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Kiwi Fasting Day: The Quick, Tasty Way to Lose Weight

  • Benefits
  • Preparation
  • Options
  • Precautions

No holiday table is complete without kiwi: fruit salads, cocktails, and berry pies. But we are interested in its benefits for weight loss. For a long time, nutritionists have included the “Chinese gooseberry”, as it is also called, in the list of “healthy” products. We’ll tell you about a fasting day on it.


This berry hails from China. The wild ancestor of modern plants was brought to New Zealand, where, after selection, it acquired its present tastes and appearance, familiar to millions of fans. The fruit is appreciated for its unusual taste: a mixture of gooseberry, banana, melon, strawberry, apple, and pineapple. Its benefits lie in its unique composition and calorie content.

Low calorie content

There are only 50 kcal per 100 g. Such calorie content is tantamount to zero. All energy is spent on the digestion process itself. Therefore, you can eat kiwi without restrictions, without worrying about your weight. Usually, 1 kg is recommended for a fasting day. This is 500 kcal.

Biologically active substances

Contains the unique enzyme actinidin, which is similar in properties to digestive enzymes. It breaks down fiber and accelerates the metabolism. Fat deposits are burned faster, the pounds melt away. It is very beneficial to use kiwi with meat and other “heavy” dishes.

Dietary fiber

They are practically indigestible. Passing through the intestines, they “stick together” to all the toxins that accumulate there due to improper diet. When losing weight, the number of such harmful substances increases. After their withdrawal, digestion improves, the toxic effect is eliminated, and the heaviness in the abdomen goes away.

Biochemical Treasure

Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamins and minerals. Let’s talk about how kiwi stands out from the general line of fruits and berries:

  • A huge amount of vitamin C. Its daily value is contained in 100 g. This is more than in all citrus fruits and bell peppers. It is not directly related to weight loss, but such a “bonus” is very useful for immunity.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process and prevents the formation of atypical tumor cells. It is found in high-calorie foods—eggs, nuts, oily fish. People who monitor their weight usually do not use such a menu, which leads to a deficiency of vitamin E. Kiwi can solve this problem.
  • Nicotinic acid (PP) lowers triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. For those suffering from severe forms of obesity, this is vital (prevention of heart attack, stroke, diabetes).
  • Of the microelements, iodine is especially important for losing weight. It is necessary for the thyroid gland, without which it is impossible to control weight normally.

The composition is also rich in vitamins A, group B (B1, B6, B12, B5), calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Such a variety, in combination with low calorie content, guarantees excellent weight loss results without harm to health. But it is the lack of nutrients that is the main reason why nutritionists do not welcome the enthusiasm for diets.


In order to achieve the maximum effect (you can lose up to 1.5 kg of weight per day), proper preparation is important:

  1. The day before, we stop eating fatty and “unhealthy” food (exclude foods with dyes, preservatives, fried, smoked dishes).
  2. The last meal is no later than 6 pm, it is even better if it is just a glass of kefir.
  3. We prepare in advance 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water and 1 kg of kiwi.

How to choose a quality product?

Surely each of us has at least once in our life bought unripe fruits. What a disappointment when instead of a delicious sweet treat you get something that goes straight to the trash? To avoid making this mistake again, remember some simple rules:

  • Firmness – choose the golden mean: too hard – unripe, and very soft – most likely overripe or even spoiled.
  • Color – look for an even, greenish-protective color and a slight fuzz.
  • The smell – fresh fruit does not smell. With prolonged storage, a “wine” smell appears – this is a sign of spoilage.
  • The place where the stalk was attached is a special zone. If a drop of juice appears after pressing, then it was stored incorrectly.
  • There should be no additional plaque on the fruit! This is a sign of mold.

And finally, it is better to buy fruit not in finished packaging, but by weight. It is not for nothing that they cost a little more. By doing so, sellers confirm that it is easier to hide spoiled products in finished packaging.


Option 1. Basic

The classic kiwi fasting day includes the following menu:

  1. Kiwi – 1 kg.
  2. Chicken breast without skin – 1 pc.
  3. Water without gas and green tea – 2 l.

It is better to boil the meat in the morning on the same day. We divide the products into 6 equal parts. You get one meal every 2 hours. In between, we drink water and tea without sugar.

Why chicken breast?

  • It is almost pure protein, which is guaranteed not to be stored in the form of fat.
  • Protein is digested longer than other nutrients, so you feel full longer.

Due to this, losing weight is easier: “breakdowns” for food are less likely.

Option 2. Fruit

This option is specially designed for the summer, when the berry season is in full swing. Here is the recommended menu:

  1. Kiwi – 600 g.
  2. Fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.) – 600 g.
  3. Green tea or water without gas – 1.5 l.

It is also necessary to divide the food into 6 servings and eat in portions every 2 hours.

This option is good because there is almost no cooking, it is easy and enjoyable.

Option 3. Vegetable

It is recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and are not advised to eat a lot of fresh fruits and berries. The menu looks like this:

  1. Kiwi – 600 g.
  2. Cucumber – 300 g.
  3. Boiled beets – 300 g.
  4. Water without gas and green tea – 1.5 l.

Cooking is minimal: you just need to boil the beets. The rest of the ingredients can simply be peeled and chopped.


In addition to its benefits, kiwi also has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to use it for people with citrus allergies. Potential harm can also come from the seeds, which are not recommended to be eaten. It is advisable to start the fasting day by eating 1-2 kiwi, observing the body’s reaction. If there is no rash, itching, nausea, or other alarming symptoms, then you can safely eat the rest of the fruit.

Do not forget that a fasting day on kiwi is a kind of stress for the body. It is better to refuse it for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children. In no case should you resort to such a diet more than once a week.

Be beautiful and healthy!

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