  • alginate, glycerin, lanolin;
  • oils: castor oil, sea buckthorn oil, palm oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, linseed oil, jojoba oil;
  • berries (fresh, but not frozen or canned);
  • honey;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • yeast;
  • pears, apples, cherries, plums, citrus fruits, avocadoes, kiwi;
  • any fresh vegetables;
  • fish fat.

The most effective masks are made from all of this variety, which solve the majority of problems. Learn how to combine them correctly, in the right proportions, and the result will not be long in coming.

Good to know. A mask corset for a facelift called Facelift is available for purchase. It is a compression bandage for daily use.


For masks to really help, it is important to use them correctly.

Rule number 1

Even the best mask will be ineffective if you do not change anything in your lifestyle. You need to fight extra pounds comprehensively: reduce the daily caloric content of the diet (read how to calculate it in our article) and at the same time increase physical activity (you can find simple and effective exercises and weight loss programs on the link). Then the results will be noticeable within a week.

How to choose a recipe

Before you start looking for effective means for face slimming, try to figure out what causes its fullness in your particular case: edema, cheeks, and a double chin (which are often age-related changes, and not manifestations of overweight) or a really excessive fat layer. In the first case, you will need lymphatic drainage masks, in the second, lifting masks, and in the third, thermogenic masks to burn fat.

After that, study the proposed recipes, paying attention to the composition of the masks. Compare it to the list above. Are they really suitable for face slimming? Remember that all of the components should be available. For example, choose avocado, and tomorrow it may be gone from store shelves, because it is not the season. But the product should be used in courses; if you start working, you will give up.

How to avoid side effects

The main side effect that you might come across when using any home mask is an allergic reaction to one of the components. You might not even know about it. You have eaten cherries all of your life with impunity, and you even love them. But at the same time, after applying its pulp to your face, you could get a rash. After all, eating a product and applying it externally as a cosmetic product are two different things.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to first test each prepared mask on a sensitive area of your body (e.g., on your wrist). If it does not start to itch or turn red within 24 hours, then the mixture can be applied to the face without any risk to the skin.

How to prepare the products

It is advisable to use homemade (farm) dairy products and eggs. Everything should be fresh, juicy, without rot, or an expired shelf life. Heat cosmetic oils and honey in a double boiler. There should be no lumps, so it is better to whisk the entire mass with a blender.

How to prepare the skin

One of the features of the skin during obesity and excess weight is that the pores are clogged with sebaceous secretions, and this makes cellular respiration difficult. As a result, it will be difficult for the active substances of the mask to penetrate deep enough. Because of this, you may not get any effect from the applied product at all. Therefore, be sure to steam your skin before the procedure. To do this, use a steamer or a regular steam bath. It is better not to injure the

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